Fight Depression With Yoga And Ayurveda

is a broad term for some medical conditions adversely affecting the overall
well being of an individual. These conditions start with a mental discomfort
which can be caused by lifestyle factors that cause stress. Due to lack of
recognition in the society, the symptoms of depression can go unnoticed and
unrecognized especially in communities where mental health is not considered as
an important part of overall health, and where general health facilities are
poor. Individuals with depression can get relief by consuming ayurvedic health
supplements. This article throws light on how to deal with depression with the
help of yoga and ayurveda.


Our social behavior is such that we tend to ignore anyone
when they say they need mental rest or support instead of advice. We tend to
exaggerate our own problems but we are not willing to listen to the issues
faced by others. This kind of behavior is more common in societies where women
are not treated equal to men, and women’s independence is still an unrealistic
dream. This kind of social response to one’s problems makes depression a thing
that is not acknowledged even if it is clearly apparent in an individual.

Depression cannot be called ‘just a disorder’ because it
is a prolonged condition consisting of many other conditions that adversely
affect the energy and enthusiasm of an individual, and brings about undesirable
changes in almost every sphere of their life. It can be collectively said about
each individual going through depression that their mood keeps changing from
extreme lows to moderate highs. Still the overall mental state of such people
is usually overpowered by sadness and grief that lies in the background of all
thought processes and behavior going on. Incidents that trigger mental stress
and tension are especially responsible for bringing about depression in
people’s lives. Depression is a long-term condition and not an episodic one. It
worsens when it is not acknowledged, because it is easy for mental conditions
to go unnoticed or ignored in the initial or even later stages especially when
the person having it doesn’t have friends or family that could share and ease
their mental stressors.

Symptoms of Depression

of a physical disorder can be easily told and noticed. But those of mental
conditions may or may not be apparent. Therefore, the following behavioral
signs should not be ignored:

  • Anxiety and chronic stress
    is both a cause and a symptom
  • The person is constantly in a bad mood
    even if they fake cheering up
  • A changed pattern of daily activities
  • The person intentionally keeps their sleep and wake
    timings opposite to the society/ family so that they can avoid communication
  • The
    person avoids mending their routine and sleep-wake timings
  • The person avoids gatherings and family functions
  • The person feels worthless about themselves
  • The person has a feeling of guilt for everything going
  • The person cannot realize that they are over thinking
  • The person cannot make important decisions on their own
  • The person cannot understand and think clearly
  • A general lack of enthusiasm is shown by the individual
  • One’s eating habits have changed without them realizing
  • Suicidal thoughts are often in their mind
  • They avoid the company of those they once looked forward
  • They are avoiding conversations and feel confronted
  • They lack positivity towards anything
  • Extreme mood swings in females, which worsen during
    menstrual cycle changes
  • Alcoholism which has turned into addiction
  • Inclination towards drug consumption and injection
  • The person can become suddenly annoyed and aggressive
  • They are performing poorly at work or at school

Causes And Risk Factors

factors contribute to the development of any condition in an individual. Those factors
could originate from one’s lifestyle or routine, or even be triggered by
other’s behavior towards them. Some factors decide the severity and
susceptibility of a condition affecting a particular individual. On this basis
we see causes of a disease as lifestyle factors, environmental factors or risk

  • Stress
  • Over thinking
  • Negative thoughts
  • Major change in life such as having a baby
  • Criticism from society
  • Lack of self acceptance
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Over Consciousness
  • Lack of motivation in life
  • Loss of loved one
  • Emotional insecurities
  • Loss of job
  • Financial insecurities
  • Certain medications that worsen brain health
  • Broken marriages

Modern treatment of all
mental disorders includes antidepressant drugs that are used to improve symptoms but they never
subside completely, and they recur and worsen in most cases, especially if the
person quits or reduces medication.  Such
medications are powerful and can have severe side effects such as unintended
weight loss, nausea, disturbed bowels, abnormal blood glucose levels, and most
importantly, and poor reproductive health to name a few. Therefore it is
recommended that such individuals be enrolled in a programme that has no side

