Vidarikand powder, Pueraria tuberosa

The science of Ayurveda deals with holistic healing of mankind, bringing it closer to nature and re-establishing the natural body constitution through herbal remedies. There are many drugs in Ayurveda which improve overall strength of the body and also prevent or delay the process of ageing. Vidarikand is one such drug that is widely used by Ayurvedic practitioners for its various health benefits to mankind. It is however most popular for its aphrodisiac and rejuvenating actions on the body.

It is one of the most nourishing medicinal plants gifted by Ayurveda to mankind. Vidarikand is also known by other common name like – Indian kudju.

  • Botanical Name: Pueraria tuberosa
  • Family: Fabaceae


  • English: Indian Kudju
  • Sanskrit: Swadukanda, Ikshugandha, Kandapalaash, Bhumikushmaand
  • Hindi: Vidarikand

Parts Used: Rhizome

Physical Features of the Plant

Vidarikand Root System

Pueraria tuberosa has a widely spread tuberous root system having a climbing, coiling and trailing vine. The tuberous roots are white, starchy and have a sweet taste.

Vidarikand Leaves

The leaves resemble those of the plant Butea monosperma, commonly known as “palash” in Hindi hence the name is “kandapalasha”.

Vidarikand Flowers

The flowers are bluish or purplish in color.

The tuberous roots taste like Glycyrrhiza glabra in sweetness. Branches are fondly eaten by horses. Vidarigandha is widely sold in the markets in the form of small and white, dried pieces of the tubers.

Other Varieties

Ipomea batata or Ksheera vidari is the other variety of Pueraria tuberosa.


It is found all over INDIA on the Himalayas up to the height of 4000 ft.

Active Chemical Constituents

Carbohydrates – 64%

Proteins – 10.9%

Medicinal Properties of Vidari kanda

  • Guna (Specific Action): Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Smooth)
  • Rasa (Taste): Madhura (Sweet)
  • Vipaka (After Taste): Madhura (Sweet)
  • Virya (Potency): Sheeta (Cold)

Vidarikand Effect on Tridoshas

Vitiates Vata-Pitta.

Medicinal Uses of Vidarikand

  • Vidarikanda is used extensively for its action on urinary system and the reproductive system. In urinary tract it provides soothing effect by eliminating the dryness of urinary tract and by subsiding the inflammatory conditions of the system.
  • It strengthens the reproductive system and has shown beneficial effects in conditions of male infertility. This herb promotes production of healthy semen and improves performance during sexual activity. Vidarikand is beneficial in conditions of female sterility as well.
  • It is a very good herbal supplement in Ayurveda for weight gain.
  • Vidarikanda helps to improve voice quality and is used by a lot of singers to improve their tone in a natural way.
  • Promotes lactation and increases the production of milk in breasts and provides nourishment. Therefore it is very useful for lactating mothers.
  • Vidarikand has all the properties of a good rasayana (Rejuvenate). A rasayana is defined as a drug which prevents ageing and also protects against all kinds of diseases.
  • Vidarikanda has vajikarana properties also because of its action on the reproductive system. Vajikarana is a drug in Ayurveda which has good aphrodisiac properties.
  • This herb has good expectorant properties hence it helps in the diseases of the respiratory system to remove excess congestion and provide relief.
  • Pueraria tuberosa improves the digestive power in case of children as well.
  • It also acts on the hepato-biliary system and promotes the production and secretion of bile. This attributes to its property of acting as a digestive agent.
  • It also smoothens the colon and promotes passage of stools in cases of constipation or hardened stools.
  • Vidarikand also stimulates production of mucilage and is a good rejuvenate. It also improve the complexion making it a good natural supplement for harmful beauty products that are readily available but loaded with harmful chemicals which do more damage than benefit our skin.
  • Life style disorders are a big threat impending on the health of mankind. Cardio vascular disorders are amongst the prime health conditions under this category. Vidarikand has good cardio protective properties and also strengthens the heart muscles making it a complete cardio- tonic.
  • The roots of the plant have good anti-pyretic properties.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties of Vidarikand also help in easing out joints pain on local application.

Latest Researches on Vidarikand in Ayurveda

Anti-Hypoglycemic Activity

Recent researches have shown that a few chemicals in Vidarikand exhibit good hypoglycemic activities.

Action Against Nephrotoxicity

Nephrotoxicity is very common in cancer patients taking the drug Cisplatin. Pueraria tuberosa has antioxidant properties which prevent kidney damage that occurs as a result of toxicity due to this drug. Liver enzymes may however be raised as a side effect, for continuous monitoring of liver enzymes.

Recent studies also suggest that Vidarikand also possess anti-convulsant activity to some extent. It may also act as a memory enhancer and may also provide some level of improvement in anxiety condition. Studies also suggest the use of Vidarikand in healing as well as prevention of ulcers like peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, intestinal ulcer & crohn’s disease.

Planet Ayurveda’s Products which Contain this Herb as an Ingredient

1. Vidarikand Powder

Vidarikand is an amazing herb that acts as a Rasayan (rejuvenator) and Vajikara (aphrodisiac), so helps to regenerate the affected cells in the body. It helps to improve digestion, sperm quality and quantity, promotes lactation, improves voice quality, etc. It is used extensively to treat genito-urinary diseases such as urinary tract infections, sexual problems, infertility, weight gain, etc. This herb is beneficial to cure renal diseases, rejuvenate the nephrons, improves the kidney functions. It has anti-glycemic action hence useful to lower down the high blood glucose levels, thus advisable in Type 1 as well as Type 2 diabetes.

Dosage: 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Atirasadi Churna

It is an herb of choice that boosts stamina, strength and treats all the male sexual health related problems. It is composed of herbs Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Vidari Kand (Pueraria tuberosa), Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum), etc. This powder increases the sperm count fastly, improves sperm quality as well, thus it is widely recommended in male infertility. This churna is a combination of herbal remedies for treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculations, low energy levels, etc. This powder is also used to treat diabetes, hypertension and their complications. It is the most potent herb to tackle all sexual problems related to males.

Dosage: 1-2 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water, after meals.

3. Bustonica Capsules

Bustonica capsules are effective preparation of Planet Ayurveda that wonderfully supports the sagging breasts. It is a very essential supplement to help younger girls to have attractive bust line. It is highly recommended to those who have uneven or underdeveloped breasts. It gives the breasts natural growth and shape. It helps the breastfeeding mothers as well who have been feeding the baby and lost the bust shape thus, to regain the shape, it is advisable. It reshapes, tightens the sagging breasts.

Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules once or twice daily, after meals.