healthy immune system

Immunity is that state of body, when it has the ability to fight against the various health-related complications effectively. It is extremely essential for the individuals to have a healthy immune system to remain fit and carry out a normal living. Several contaminated, harmful and infectious diseases affect the body of the individuals, which endanger their immune system greatly. This has a huge impact on the individuals and their overall well being.

There may be several reasons of losing one’s immunity power. It may be due to certain diseases, environmental conditions, lack of proper attention, ignorance about the issue and many others. But, once the body loses its immunity power, it becomes vulnerable to several diseases, which affect their day to day life to a huge extent.

Loss of immunity may result into several immune system disorders. There may be tremendous abdominal pain, bleeding, breathing problems, vomiting, nausea, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS and several other complications related to different parts of the body.

However, to have a control on this situation, Planet Ayurveda has provided some effective herbal remedies to boost your immunity.

Herbal Remedies to Boost Immunity

Planet Ayurveda has provided us with its Immune Booster Capsules, which helps to build the immune system effectively. It enhances the body’s metabolic rate, flushes out all the toxic and unwanted materials from the body and cleans the body system completely. It also prevents the recurrence of the infections and protects the individuals from free radical formation as well. It is helpful in treating various diseases like asthma, throat infections, cough, cold, diabetes, cancer, ageing, liver inflammation and many more.

Ingredients of Immune Booster Capsules

1. Grape Seed

This is the rich source of Vitamin E and Vitamin C as well. It contains an alkaloid, Resveratrol. This helps to fight against prostate cancer. It eliminates the free radical formation, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and maintains the formation of glucose in the body. It is used to treat the situations of cholera, tuberculosis, nausea, eye and skin infections. It is highly effective in boosting the immunity power of the individuals.

2. Cow Colostrums

This is yet a gift of the nature. It is highly rich in immunoglobins. It is a major source of Vitamin A. It boosts up the immune system effectively and heals the body right from the cellular level. It is a wonderful remedy, especially in the post operative circumstances. It is highly rich in the essential nutrients of the body, which include vitamins, minerals, proteins and various micronutrients. It helps to build and strengthen the body’s immune system as well.

3. Bhumi Amla

It is known as the hepatoprotective herb in terms of Ayurveda. It helps the liver to remove the toxic substances from the body. It helps to maintain the level of lipids in the body by reducing LDL, VLDL. It has antioxidants and helps to alleviate viral and bacterial infections from the body of the individuals. It also possesses the properties of natural diuretic. It treats cystitis, odema and urinary tract infections (UTI) to a huge extent. Thus, it is also a highly effective herb to enhance the power of immunity in the individuals.

4. Green Tea

It is rich in antioxidants, known as polyphenols. It prevents the free radical formation. It helps in regulating the T cells, which help to fight against the auto immune disorders effectively. It helps in eliminating the toxins from the body and also helps to shed the excess fat from the body, especially in the abdominal region. It rejuvenates the body and helps to enhance the activity of the immune system to a huge extent.

Dose: 1-2 capsules two times daily with water or milk in adults and 1 capsule daily in children.

To buy Immune Booster, please visit

These herbal supplements are highly known due to their immune boosting and anti oxidating properties as well. All of them stimulate the metabolic rate of the body, including the nervous system, immune system and digestive system as well.

The Immune Booster capsules are extremely safe and easy to use. They have absolutely no side effects and help to enhance the immune system of the body effectively.