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Arjun Tea – Herbal Remedies for Heart Care

Arjun Tea


Arjun Tea is the combination of purely herbal ingredients described in ancient Ayurvedic texts as one of the most effective herbal remedies for heart care and blood pressure. It is the safest choice to the problems like hypertension, high cholesterol, fatigue, blocked coronary arteries.Arjun Tea is made keeping in mind pure Ayurvedic ways of healing. The product comprises of safe herbs that are used in Ayurveda since times immemorial.

Ayurveda-The ancient Indian healing system has been into practice in India for more than 5000 years. Utilizing herbs, minerals, proper nutrition, purification and above all, affirmative ways of living.

The concept of Arjun Tea is based on preparation described in Ayurvedic texts as “Ksheer Pak” i.e. boiling the herbs in milk and water to get both water soluble and fat soluble liquid extracts from the herbs to get maximum benefits.

Indications of Our Herbal Tea in Various Heart Problems

Arjun tea is very effective herbal remedy for heart problems. It is effective herbal solution for high cholesterol, high triglycerides, disturbed cholesterol levels, fats under the eyes. It helps in congestive heart failure, coronary artery blockage and othe heart problems.

Uses of Arjun Tea

  • Provides nutrition to heart as it is rich in natural Co-enzyme Q 10 (1 cup contains approx. 25-30 mg Co-Q 10)
  • Maintains cholesterol levels, Controls Blood Pressure
  • Improves pumping capacity of the heart
  • Rich in natural Anti-oxidants
  • Effective heart care herbal remedy
  • Gives strength to heart muscles and strengthens vascular system
  • It tones up and strengthens heart muscle and arterial system
  • It is a Nicotine/Caffeine free herbal tea to take care of above mentioned problems and that too without any side effects.
  • Delicious and exotic taste makes it easy to consume.
  • All these benefits without any side effects
  • The product contains no preservatives and contains only herbs

More About Our Herbal Tea – The Arjun Tea

Arjun tea is not only a natural remedy for blood pressure and cholesterol but it also nourishes the heart muscle. It improves the blood circulation and is rich in natural anti-oxidants. It contains natural flavonoids, cardiac glycosides,which improve the pumping capacity of the heart and makes this tea a very effective among other herbal remedies for congestive heart failure.

The herbs in this tea are described in Ayurveda since 1000 B.C. as the best herbal remedies for coronary artery disease and other heart problems.It is a very special herbal tea that contains only herbs and natural ingredients without caffeine or any synthetic chemicals. Ayurvedic literature has explained Terminalia arjuna and cinnamon zeylanica as the best natural remedies for heart prob1ems like coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, and blood pressure etc. The plant Terminalia arjuna, inlua racemosa, cinnamon zeylanica and other herbs for heart problems are explained in a very effective manner in this ancient science of healing.

Ingredients of Arjuna Tea

Each 5 gm. Contains:-

Sr. No.Indian NameBotanical NameQuantity
1.ArjunaTerminalia arjuna3.20 gm
2.PunarnavaBoerhavia diffusa0.60 gm
3.Pipal TvakFicus religiosa0.40 gm
4.DalchiniCinnamomum zeylanicum0.40 gm
5.Chhoti ElaichiElettaria cardamomum0.40 gm

1. Terminalia Arjuna

An Ayurvedic cardio protective botanical being used in Ayurveda since 2500 B.C. has remarkable cardio protective, heart muscle strengthening properties.

  • Regular use of T.arjuna improves pumping activity of heart, improves cardiac muscle strength, decrease in LDL, Total and triglyceride cholesterol levels.
  • Terminalia arjuna is a rich natural source of Co-Enzyme Q 10, which is a nutrient required by the heart for its energy requirements.
  • Terminalia arjuna is used in Ayurveda for Congestive heart failure. Regular use increases ejection fraction of the heart and helps in heart muscle weakness.
  • The bark is rich in saponnins, natural anti-oxidants (flavonoids-arjunone, arjunolone) gallic acid, ellagic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, phytosterols. Tarjuna contains specific medically active constituents namely triterpine glycosides like arjunetosides I, II, III, IV, arjunine and arjunetin.

2. Borrrhavia Diffusa

Another Ayurvedic botanical growing in upper Himalayas is in use since centuries as heart attack preventing medication and good to remove toxins from the liver and kidneys without causing any harm. It is popularly known as “punarnava” – Punar means again and Nava means new in ancient sanskrit language. This helps in rejuvenation ( new again). The herb also works like a mild diuretic and helps to ease pressure from the heart. It is nature’s best herbal remedy for heart care.

3. Cinnamomum Zeylanica

The spice known as “Dalchini” or Cinnamon is a native to Indian subcontinent. It has remarkable cholesterol lowering properties. Regular use reduces episodes of breathlessness and clears the cholesterol from the blood, gives strength to heart muscle, vascular system and works as best natural anti-oxidant.

To buy Arjun Tea, please visit

Few Heart Care Tips

Ayurveda recommends dietary and life style changes to prevent and treat heart problems.

Gourd juice is really a miracle for treating coronary artery blockage.

Fiber rich diet, green leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetable like carrot, apples, and guava are recommended. Constipation must be avoided to prevent any heart problems according to Ayurvedic theories of healing. Constipation leads to vitiation of ‘Vata’ and that causes angina and sudden heart attacks.

