An Article by – Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan (BAMS-Gold Medalist, MD-Alt. Medicine)
“My wife is almost flat chested and my excitement goes down the toilet when I see my flat chested women. It’s affecting our sex life very much as it’s effecting my erection!
I do love my wife very much but I am afraid she won’t live with me if this goes on. I have already consulted a doctor about my erection problem and he says I should watch porn to improve my psychology. I am doing as the doctor said and even taking the diet and medicines he prescribed. But whenever I see my wife’s flat chest, my body dies. Please help us, pleeeeeeezzzz!!!!”— the sad story of James Newton – writes from NY, USA.
As you read this you may laugh a bit but if you are also going through the same situation you can feel the pain of the couple. And it is not a self-generated question but one of my real patient.
So we can see how important the bust is. It is not just the physical or cosmetic requirement for the female but it also at times affects the partner too and the couple feels the pain in life.
According to Ayurveda breast is the main beauty of a female and a female with good curvy figure is a true stimulant for her partner. Ayurveda says that to have healthy breast a female should have perfect reproductive system. Any discharges per vagina has negative effect on the breast size. More the discharge, smaller the breast size. As any kind of hormonal disturbance in the body of a female cause the breast size to change.
Ayurveda has the real answer to bust enlargement safe remedies as they are purely natural extracts from herbs and have no damaging effect on the body. And any female of any age can use the bust enlargement pack with complete faith. There are purely natural breast enlargement herbal remedies which give their results within 1 month of their regular usage. Though I recommend that these herbal remedies for breast enlargement should be used for about 3 months regularly to get full effects.
Herbal Supplements for Breast Enhancement
Planet Ayurveda offer’s Bust Enhancement Pack which is prepared by nature’s best female health supporting herbs. These herbs help to balance the hormonal irregularities in body and enhance the healthy breast tissue growth.
- Shatavari Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water.
- Bustonica Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water.
- Bustonica Oil – The appropriate quantity of oil may be massaged once a day or as directed by the physician. Total massage time should not be less than 15 minutes and more than 30 minutes. Massage must be in circular motion.
- Cleopatra Anti Ageing Body Butter – For Local Application.
Products Description
These capsules are an amazing herbal formulation from the house of Planet Ayurveda to resolve the women problems related to undeveloped breasts, saggy breasts or shapeless breasts. On the other hand, there are some women who complain of difference in breast size that their right and left breast are unequal in size and shape. The regular intake of Bustonica would eliminate the showing difference. The breasts would become of the same size gradually. This herbal products is prepared from standardized extracts of best quality herbs such as Vidarikand (Pueraria tubersora), Varahikand (Ipomea digitata), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Safed Musali (Chlorphytum borivilianum) and Lodhra (Symplocus racemosa).
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is considered as female health tonic. It is famous herb in Ayurveda since ages for supporting good health of female reproductive and digestive system. Use of this herb is equally effective in enhancing the women’s bust line and can also be given in almost all menstrual problems including amenorrhea and dysmenorrheal. It boosts up the libido in females and supports the release of related hormones thus increases the female’s interest in her partner and sexual life. For enhancing the bust size this herb does not work less than a wonder as it helps to maintain the balanced female hormones and healthy female reproductive system health.
A wonderful oil formulation that has Gumbhari (Gmelina arborea), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum), Choti dudhi (Euphorbia thymifolia), Patha (Cissampelos pareira) etc. along with variety of oils like flax seeds oil, sunflower seeds oil, sesame seeds oil in it. It is an excellent natural combination that provides healthier, bigger and beautiful bust line. It improves the size, shape and makes breasts bigger and tighter. It gives strength to the breast muscles.
Cleopatra body butter contains many essential constituents like Almond oil, Shea butter, Aloe vera extract, Glycerin, Olive oil, Jojoba oil and many others. The application of this cream helps in the nourishment of the surrounding area and also provides a pumpy look to the skin. The oils present in the cream help in making skin smooth and soft on touch. Aloe vera on the other hand completely nourishes the skin and reduces any kind of stretch marks present.
How to do Breast Massage?
Let’s discuss the simple massage which has four step and will increase the breast size. This massage has to be done by yourself, in the privacy of your own home. Although almost any gentle massage technique will be of benefit, these four techniques should be a part of your personal regimen.
More specifically, step one is a gentle draining motion designed to drain the breasts lymphatic system and is possibly the most important of the four steps. Steps number two and four are to assist in the movement of venous fluids. Feel free to experiment with these two movements and find what is comfortable for you. Step Three is simply to help keep your support ligaments in good health and assist in the fight against gravity.
This procedure should be done three times a week. Apply the above given oil, before doing Breast Massage, by following these steps:
- Step One: Use oil on your fingers to gently massage smoothly away from the nipple. These movements should move away from the nipple and the pressure used should as gentle as the pressure given to eyelids while massage. Any more pressure would flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the flow of toxins and fluids. Also, make this stroke slow, not fast, for it to be effective.
- Step Two: Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.
- Step Three: Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist and massage the breast in a clock-wise and anticlockwise direction. Being careful not to put too much tension and pressure on the breast.
- Step Four: Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure, compression to move out more pressure fluids.
Total Massage time should not be less than 15 minutes and more than 30min.

We recommend using this for 3 months continuously and the results will just a miracle for you.
Benefits of Bust Enhancement Pack
Here we have a close look at the Bust Enhancement Pack. Ask a female what she wants? Given the choices:-
- Money
- Fame
- Figure
- handsome man
And her first choice will be Figure as every little damsel knows that a perfect figure can fetch her any of the other three options. As she is well aware that lovely bustline is the major attraction for everyone.
So, here we have wonderful herbal combo pack (Bust Enhancement Pack) to have bouncy and well-toned bust.
What exactly the Bust Enhancement Pack for breast enlargement do?? They just enlarges the bust by making the cells spongy and increasing the skin collagen and the treatment is completely natural way to firm the breasts, safe and free from side effects.
Throughout the world, there are many Ayurvedic remedies for breast enlargement. Let us first find out the real cause why the bust development is delayed. According to Ayurveda if the female suffers from chronic yeast infection, white discharge and irregular periods she is more prone to have loose and sagging bust and under developed bustline that may put her to shame.
Most of the women just go for cosmetic products for breast enlargement but don’t hit at the real problem and are unable to get complete results of the oils and creams they are using. And all the claims seem fake and the herbal remedies seem just not working at all !
So here we at Planet Ayurveda aim to give complete satisfaction to the woman who uses our products for bust enhancement. We have many success stories to our credit and with God’s grace people keep coming back for more. The reason is that we are covering all the underlying causes of sagging breasts and handling the problem from bottom to top.
This Bust Enhancement Pack has been formulated by Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan – MD Ayurveda. This herbal pack gives excellent results within 2 months of regular use, without causing any side effects. For more information contact: Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan
To buy Bust Enhancement Pack, please visit