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Natural Supplement for Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Stress – Stress Support


About Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety, both are mental health issue which interfere the daily life routines. But at some point this may be serious issues. If left untreated it may lead to serious complications so care should be taken in the beginning itself.

Many people experience stress and anxiety from time to time in their life. Anxiety is feeling of fear, worry or uneasiness. Stress is what makes you feel frustrated and irritated. Let’s know in detail about stress and anxiety!

What to you Understand by Stress?

Stress is defined as the response to stimuli that affects the mental and physical equilibrium of the individuals. It makes you feel threatened which disturbs the psychological balance to a huge extent. As our lives are filled with deadlines, issues, hassles and a lot of things. We remain totally preoccupied with various things due to which our mind is not able to relax and take rest. Which disturbs the balance of the body and leads to stress.

What are Major Causes of Stress?

The major causes of stress are as follows:-

  • Lack of sleep
  • Working schedule
  • Some health related complications
  • Pregnancy
  • Death of close relatives or family members
  • Conflicts in professional lives
  • Professional competition
  • Financial problem
  • Social recognition
  • Insecurity

All these causes are the leading factors of stress. The level of stress may arise to such an extent that it may lead to several severe complications. The common symptoms are listed here under.

What are common Symptoms of Stress?

  • Unable to concentrate and focus
  • Optimistic attitude
  • Memory related disorders
  • Continuous worries and tension
  • Lack of judgmental capabilities
  • Short temperament
  • Irritation, feeling agitated
  • Isolated
  • Depression
  • Sleeping too much or too less
  • Eating a lot or very less
  • Nail biting
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness

These are some of the common symptoms, which portray that an individual is under tremendous stress. Stress gives rise to some dangerous ailments like cardiac arrests, nervous breakdown, urinary disorders. These may even lead to death of the individuals.

What to You Understand by Anxiety?

If we talk about anxiety it is a serious mental disorder. There are several types of anxiety disorders including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and some specific phobias. People may face anxious situations in their life, it is a very common emotional experience. Anxiety may cause distress which may interfere person’s ability to perform their tasks.

What are Symptoms of Anxiety?

  • Cold or sweaty hands or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitation in Heart
  • Sleeping problems
  • Feeling of fear, uneasiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Tremors
  • Muscle tension

What are Causes for Anxiety to happen?

There is no specific cause for anxiety to happen but it could be due to several factors including changes in brain and some environmental factors.

Is Ayurvedic Treatment Helpful for Stress and Anxiety?

Ayurveda is a natural science which believes in taking care of health naturally. People opt for ayurvedic treatment these days as natural supplements which are free from side effects and can be taken on regular basis.

Many herbal products are available at herbal stores claiming permanent cure for various health diseases. Buyers should have knowledge of authentic products.

Better consult an Ayurveda expert before using any natural supplement as dose varies as per the body constitution and severity of symptoms of any health condition. So it is always advised to see the doctor.

Herbal Remedies for Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Stress

Stress Support

Stress Support of Planet Ayurveda are packed with wonderful ingredients such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii) and Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri).

Recommended Dosage

1-2 capsules twice on a daily basis, with plain, water after meals.

Diet and Lifestyle

  • Stay away from things which give you negative thinking.
  • Listen to music or that which is pleasant to mind.
  • Hang out with friends or family people to have fun. Avoid be isolated.
  • One can have habit of writing dairies when is all alone.
  • Prefer oats and high fiber rich diet.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Opt for fresh homemade food rather than junk or packed foods.
  • Practice yoga and meditation.


What Anxiety can do to your body?

It causes the brain to release Srtess hormones and can increase the symptoms such as depression, headache, and dizziness.

What are the feelings of Anxiety? / What does it feel like when you have Anxiety? / How do you know if you have Srtess?

A sudden feeling of intense fear or terror and may have a feeling of heart palpitation, shortness of breath, tremors, dizziness and chest pain.

How can I stop my Anxiety?

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid junk foods
  • Intake of high fiber rich diet
  • Listen to music
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine-containing products
  • Do exercise, yoga, and meditation regularly.

Can Tea calm Anxiety?

Teas prepared from natural herbs have calming and sedative properties which can help with symptoms associated with Anxiety.

What vitamins are good for Anxiety?

Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E are good for Anxiety.

Is Anxiety curable without medication?

Hypnosis is used along with cognitive behavioral therapy to treat Anxiety but it is not permanently cured. It is curable by Ayurvedic medications.

