Diet Plan for Weight Gain

Underweight Man

Early Morning

Soak some almonds (5-6), figs (5-6) and raisins (1/5th of a cup) in water overnight. Eat these next day on early morning. Divide this, in two parts and eat twice daily. One at the early morning, one at the evening time.


Banana milkshake, or simple banana with a glass of milk. 1 bowl of vegetable Daliya or oats. 2 slices of wheat bran flakes or multigrain bread.

Or you can eat 30 g of Paneer with one boiled egg or 2 chicken breast if you are non-vegetarian. A glass of warm milk is must.


1 whole fruit with 1 glass of Lassi or butter milk or coconut water.


2 chappatis or 2 bowls of rice with 1 bowl of vegetable, 1 bowl of dal and 1 cup of curd.


1 glass of banana shake with 1 bowl of roasted chana or 1 bowl of upma. You can also take mango shake. Or you can eat 1 grilled sandwich. Or you can also take 1 bowl of vegetable or chicken soup.


2-3 chapattis, 1 bowl of vegetable, with 1 bowl of dal or chicken/egg/ fish (if you are non-veg). Take 1 cup of curd too.


1 glass of milk. Add a pinch of turmeric and honey too. Take the leftover of early morning soaked almonds, figs and raisins.

Fruits Good for Weight Gain

Banana, mango, avocado, grapes, date, apricot, pineapple, olives and berries (Raspberries and blue berries). You can add berries to your curd.

Vegetables Good for Weight Gain

Potatoes, Mushroom, spinach, tomato, bell peppers, onion, lettuce, carrots, beans and other green leafy vegetables.

Other Food Products

Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, dried fruits, peanut and soy products.

Dairy Products

Paneer, curd, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Non Vegetarian

Fish – Eat twice in a week. You can take fish such as Mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines and salmon.

Eggs and chicken.

What to Avoid?

Though junk foods such as pizza, burger, soda, chips, and candy are high in calories. But eating them to gain weight is usually not a good option. Because they are high in sugar and fat and packed with low beneficial nutrients. So better, to avoid them.