How Panchakarma Helps In Maintaining Neurological Health?


Panchkarma is one of the methods of cleansing as per Ayurveda. By this method, the unwanted waste of the body is eliminated. The nervous system is considered one of the systems of the body which governs all the activities in the body. So if nervous health is not perfect then whole body functions get vitiated. According to Ayurveda the primary dosha responsible for regulating the Nervous system is the Vata dosha. So to maintain the health of the Nervous System it is a must to balance Vata dosha. The purpose of the article below is to provide you with information about what actual panchakarma is and how it is beneficial in maintaining the health of the Nervous System.

Panchakarma, Nervous System, Nasya Karma


As discussed in the abstract, health of the Nervous System is all about balancing Vata dosha but it’s not like that. All doshas of the body are responsible for maintaining their health. Yes, this is right that Vata dosha predominantly plays a role in keeping the nervous system healthy but the two others are also responsible as all these are interdependent on each other. Like when we eat, Vata dosha helps in the movement of food into the digestive tract. On the other hand, Kapha dosha provides lubrication to the food and at last pitta dosha assists digestion. The first symptom of Vata dosha imbalance is anxiety and if it remains unmanaged, further leads to chronic stress. So to stabilize the Nervous System the first aim of Ayurvedic management is to balance Vata dosha. In the further article let us know what panchakarma is and how these help in maintaining the health of the Nervous System.

Various Panchakarma Therapies For The Nervous System

There are 5 main procedures under panchakarma: Vamana, virechana, Nasya, Basti and raktamokshana. But there are several other procedures which come under Panchkarma and help in balancing tridosha in the body. Now let’s see the Panchakarma procedures that help in maintaining the health of the Nervous system.

1. Snehana Karma

Snehana Karma is defined as the therapy which provides mridhuta (softness), snigdhata (unctuousness), picchilata (smoothness) and dravatva (liquidity) to the body. The administration of senahana dravya (substance) to the body is one of the best treatments for Vata dosha. This karma is mentioned as purvakarma (pre-procedure) of panchakarma, that is this procedure is to do before doing the main panchakarma procedures.

Properties of Snehana dravya (substance): The properties of snehana dravya are – Snigdha (unctuous), guru (heavy), sheet (cold), mridhu (soft), Drava (liquid), Picchila (slime), manda (sluggish) and sookshma (minute).

Various Snehana procedures for Nervous System: Abhyanga and Murdha taila (includes Shiro-abhyanga, Shiro seka, Shiro-pichu and Shiro basti), akshi tarpana. 

Benefits of Snehana Karma: It calms the brain, improves blood flow, provides body relaxation, and gives sound sleep.

2. Nasya Karma

In this karma medicated dravya is administered in the nostrils and this procedure is said to be best for all neurological disorders. This therapy stimulates the overall nervous system as well as cranial nerves. That’s why it is regarded as the best for managing the disorders related to five sense organs: the eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue.

Benefits of Nasya Karma: Nasya Karma helps in stimulating the olfactory cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. By providing a soothing effect to the brain it induces good sleep.

Various herbs used for Nasya: Apamarga, pippali, vidanga, Brahmi, Saptaparni, Ativisha, Madadnphal, and Vacha.

Oils used for Nasya: The best oils that are used for Nasya are – Anu tailam, Shadbindu taila and Ksheerabala thailam.

3. Basti Karma

As we discussed earlier Vata dosha is the one which is mainly responsible for neurological health. Regulating Vata dosha Basti is one of the best treatments. Basti is considered as ardha chikitsa thus it can be given in almost all diseases. But this is regarded as best for vata vyadhi (neurological disorders).

Types of Basti: Basti has two main types- Niruha and Anuvasana Basti.

  1. Niruha Basti: Niruha Basti is the basti in which kwatha (decoction) is used and it eliminates dosha from the body by reciting in gudha (rectum). It is also known as Asthapan Basti which means it helps in providing long life by alleviating vitiated dosha out of the body.
  2. Anuvasana Basti: Anuvasana Basti is to be given with Sneha dravya (oily substances) so this type of Basti is considered as best for vata dosha and for neurological disorders.

Benefits of Basti: It consists of various properties such as Rasayana (rejuvenating), Brihmana (nourishing) Vrishya (Aphrodisiac).

Brief Description Of The Most Used Procured Of Panchakarma For Neurological Health

The following are the most common procedures that are used for maintaining neurological health:

  • Shiro-Abhyanga: In this procedure, medicated oils are used to apply to the head. The Head is considered as one of the vital organs of the body. The brain is situated in the head and it is the one which controls all neurological functions. So to keep the brain healthy it is good doing Abhyanga on a regular basis is very effective.
  • Shiro-Seka: Shiro-seka is also known as shirodhara, in this procedure a medicated oil, decoction, medicated butter milk, medicated milk, and other medicated liquid is poured over the head. The selection of a particular liquid depends upon the particular disease only. The benefits of Shirodhara are – It basically regulates the secretion of the pituitary gland which further helps in controlling all the body functions.
  • Shiro-Pichu: In this procedure a cotton swab or cloth dipped in medicated oil or any medicated liquid is to be kept over the head, basically on the Brahmarandhra (Anterior fontanelle). It is mainly beneficial for facial paralysis, hair falling, burning sensation in eyes and various other vata vyadhi.
  • Shiro Basti: This procedure is also known as Shiro tarpana, in this procedure a leather cap is tied over the head and oil is kept in that cap for a particular period of time. Shiro Basti is useful in various conditions such as – Loss of sensation of skin, Insomnia, Facial paralysis, Dryness in the mouth, Dryness in the nose, Eruptions on the head, Diseases of head, etc.


Panchkarma is one of the methods of cleansing as per Ayurveda. By this method, the unwanted waste of the body is eliminated. There are three doshas in the body that are vata, pitta and kapha and all these are interdependent on each other. So to keep our body healthy it is necessary to keep these three in a balanced state. Same is for the Nervous System health but mainly the dosha responsible for Nervous System health is vata dosha. As vata dosha aggravates it hampers the functioning of Nervous system and to maintain the health of Nervous System it is necessary to keep vata dosha in balance. And for this purpose Panchakarma is one of the best management companies. The various procedures of Panchakarma such as snehana, basti, nasya and various others have direct impact on vata dosha. So we can go through these procedures of Panchkarma to maintain the health of the Nervous system.