Diabetes MellitusDiabetes is a long term, complex and metabolic disease. Diabetes results the increase in blood sugar levels, either due to inadequate production of insulin or inability of body cells to respond for insulin, but in some cases both the factors together are present. There are various problems associated with the high sugar level in the blood, like it can damage nerves and blood vessels. This condition can leads into the series of complications like stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, blindness, dental disease, depression and pregnancy problems.

In Ayurveda Diabetes is known as Madhumeha. According to Ayurveda, the existence of this disease is due to the imbalance of three doshas – Kapha, Pitta and Vata. These three body energies should be balanced to maintain the healthy body. In the initial state of diabetes, there is Kapha imbalance and with the excessive accumulation of “earth”, it disseminates throughout the tissues, which blocks the urinary channels and results in the Vata dysfunction. Then it causes various urinary infections and leads into the excess of pitta.

Types of Diabetes

  • Type I diabetes is the condition of the body where no insulin is produced. It is not very common, as only 10% cases worldwide are diagnosed in this type. It develops in early teenage years, so it is also known as insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes.
  • Type II diabetes occurs when human body is unable to produce adequate amount of insulin for proper functioning of the body. In some cases the body cells does not react in response to insulin that is the other reason for its existence. Around 90% cases worldwide are of type II diabetes. It is a progressive disease and condition worsens gradually if it is not taken care of.
  • Gestational Diabetes is only reported among pregnant women, as some of them are unable to produce sufficient insulin and results in the increase in the blood sugar. It is not a permanent diabetic condition, as after delivery the patient’s blood sugar becomes normal.


  • Insulin resistance
  • Genetic Factors
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Environmental factors like viruses, food and toxins
  • Obesity and physically High blood pressure and cholesterol levels


  • Delayed wound healing
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Numbness and tingling in limbs.
  • Blurred vision
  • Polyuria (frequent urination)
  • Polyphagia (intense hunger)
  • Polydipsia (frequent thirst)
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain.
  • Fatigue

Artificial Sweeteners for Diabetes

Artificial Sweeteners for DiabetesArtificial sweeteners can be added to a variety of foods and beverages without adding more carbohydrates to your diabetes diet. Using non-caloric artificial sweeteners instead of sugar also greatly reduces calories in your favourite appetite.

Keep in mind that foods with artificial sweeteners are not necessarily zero carbohydrates foods. Many have carbohydrates; therefore, you must read the food labels to determine the gram amounts per serving that these have in order to take into account the effect that these carbohydrates have on your glycaemia control. Foods labelled with artificial sweeteners can affect your blood sugar.

As long as you are aware of the content of carbohydrates you can adjust your meal or medication to maintain blood sugar control. “Sugar free” means no sugar has been added, but you must remember these foods still contain carbohydrates which do affect your blood sugars.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid saccharine, and people who suffer from phenylketonuria should not use aspartame. People with phenylketonuria are unable to metabolize phenylalanine, an amino acid that’s a common part of many proteins.

Some artificial sweeteners — such as xylitol, mannitol, and sorbitol — have some calories and do slightly increase blood sugar levels. Eating too much of any artificial sweetener can cause gas and diarrhoea.

Is there Any Effective Herbal Remedy for Diabetes?

Diabetes is not a curable disease but can be managed with herbal remedies. Herbal remedies are good to have on regular basis to maintain healthy glucose level. Try to opt for herbal remedies which are with pure extracts so that better results can be achieved.

Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Planet Ayurveda offers best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Diabetes Care Pack to control diabetes (high blood sugar) naturally.

Diabetes Care Pack

Diabetes Care Pack


  1. Dia-Beta Plus – 2 capsules twice daily before meals with warm water.
  2. Karela Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily after meals with warm water.
  3. Madhumehantak Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water, before meals.
  4. Fenugreek Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily after meals with warm water.
  5. Diaplan Tea – 1 Cup of Diaplan Tea, Once Daily.

Products Description

1. Dia-Beta Plus

It is a very unique and effective herbal product for diabetes.It contains the best herbs for diabetes which improve the functional capacity of pancreas as well as controlling blood sugar levels naturally. This product has its roots in Ayurveda-ancient herbal healthcare.

2. Karela Capsules

Karela is also known as Bittermelon in Indian literature. Karela is quiet popular diabetes supplement in Asia for its role in diabetes. Bittermelon capsules are not only helpful in controlling sugar levels but also supplement essential chromium and other microminerals needed to restore the imbalance.

3. Madhumehantak Churna

It is a potent combination of rejuvenating herbs for diabetes used in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C. and its complications. These herbs act together in a synergistic manner and are effective in lowering the blood sugar levels naturally, without any side effects.

4. Fenugreek Capsules

Fenugreek is an aromatic herb in the family Fabaceae and is cultivated in India, Africa, Egypt, Morocco and England as a semi arid crop. It is used to treat a variety of health problems. The parts mainly used are the brownish seeds and sometimes fresh leaves are also used by Indians as a spice.

5. Diaplan Tea

To buy Diabetes Care Pack, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/diabetes-care-pack

Preventive Measures for Diabetes

  • Eat healthy – Opt for fiber rich foods, whole grain, fruits and vegetables. Say no fat and high calories foods.
  • Work out – Walk and exercises must be part of daily routine. At least walk for 30 min two times in a day.
  • Lose extra pounds – Try to maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese try to lose extra pounds. Keep in your mind the health complications of obesity like diabetes, hypertension, joint problems, fatty liver and so many.