Can you die from Anxiety? / Can you die from Srtess? / Does Anxiety kill?

Panic attacks can make you feel that you are going to faint or lose your mind but you cannot die due to Anxiety. But if the condition is severe it may increase the risk of early death.

What’s good for Anxiety? / How can I kill Anxiety naturally? / What’s good for Srtess?

  • Eat a healthy and proper balanced diet
  • Do exercise, yoga, and meditation regularly
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing products
  • Avoid smoking
  • Drink lavender or chamomile tea

Is Anxiety a disability?

No, but in many cases, it is severe enough to qualify for social security disability benefits and in this condition, the person is unable to work for at least 12 months.

Does Anxiety worsen with age?

Yes, Anxiety can worsens with age if it is left untreated or if the treatment is not effective. There may be sudden or unpredictable attacks of terror.

Can Anxiety affect your eyes?

Yes, Anxiety can affect the eyes because there is a release of high levels of adrenaline that can cause pressure and result in a blurred vision.

How do I get rid of my fear of Anxiety?

  • Take time out so that you can calm down physically
  • Stay at your place and feel the panic
  • Imagine the worse things
  • Feel positive and visualize a happy place

How do you calm an Anxiety attack?

  • Deep breathing
  • Think positive
  • Recognition of having a panic attack
  • Close your eyes
  • Try to focus on an object

Can you die from sadness?

Sadness is also called heartbreak for any reason and there can be the possibility of death because it increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

What natural tea is good for Anxiety? / What drinks help with Anxiety? / What is the best tea for Anxiety?

  • Chamomile Tea : Consume a cup of chamomile tea daily. It acts as a sedative and provides relief from Anxiety.
  • Peppermint tea : Consume a cup of peppermint tea daily. It increases the quality of sleep and has a calming and soothing impact on the body.

Can an Anxiety attack last for days?

Anxiety attacks may linger for minutes, hours or even days. It depends upon the severity of Anxiety attacks and symptoms associated with it.

What causes Anxiety in the brain?

The memories stored in the central part of the amygdala cause Anxiety in the brain, this involves distinct fears such as fear of spiders or dogs.

Is Anxiety a mental thing?

Anxiety is a group of several related conditions that may have unique symptoms. But it is not only a mental thing.

Does Anxiety damage the brain?

Yes, Anxiety can damage the brain as it increases the risk of psychiatric disorders such as depression, dementia etc.

Is Anxiety neurological?

Anxiety is not neurological but it can occur more frequently in patients with neurological conditions or who have neurological disorders.

Can Anxiety make you physically ill?

Yes, Anxiety can make one physically ill. It also causes dramatic physiological and emotional changes in the body.

What Srtess can do to your body? / What happens to your body when you are in Srtess? / What are the effects of Srtess?

Srtess affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It worsens the breathing problems such as asthma.

Can you get sick from Srtess?

Yes, because it weakens the immune system and this condition cannot suppress the virus.

Can Srtess kill you?

Srtess can kill you if the condition is chronic. It also lowers down the immune system and increases cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart diseases.

What’s the difference between Srtess and Anxiety?

Srtess is a response to a threat and Anxiety is the reaction to it. Physical sensations may be similar but they are usually different.

Can Srtess make you physically ill?

Yes, it can make you ill both physically as well as mentally.

Can Srtess cause weight loss?

Yes, Srtess can cause weight loss because it decreases the ability of the body to absorb nutrients from food.

How does Srtess affect us?

Srtess affects your thoughts and may contribute to several health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.

What vitamins help with Srtess?

Vitamin B-complex and it include vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin).

How do I stop Srtessing?

  • Take a slow breath through the nose and hold it for 1 to 2 seconds then exhale slowly through the mouth.
  • Getting enough sleep is helpful.
  • Do Workout regularly

Is Magnesium good for Srtess?

Yes, magnesium is good for Srtess; it reduces the body’s response to Srtess.

What are some of the physical signs of Srtess?

  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent infections
  • Loss of sexual ability
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Pain in muscles
  • Inability to focus on an object

What is the biggest cause of Srtess?

Any physical, mental or emotional problem is the biggest cause of Srtess like loss of a job, chronic illness or an injury.

How can I calm my mind?

  • Do exercise, meditation and yoga regularly
  • Take slow and a deep breath
  • Listen to soft music
  • Be positive and stay away from negativity.





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