Woman’s breasts consist of fat globules and fibrous tissues. It is natural that well-developed breasts are very attractive to men. Bust Enhancement marks the beauty of a woman. A woman with a good face, but smaller breasts makes her tempting and disappointed. Women need not worry, as bust enhancement can be done with the help of herbal remedies. It has been widely observed that most women remain unhappy with the small size of their breasts. They get worried about their appearance in parties and social gatherings. They consider various alternatives to enhance bust naturally. Herbal Remedies for Bust Enhancement is most commonly adopted by women these days, due to their negligible side effects.
Methods of Bust Enhancement
- Some women choose to undergo a bust enhancement surgery.
- Bust enhancement can be performed with the help of saline-filled implants. These implants have not been approved, due to the fact that they are not safe.
- Most women who have very small breasts wish to correct breast size. This condition can be due to weight loss or breast cancer.
- Allopathic system of medicine generally consists of bust enhancement pills, which contain estrogen hormone. This leads to serious risk of endometrial cancer, menstruation and other sexual problems in women.
- Non-surgical bust enhancement relies on the use of plant estrogens to stimulate the bust size.
- Bust enhancement, by plant estrogens or phytoestrogens causes the body to react in a manner that is similar to puberty.
- Women who choose bust enhancement with the aid of phytoestrogen-like products, come in the form of a pill to be taken daily.
Ayurveda and Bust Enhancement
- Women with smaller breasts should not feel embarrassed as Ayurvedic physicians have identified a number of herbal remedies for bust enhancement.
- Ayurveda is an ancient healing system and herbal bust enhancement in women is gaining popularity day-by-day.
- Bust enhancement is done with the intake of specific and natural herbs, with an external application of ayurvedic oils.
- With the introduction of Ayurvedic herbal supplements, women are running towards this natural treatment to acquire the perfect figure.
- Ayurvedic treatment includes the desire for big-sized and most attractive breasts.
- Surgery and modern drugs most often lead to various side-effects and may create problems for the women undergoing modern type of bust enhancement treatment.
Herbal Remedies for Bust Enhancement
- Bust Enhancement treatment is becoming a trend for many women, who are not satisfied with the size of their breasts.
- More and more women are opting for the herbal remedies, as these natural remedies for bust enhancement ensures maximum benefits and no side-effects.
- There are no chemicals in Planet Ayurveda Bust Enhancement Pack. This herbal pack is based directly on the natural treatment for bust enhancement.
- Our herbal remedies for bust enhancement creates a ‘natural breast lift’, refines breast contours and give more dramatic and young looking cleavage.
- Our specific herbal supplements and essential oils helps can help boost skin’s natural elasticity for a visibly smoother and attractive appearance of breasts.
- We aim to give complete satisfactory results to all women, who use our herbal remedies for bust enhancement.
- We are covering all the underlying causes of sagging bust and handling the problem with our special herbal remedies for bust enhancement.
- Shatavari Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water.
- Bustonica Capsules – 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water.
- Bustonica Oil – The appropriate quantity of oil may be massaged once a day or as directed by the physician. Total massage time should not be less than 15 minutes and more than 30 minutes. Massage must be in circular motion.
- Cleopatra Anti Ageing Body Butter – For Local Application.
Products Description
1. Bustonica capsules
Bustonica capsules work to increase the breast size naturally. These are the best herbal remedies for bust enhancement. It is a complete answer for women who happen to have sagging breasts. Small size breasts may be due to feeding the baby for quiet sometime. It may happen to notice the sudden change in the size of breasts, as the bustline turns unshapely.
2. Shatavari Capsules
Shatavari or Asparagus racemosus has been used in India since ancient times for its beneficial properties. Shatavari has been used to help enhance women’s bust line. It can also be taken in almost all menstrual problems including amenorrhea. This wonderful has been prescribed to treat pre-menopausal phase. It acts as an effective female hormone balancer. Shatavari is the unique herb that can be used by women of all ages. The herb is very helpful in bust enhancement.
A wonderful oil formulation that has Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum), Choti dudhi (Euphorbia thymifolia), Patha (Cissampelos pareira) etc. along with variety of oils like flax seeds oil, sunflower seeds oil, sesame seeds oil in it. It is an excellent natural combination that provides healthier, bigger and beautiful bust line. It improves the size, shape and makes breasts bigger and tighter. It gives strength to the breast muscles.
Cleopatra body butter contains many essential constituents like Almond oil, Shea butter, Aloe vera extract, Glycerin, Olive oil, Jojoba oil and many others. The application of this cream helps in the nourishment of the surrounding area and also provides a pumpy look to the skin. The oils present in the cream help in making skin smooth and soft on touch. Aloe vera on the other hand completely nourishes the skin and reduces any kind of stretch marks present.
To buy Bust Enhancement Pack, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/bust-enhancement-pack
How to do Breast Massage?
Massaging the Breasts Yourself
The four – step procedure will give you a simple massage technique that can be done, by yourself, in the privacy of your own home. Although almost any gentle massage technique will be of benefit, these four techniques should be a part of your personal regimen.
More specifically, step One is a gentle draining motion designed to drain the breasts lymphatic system and is possibly the most important of the four steps. Steps number Two and Four are to assist in the movement of venous fluids. Feel free to experiment with these to movements and find what is comfortable for you. Step Three is simply to help keep your support ligaments in good health and assist in the fight against gravity.
This procedure should be done at three times a week. Apply above given oil, before doing Breast Massage, by these following steps:
- Step One: Use your fingers to gently smooth away from the nipple. These movements travel from the nipple and directly away using no more pressure than what you would apply to your eyelid. Any more pressure would flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the flow of toxins and fluids. Also, make this stroke slow, not fast, for it to be effective.
- Step Two: Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.
- Step Three: Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist the breast in a clock-wise and anticlockwise direction, being careful not to put too much tension on the breast.
- Step Four: Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure, compression to move out more pressure fluids.
Total Massage time should not be less than 15 minutes and more than 30min.

We recommend using this for 3 months continuously and the results will just a miracle for you.