What is Ficus Benghalensis?
Ficus Benghalensis is commonly known as the banyan fig and Indian banyan. It’s an evergreen tree grows up to the height of 15-20 meter. This plant is mainly grown as epiphytes as it begins its life but after that, it grows older and sends down the aerial roots which reach the ground and become thicker and vigorous. These roots provide the whole nutrients to the banyan tree form the soil and allowing it to grow faster than the host plant.
This plant is often planted throughout the forest tract of India. The leaves of the tree are hard, thick, oval and 4-5 inches long. The fruits are red, spongy and round in shape.
Classification of Ficus Benghalensis
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
- Superdivision: Spermatophyta
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- Subclass: Hamamelididae
- Order: Urticales
- Family: Moraceae
- Genus: Ficus L.
- Species: Ficus benghalensis L.
Other names of Ficus Benghalensis
- Hindi Name: Bad, Bargad,Baragad
- English Name: Banyan Tree
- Bengali Name: Bat,Bat Briksh
- Kannada Name: Alada Mara, Aala,Vatavruksha
- Assamese Name: Vat, Ahat, Vatgach
- Gujrati Name: Vad
- Malyalam Name: Peroal
- Marathi Name: Vad
- Punjabi Name: Bhod,Bhaur
- Telugu Name: Peddamari
- Tamil Name: Ala
- Urdu Name: Bad, Bargud
- Kashmiri Name: Bad
- Orya Name: Bata, Bara
What are Medicinal Qualities of Banyan Tree?
- Rasa (Taste): Kashaya (astringent in taste)
- Guna (Qualities): Guru (heavy for digestion), Ruksha (dry)
- Vipaka: Katu (after digestion undergoes pungent taste).
- Veerya (Potency): Sheeta (cold)
- KARMA (Actions): kapapitta shamaka- balance the vitiated kapha pitta dosha.
- Pain
- Digestion problem
- Inflammation
- Diabetes
- Wounds
- Boost immunity
- Prevent inflammation
- Blood impurity
- Burning sensation
- Urine related problem
- Arthritis
- Skin-related problem
- Fever
Main parts used
- Bark
- Roots
- Milk
- Bud
- Leaves
What are the main Chemical Constituents of Ficus Benghalensis?
The leaves of the tree contain Triterpenes, friedelin, sitosterol. The bark contains glucosides, bengalinoside, and flavonoids glycosides. The main aerial roots of the tree contain phytosterolin. Heartwood contains liglic acid, bengalenoside, and tatraxasterol. The phytochemicals in banyan tree have a medicinal effect on long-term health when consumed by humans. The Ficus Benghalensis tree has the ability to perform various functions by producing a wide variety of chemicals which also helps to defend from predators such as insect and fungi.
What are the Health Benefits of a Banyan Tree?
1. Cure Diarrhea
Diarrhea is the condition when the intestine pushes the stool out without absorbing the excess water. It can also occur due to inflammation in intestinal walls, which allows the excess fluid to leak out into the stool. The Ficus Benghalensis helps to treat such ailments in the body. For this you have to do is soak some leaf bud of a banyan tree in water overnight and eat them in the next morning. Instead of doing this you can also boil bud of a banyan tree in 100 ml of water for 5 minutes, strain and give this to the diarrhea patient followed by the buttermilk. You can also consume this in powder form. This will helps to get rid of diarrhea problem.
2. Treat vaginal Infection
There are numbers of regions behind vaginal infection, this could be due to lack of hygiene, bacterial infection, microbial infection and due to UTI. Banyan tree, as well as bark both, has great medicinal properties for vaginal infection. Due to its anti-microbial activities, helps to prevent microbial vaginal infections. You can take powder of banyan tree leaves, boil this powder in one-liter water until the water reduces to half. Cool down the solution and then apply this solution on the infected part of your vagina.
3. Helpful in Diabetes
Diabetes is the condition when the blood sugar level in the human goes high. It is one of most common lifestyle disease of the modern world. The bioactive compounds in banyan tree play the major role for a reduction in blood sugar level. The bark and aerial roots of banyan tree have been used for making powder, boil 20 gm of powder in one liter of water till it reduces to half. Strain, cool and give it to the diabetic patient in early morning and evening.
4. Treat Acne and Patches on Skin
Acne problem is one of worst visual disorder in a human which effects your personality and external looks. Banyan tree has the capability to prevent the acne problem. Banyan tree extracts block the activity of many allergens on our skin which causes the acne problems. Due to anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activities banyan tree also helps to prevent any infection on our skin or reduce the inflammation. For this, you should apply a paste of fresh leaves of a banyan tree, jasmine leaves, and red sandalwood in water. Leave it for some time and after that clean your face with water, it will help to cure acne problem and brings a glow to the skin.
5. Banyan Tree for Cholesterol
The leaf extracts of banyan tree has the ability to lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increase the level of good cholesterol such as high-density lipoprotein. You can consume the fresh leaves powder of banyan tree with water in the morning.
6. Treat Tooth Decay and Gum Problems
The aerial roots of banyan tree has the ability to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and bleeding problems. The aerials roots of banyan trees have astringent and anti-bacterial properties which prevent bacterial infection and also effective for other oral health problems. Take powder of bark of banyan tree and use this powder as a paste to brush the teeth.
This herb is also very beneficial for other health issues such as hair problems, nasal bleeding, excessive urination, ulcer, swelling of eyes, and itching.