Ayurvedic Remedies For Depression

ayurvedic herbs have a special effect on the nervous system. They can
effectively reduce symptoms of depression by strengthening the brain and easing
the intensity of nerve responses and thought processes. A few of such herbs

  • Ashwagandha : botanically known as Withania somnifera, Ashwagandha has countless benefits, the most
    desirable one being that it counteracts stress. It recovers mental health and
    induces a state of happiness and satisfaction.
  • Brahmi : botanically known as Bacopa monnieri, Brahmi is an essential ingredient of all brain
    tonics because it nourishes brain cells and promotes nervous function. It is
    known to protect brain cells from damage and degeneration.
  • Shankhpushpi : this herb known as Convolvulus prostrates has a special property to restore the lost
    balance in mental energy. It is full of antioxidants that reduce mental stress
    and thus depression. It also helps prevent loss of memory.
  • Turmeric : it may surprise readers to see turmeric in this list,
    but turmeric or Curcuma longa is
    actually the most versatile herb with benefits for each system of the body.
    Turmeric protects nerve cells from damage and blockage.
  • Gotu
    : botanically named Centella asiatica, gotu kola is
    especially beneficial for managing stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and
    mental tiredness.
  • Guggulu
    : also known as Commiphora wightii, guggulu is a key ingredient in many
    formulations prescribed for stress. It also prevents age-related degeneration
    of brain cells.

Yoga For Managing Depression

is a safe set of practices that benefit not just the physical but also the
mental health of an individual in many ways. The following practices are
recommended for people with any symptoms of depression:

  • Anuloma Viloma Pranayama : alternate nostril breathing: It is an easy but
    effective pranayama. It is an excellent practice to prepare for the next practice. It should preferably be performed outdoors.
  • Bhramari Pranayama : the humming bee practice: it improves the overall
    functioning of the nervous system.
  • Shavasana : the corpse pose: recommended after asana practice,
    this pose is used to multiply the benefits of all practices. It is a relaxation
    exercise. It can be performed on a mat or on the bed. Shavasana should be
    followed by meditation.
  • Meditation : meditation is extremely beneficial and healing for
    everyone. It can treat depression magically by balancing activity of the
    cerebral hemispheres and inducing a state of everlasting calmness. Care should
    be taken to practice all the above techniques under the supervision and
    guidance of a competent yoga therapist, because depression is not a physical
    disorder that can just get away with all practices safely. During meditation,
    the brain levels are unlocked, which can make unpleasant events and memories
    intense in practitioners, even those with mild

Other Tips

a lifestyle that cuts out the physical factors contributing to worsening of any
condition multiplies the benefits of a yoga routine by several times. The
following tips are extremely beneficial for everyone with any or all symptoms
of a disorder relating to the mind.

  • Meditate.
  • Communicate more often with your
    friends, family or strangers.
  • Eat a balanced diet containing all
  • Sip on natural teas such as lavender,
    chamomile and Tulsi.
  • Consume fresh foods and avoid stale
  • Include fruits, nuts and seeds in your
  • Pick up new hobbies.
  • Learn foreign languages.
  • Serve at an old age home.
  • Offer
    voluntary service at an animal shelter if you like animals.


Depression can be managed well if it
is recognized in its early stages by behavioral changes, such as when an
otherwise talkative and extroverted person starts avoiding socialization all of
a sudden. It should be noted that the person who is getting depressed isn’t
able to communicate about his problems. It becomes the duty of the people
around such a person to take care of them and note all behavioral changes.
Mental health should be taken more seriously so that no person is hesitant to
share their problems and speak up to ask for help and support. The practices
and remedies described here are generally safe for everyone. However, pregnant
women and people with multiple conditions should seek guidance from a competent
yoga therapist so that they can benefit from meditation.