• 100 percent pure and natural.
  • 100 percent vegetarian.
  • Formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors.
  • Support healthy respiratory system.
  • Free from chemicals, additives, preservatives.
  • Free from side effects.

Planet Ayurveda provides “Vasaka capsules” as a dietary supplement for healthy respiratory system. The Vasaka capsule of Planet Ayurveda is formed from standardized extracts of pure Malabur nut (Adhatoda vasika).

The Malabur nut is a shrub that has lance shaped leaves which are oppositely arranged and smooth-edged. They are of brownish green color when they are dry. Trunk has long, opposite and ascending branches. The bark is of yellow color. Flowers are usually of white color and their inflorescence shows large and dense spikes. Fruits are with club shaped capsules. The leaves of this plant contain phytochemicals such as several alkaloids (such as vasicine), tannins, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids in it. Out of these most important is vasicine (Quinazoline alkaloid).

Pack Size – Each bottle contains 60 capsules in it.

Dosage – 1-2 capsules two times a day, with plain water, after meals.

To buy Vasaka Capsules, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/vasaka-capsules

Respiratory system

Lungs are the main organ of our respiratory system. Breathing is controlled by our respiratory system and it begins when we draw in the air via our nose or mouth. This air travels into both the lungs through the windpipe. In the lungs, small air sacs are present, which capture oxygen and distribute this oxygen into the bloodstream through capillaries. Our diaphragm controls respiration. It contracts when we inhale and then relaxes (collapse our chest and forces out carbon dioxide), when we exhale.

What are common respiratory problems?

The oxygen is taken up and carbon dioxide is expelled out through our lungs. This exchange of gases is required for life. Cough, cold, sinusitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever are some of the common respiratory problems.

Ayurvedic approach to respiratory problems

Ayurveda is one of an oldest health care system which was developed thousands of years ago in India. Ayurveda says, that health and wellness of a person depend upon a proper balance between the mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda describes three doshas (tridoshas) as the life forces of the body. These three doshas are Vata dosha (space and air), Pitta dosha (fire and water) and Kapha dosha (water and earth). Each dosha is associated with different functions of the body.

Respiratory disorders are known as “Swasa Roga”, in Ayurveda. It occurs due to aggravation of Vata and Kapha dosha of the body.

Healthy diet for healthy body

Diet low in fats should be included in your meals. Foods such as fish, lean cuts of meat are low in fats. Foods that are high in fiber include whole grain foods like whole grain bread, brown rice, oats and bran. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dairy products such as milk and cheese leads to thicker phlegm and hence should be included as little as possible in your diet. If dairy products are not creating any problem to your health then you can continue this diary products in your diet.

Dietary supplements and health

As the name indicates, Dietary supplements are the products that supplement the food we eat. They contain one or more dietary ingredient in it. They just support a healthy diet, which is the major requirement for supporting healthy body. They are not meant for curing any disease.

Nowadays, markets are flooded with so many nutritional supplements for a healthy body. Planet Ayurveda also provides the dietary supplements that support overall health of the body. “Vasaka capsules” of Planet Ayurveda can be taken as a dietary supplement for supporting healthy Respiratory system.