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Detox Tea – Combination of Effective Anti-Aging Herbs for Detoxification


Detox Tea, which contains nature’s best herbs for detoxification can do wonders for optimizing your health in a natural way and detoxify your body completely. We need to detoxify our body on regular basis as every day we are consuming a lot of contaminants like pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals from frozen or packaged food, imported vegetables and fruits, packaged canned juices, bakery items and genetically modified foods Living in cities having high traffic volume also leads to accumulation of carcinogenic chemicals in our bodies and regular detoxification is necessary to combat such pollutants. Living stressful lifestyle also leads to generation of damaging free radicals within our body leading to rapid ageing and degenerative processes in our bodies. To counteract all these toxins and free radicals’ nature has given us so many natural effective ways.

One of them is regular detoxification of the body and neutralizing the free radicals. We can do this by consuming a lot of fresh fruits, thoroughly washed fresh vegetables, salads, greens and adding herbal supplements like Aloe Vera Juice (Kumari Saar), Amla Juice (world’s richest source of natural Vitamin C), Spirulina, and herbal teas like our Detox tea – which contains herbs full of benefits and anti-ageing properties.

The main benefits one can obtain from drinking Detox Tea are to improve one’s general health and wellbeing by gently cleansing toxins and other contaminants from his system. We are constantly bombarded by toxins which exist in our environment from the air we breathe, the food we consume and the water we drink. So detoxification on daily basis is of utmost importance. Detox Tea is a natural solution for this, which you can add to your daily regimen and enjoy a healthy life.

Benefits of Detox Tea

Detox is a very tasty and healthy blend prepared from 7 wonderful herbs of Indian origin. These herbs are well defined and described for their effective properties in ancient Ayurvedic Text Book “Bhav Prakash Nighantu” (recognized as an eminent book on Ayurvedic medicinal herbs) approved by Dept of AYUSH of Govt. of India. This formulation is developed by Dr. Vikram Chauhan – MD Ayurveda (Dravyaguna). For your quick reference we hereby explained each herb of this formulation individually along with Sanskrit Shaloka and reference page details of this book are used here to substantiate the health claim as per the ancient book. The actual sanskrit verse can be read below:-

IngredientsBenefits of Detox TeaAyurvedic Text Reference To Substantiate The Health Claim
Arjuna> Helps remove toxins from the body
> Vasoconstrictive
> Beneficial for heart
> Works in weakness, and bleeding disorder
> Anti-diabetic or Diabetic foot
> Pacifies pitta and kapha doshas
Ancient verse of Arjuna
Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 511, Shloka No. 27
Punarnava> Anti-inflammatory and helps to treat anemia
> Increases vata doshas, tighten stool
> Pacifies kapha and pitta doshas and beneficial in bleeding disorders

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 406, Shloka No. 27
Taruni> Nutritious and increases appetite
> Anti-inflammatory and helps in healing wound.
> Maintain healthy heart
> Helps in digestion
> Increase sperm count
> Light in nature, balances three doshas (energies)
> Treat bleeding disorders
> Enhances complexion of skin

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 474, Shloka No. 23
Dalchini> Increases WBC count.
> Pacifies vata and pitta doshas
> Promotes digestion
> Increases sperm count
> Increase immunity
> Enhances complexion
> Treats dehydration and polydipsia

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 216, Shloka No. 67
Choti Elaichi> Helps in congestion, bronchitis, breathing disorders
> Treats urine retention
> Digestive and stimulant
> Light in nature and pacifies vata doshas

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 212, Shloka No. 63
Bhumi Amla> Diuretic and anti-inflammatory
> Increases vata doshas
> Treats liver diseases
> Polydipsia
> Treats Cough and asthma
> Pacifies pitta and kapha doshas
> Helps in bleeding disorder
> Treat skin itching and injuries

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 445, Shloka No. 278
Saunf> Improves digestion
> Maintains healthy heart
> Relieves constipation
> Treats worm infestation
> Helpful in bronchitis, vomiting as well as pacifies vata and kapha doshas
> Help to treat enlarged spleen

