- Balances Pitta (fire and air) and Kapha (water and earth) in body.
- Maintains healthy metabolism
- Maintains healthy digestion
- Maintains healthy blood circulation
- 100% natural product
- Absolutely free from chemicals, additives, extra colors, fillers and yeast etc.
- Formulated by M.D Ayurveda experts
Ref. Ayurvedic Text – Siddha Yoga Sangraha
Pack size – 1 bottle, 120 tablets
Ingredients of Chandanadi Vati
Each Tablet is 500 mg
Main Ingredients
- Safed Chandan,
- Kababchini,
- Safed Ral,
- Gandhabiroja,
- Kattha,
- Amalaki,
- Kapur,
- Rasaut,
- Gairik,
- Pashanbhed,
- Gokshura,
- Choti Elaichi
If you want to buy Chandanadi Vati, then please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/chandanadi-vati
What is Diabetes Mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus or called diabetes is a chronic lifelong condition that affects body’s ability to use the energy of body.
Diabetes is a long term complex and metabolic disorder. Person with increased glucose level in the blood is diagnosed as diabetic. If it is not controlled, can lead various complications like stroke, heart diseases, blindness, liver problems etc. It damages nerves and other blood vessels.
In Ayurveda it is known as Madhumeha, in which “madhu” means sweet and “meh” means excessive urination. According to Ayurveda, the existence of this disease is due to the imbalance of three doshas kapha, pitta and Vata. These three body energies should be balanced to maintain the healthy body. In the initial state of diabetes, there is Kapha imbalance and with the excessive accumulation of “earth”, it disseminates throughout the tissues, which blocks the urinary channels and results in the Vata dysfunction. Then it causes various urinary infections and leads into the excess of pitta.
Type I diabetes is the condition of the body where no insulin is produced. It is not very common, as only 10% cases worldwide are diagnosed in this type. It develops in early teenage years, so it is also known as insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes.
Type II diabetes occurs when human body is unable to produce adequate amount of insulin for proper functioning of the body. In some cases the body cells does not react in response to insulin that is the other reason for its existence. Around 90% cases worldwide are of type II diabetes. It is a progressive disease and condition worsens gradually if it is not taken care of.
Gestational Diabetes is only reported among pregnant women, as some of them are unable to produce sufficient insulin and results in the increase in the blood sugar. It is not a permanent diabetic condition, as after delivery the patient’s blood sugar becomes normal.
Causes of Diabetes Mellitus
- Insulin resistance
- Genetic Factors
- Autoimmune disorders
- Environmental factors like viruses, food and toxins
- Obesity and physically High blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus
- Delayed wound healing
- Sexual dysfunction
- Numbness and tingling in limbs.
- Blurred vision
- Polyuria (frequent urination)
- Polyphagia (intense hunger)
- Polydipsia (frequent thirst)
- Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
- Fatigue
What are urinary tract infections?
The urinary system includes a pair of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.
Some of problems associated are:
Blood in urine or Haematuria
Haematuria refers to presence of red blood corpuscles in the urine. It can be caused by number of factors like stone in the kidney or urinary bladder, inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis), injury to the kidney.
Cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder. E. coli is present in the intestine and is helpful for proper functioning of the intestine. During intercourse the bacteria enters the bladder via the urinary tract. Cystitis is more common in women but rarely found in men also. Less fluid-intake is also responsible for incidence of cystitis. If not cured properly it can lead to hematuria and dysuria.
Inflammation (swelling) of the urinary bladder and cancer may be the reason for dysuria. Overactive urinary bladder is common reason of dysuria among women. Sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhea) may cause dysuria. Then main clinical-feature of painful micturition or dysuria is burning sensation at the time of passing urine.
Kidney stone
Is a common problem. It affects 10 per cent of men and 3 per cent of women. The stones are made of calcium-oxalate, phosphate, urate and uric acid. Major complaint of kidney stone is pain (renal colic), which starts all of a sudden, from the back and radiates down to the thighs. Nausea and vomiting are commonly associated. Stone can be formed in the ureter and bladder also. Here the pain may radiate from the thighs to sex organs.
Are Natural Products safe to use of regular basis?
Yes natural products are totally safe to use and one can take on regular basis as food supplements.