Heavy fried meals containing excess sugar, breads, meat and egg preparations, pulses and their preparations, curd, groundnut oil are strictly prohibited according to Ayurvedic principles. Stimulants like smoking, tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks are very harmful for such patients.

  1. A 6 monthly screening of LDL-HDL balance, total cholesterol and triglycerides, levels.
  2. Reduce intake of common salt (Dietary Sodium).
  3. Get a deep sleep each night.
  4. Minimize chronic stress.
  5. Maintain a positive attitude towards life.
  6. Have warm relationships and go through life with positive attitude, little anger, hatred or hostility.
  7. Ayurveda recommends controlling your desires and wishes to get rid of stress, hypertension and coronary artery disease.
  8. Incorporate yoga (Practice of ‘Pranayama’ is most important for treating blood pressure and high cholesterol problem) meditation, naturopathy and routine exercises in your daily regimen.It is possible to reverse heart disease by doing moderate physical activity on a daily basis.

Research on Terminalia Arjuna

1. Antianginal and cardioprotective effects of Terminalia arjuna, an indigenous drug, in coronary artery disease. (By – Dwivedi S, Agarwal MP.)

The effect of bark powder of Terminalia arjuna, an indigenous drug, on anginal frequency, blood pressure, body mass index, blood sugar, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol was studied in 15 stable (Group A) and 5 unstable (Group B) angina patients before and 3 months after T. arjuna therapy. Tread mill test (TMT) and echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction was evaluated in some cases. There was 50% reduction in anginal episodes in Group A cases (P < 0.01). TMT performance improved from moderate to mild changes in 5 patients and one with mild changes became negative for ischemia. The time to the onset of angina and appearance of ST-T changes on TMT after T. arjuna was delayed significantly. However, in patients with unstable angina there was an insignificant reduction in anginal frequency. These patients also needed diltiazem, B-blockers and nitroglycerine in addition to T. arjuna. The drug lowered systolic blood pressure and body mass index to a significant level (p < 0.05) and increased HDL-cholesterol only slightly along with marginal improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction in stable angina patients. There were no deleterious effects on liver or kidney functions. Our results suggest that monotherapy with T. arjuna is fairly effective in patients with symptoms of stable angina pectoris. However, it has a limited role in unstable angina.

2. The following clinical study also depicts the role of Arjuna on heart problems:

JAIPUR, India – Researchers here compared the effects of Terminalia Arjuna tree bark with the heart-health benefits of vitamin E in a study published in February’s The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (49:231-5, 2001). In the one-month study, researchers reviewed 105 patients with coronary heart disease, none of whom were on lipid-lowering drugs. At baseline, total cholesterol, triglycerides, lipid peroxidation and HDL and LDL cholesterol were measured. Divided into three groups, group one received a placebo, group two received 400 IU of vitamin E per day and group three received 500 mg of finely pulverized bark powder. No significant changes were found in the placebo or vitamin E groups for total, HDL and LDL cholesterol levels, nor in triglyceride levels. However, in the tree bark group, total and LDL cholesterol were significantly lowered. Notably, lipid peroxidation decreased most significantly in the vitamin E users. The researchers, based at the Monilek Hospital and Research Center, concluded that Terminalia Arjuna tree bark powder proved to have a significant cholesterol lowering effect.

3. Terminalia Arjuna Reverses Impaired Endothelial Function in Chronic Smokers Anil Bharani, Lalit Kumar Ahirwar, Neeraj Jain Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College and Maharaja Yashwant Rao Hospital, Indore- India

Background: Smoking, largely through increased oxidative stress, causes endothelial dysfunction which is an early key event in atherosclerosis. Smoking cessation and antioxidant vitamin therapy are shown to have beneficial role by restoring altered endothelial physiology. The present study was aimed to determine whether Terminalia arjuna, an Indian medicinal plant with potent antioxidant constituents, would improve endothelial dysfunction in smokers.

Methods and Results: Eighteen healthy male smokers (age 28.16±9.45 years) and equal number of agematched non-smoker controls participated in the study. The baseline brachial artery reactivity studies were performed using high frequency ultrasound according to standard protocol under identical conditions to determine endothelium-dependent, flow-mediated dilation and endothelium-independent nitroglycerinemediated dilation. The two groups were matched regarding age, body mass index, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, mean resting vessel diameters and post-occlusion flow velocities (all p=NS). While flow-mediated dilation was significantly impaired amongst smokers compared to controls (4.71±2.22 v. 11.75±5.94%, p <0.005), the nitroglycerine-mediated dilation was similar in the two groups (20.35±3.89 v. 19.68±3.74%, p=NS). Subsequently the smokers were given Terminalia arjuna (500 mg q8h) or matching placebo randomly in a double blind cross-over design for two weeks each, followed by repetition of brachial artery reactivity studies to determine various parameters including flow-mediated dilation after each period. There was no significant difference as regards vessel diameter and flow velocities between the two therapies. However, the flow-mediated dilation showed significant improvement from baseline values after Terminalia arjuna therapy but not with placebo (9.31±3.74 v. 5.17±2.42% , p <0.005).

Conclusions: Smokers have impaired endothelium-dependent but normal endothelium-independent vasodilation as determined by brachial artery reactivity studies. Further, Terminalia arjuna therapy for two weeks leads to significant regression of this endothelial abnormality amongst smokers. (Indian Heart J 2004; 56: 123–128).





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