Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels which may be inside the anus or outside the anus. The internal piles are more common. Sometimes, the haemorrhoidal veins that are located in lowest part of rectum and anus, swell such that the vein walls become thin, stretched and irritated by passing bowel movements.

Types of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Generally, Piles are Classified into two Categories Which are Explained Below:

1. Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum, which we can’t see or feel them. Usually they don’t hurt, but sometimes they enlarge, or protrude outside the anal sphincter. This enlarged hemorrhoids may hurt when they become irritated by rubbing from sitting or clothing.

2. External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are the small lumps which are located on the outside edge of the anus. These are known as perianal hematoma. If a blood clot is formed inside, then it can be very painful or itchy and this hemorrhoids is known as thrombosed external haemorrhoid.

Causes of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Piles can affect anyone in any age. Usually, it is common in elder people and pregnant women. The exact cause of piles is not known. It is likely that inflamed veins can develop due to extreme pressure in the abdomen. Obesity, sitting or standing for long periods, coughing, sneezing, pregnancy, straining on the toilet and vomiting are some of the factors that causes abdominal pressure. Lack of exercise and stress may also be responsible for this piles.

Symptoms of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

The symptoms of Piles are listed below:

  • Presence of lump or painful swelling near the anus
  • Pain while passing bowel
  • Itching around the anus
  • Bleeding from the anus
  • A mucus discharge from anus

Role of Diet on Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Healthy diet and healthy lifestyle helps to maintain overall health of the body. Diet plays an important role in causing or preventing piles. People who prefer high fibre diet are at lower risk of piles as compared to those who prefer diet rich in processed foods. Low fibre diet can cause constipation which in turn leads to abdominal pressure and hence can contribute to piles. Constipation can be prevented by including high fibre diet in your meals. Include vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and processed foods as little as possible in your meals and snacks. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you are living in hot climate, then you should drink more glasses of water. Avoid excess salt in the diet as excess salt results in swelling in all veins.

Need for Exercise

Regular Exercise is important for everyone in order to stay healthy and disease free. Exercise helps in keeping our weight in check and enhances the muscle tone. It decreases the chances of constipation and hence decreases the risk of piles.

Complications of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Piles can sometimes lead to long term blood loss and hence result in anemia. Piles can lead to stangulated hemorrhoid. Stangulated hemorrhoid is a condition in which the blood supply to an internal haemorrhoid is cut off. This results in severe pain and sometimes death of tissue (gangrene).

Herbal Remedies for Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Planet Ayurveda provides best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Piles Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of piles (hemorrhoids). All of these herbal remedies are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These are free from chemicals and side effects.


  1. Vara Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water after meal.
  2. Pile OFF Capsules – 2 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
  3. Triphala Guggul – 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.
  4. Arshkuthar Ras – 1 tablet twice daily with warm water after meal.
  5. Suran Vatak – 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.
  6. Nirgundi Oil – For local application on the affected area.

Products Description

1. Arshkuthar Ras

Arshkuthar ras is a tablet prepared by ancient ayurvedic physicians to combat the condition arsha roga (piles). The ingredients used are snuhi ksheera (extracts of Euphorbia nerifolia), suran churna (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius), danti mool (Baliospermum Montanum), Shuddha tankan (Citrus tankan) etc. This formulation improves the functioning of liver and vein strength thus relieves constipation. It mainly calms vata and kapha dosha, reduces piles mass and shrinks the swelling and inflammation. This herbomineral preparation shows faster action and eases the abdominal discomfort.

2. Vara Churna

A herbal supplement containing Amla and 2 more herbs which are cleansing and help in gas, acidity, constipation. It works as an effective Ayurvedic treatment for piles

3. Pile Off Capsules

The Pile Off capsules as the name suggests help to shrink the pile mass, relieves pain and itching. These are useful in bleeding as well as non bleeding piles. The pile off capsules are 100% natural and are beneficial in internal as well as external piles or even sentinel tag. When used in combination with Kachnaar guggul and Vara churna, they help to eradicate the piles from the root. In case of bleeding piles, the bleeding stops and the pile mass shrinks.

4. Triphala Guggul

Triphala Guggul is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that can help with a variety of health issues. Herbs such as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), and others are used in the formulation. This formulation contains anti-inflammatory and laxative properties. As a result of relieving constipation and reducing inflammation, this remedy aids in the management of Piles.

5. Nirgundi Oil

Nirgundi oil is an Ayurvedic preparation which is mentioned in classics. The formulation has really great and effective results as a healing agent. The formulation has ingredients like Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Tila Oil (Oil of Sesamum indicum), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) and others. The leaves as well as stem of nirgundi plant is generally used in preparation of nirgundi oil. Nirgundi is known for its several benefits as per Ayurveda. The nirgundi oil is really effective as an analgesic, helpful in specific type arthritis and also has its impact on haemorrhoids if applied locally.

6. Suran Vatak

Planet Ayurveda prepares Suran Vatak under the strict supervision of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. According to classical texts, these tablets are Piles’ prefered medicine. Suran (Amorphophallus campanulatus), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium), Pippali (Piper longum), Twak (Cinnamon), and other ingredients are included in the tablets. This formulation contains carminative and digestive properties that aid in constipation relief. Because the kapha shamaka properties aid in reducing pile mass, this formulation is extremely effective in pile management.

To buy Piles Care Pack, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/piles-care-pack