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 34, Shloka No. 92
Badi Elaichi> Increases digestive fire
> Useful in inflamed liver
> Balances kapha and pitta doshas
> Helpful in bleeding disorders, relieve itchiness of skin
> Works in bronchitis, polydipsia, nausea, and enema.
> In vomiting and cough

Ref. – Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Page No. 211, Shloka No. 61, 62

This herbal tea is blend of various herbs useful in many heart conditions and provide strength to the muscles of heart. Since every herbs used in Detox Tea has different health benefits so can also be used for various other health ailments too. Exotic taste of the tea itself is calming and soothing to the mind. It is packed with natural antioxidants which helps body to fight against infections and diseases. Detox Tea is free from caffeine and useful for almost all the health ailments. This herbal tea is made following strict Ayurvedic principles.

Herbal Ingredients of Detox tea

Each 5 gm. contains:-

Sr. No.Indian NameBotanical NameQuantity
1.ArjunaTerminalia arjuna1.00 gm
2.PunarnavaBoerhavia diffusa0.60 gm
3.TaruniRosa centifolia1.00 gm
4.DalchiniCinnamomum tamala0.40 gm
5.Choti ElaichiElettaria cardamomum0.40 gm
6.Bhumi AmlaPhyllanthus niruri0.80 gm
7.SaunfFoeniculum vulgare0.40 gm
8.Badi ElaichiAmomum subulatum0.40 gm

Information about few Ingredients of Detox tea

1. Taruni (Rosa centifolia)

  • Rose Petals – Nothing is as beautiful and calm as rose. Rose is a symbol of love and we use dried red rose petals’ powder in our detox tea. It soothes the heart and the circulatory system. The rose petals are helpful in keeping the blood pressure in control, reduces anxiety and stress levels.
  • These roses contains vitamin C, pectin, mallic and citric acid. All of these are useful for one’s health.
  • Roses are rich in natural fiber and are helpful in eliminating toxins from the digestive tract.
  • It helps to heal ulcers, acidity and are effective in treatment of ulcerative colitis, duodenal ulcers, gastritis and other inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract. These petals also relieves constipation.
  • Roses have mild diuretic effect that eliminates toxins via urinary tract also. It is naturally alkaline in nature. Therefore, it helps body to fight against infections.
  • According to Ayurvedic principles – Rose is cooling and neutralizes the heat in the body. In cases of anger, frustration, hatred, jealousy and fear there is too much heat generation in the body. The imbalance of this fire element is controlled by Rose petals. Too much heat causes high blood pressure, acidity, palpitations and rose helps to control them all.

2. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)

A lot of research is available on this plant. It is very beneficial in supporting heart to fight against diseases caused by imbalance of fire energy i.e. “Pitta” as per Ayurveda.

Fire energy imbalance is responsible for anger, frustration, fear and hatred leading to palpitations, blood pressure, anxiety and stress. Terminalia arjuna is cooling in nature and helps to heal wounds of the arteries.

Terminalia arjuna protects arteries: A man’s age is known by the age of his arteries. Our arteries age quickly and are hurt by the free radicals generated by pollutants, stress negative emotions and high protein diet. The smaller arteries of eyes, skin, scalp, brain and heart are affected early. That’s why the signs of ageing are visible from face, hair, eyes and later heart arteries get blocked. A lot of studies are conducted recently for role of Terminalia arjuna bark on cardiovascular system.

  • Arjuna is rich in natural Co-Q 10 and many other micronutrients which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  • Detox herbal tea also helps to improve bone density and strengthen the heart muscles due to presence of Terminalia arjuna bark. It is also good to promote quicker healing of fractures and reduced bone density in post-menopausal women or decreased bone strength due to any other reason.
  • Arjuna contains arjunetosides which are natural cardiac glycosides and helps to improve the pumping capacity of the heart without putting burden on the heart muscle. Therefore, the ejection fraction of the heart increases without any side effects. This makes it an effective herbal remedy for congestive heart failure or weak heart due to chronic high blood pressure or any other reason.
  • Arjuna helps to reduce the cholesterol levels by clearing the LDL’s and VLDL’s from the system. It also helps to reduce levels of Triglycerides and improve good cholesterol levels i.e. HDL.

3. Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri)

  • Phyllanthus niruri is widely studied herb for its role as natural anti-oxidant and helps the liver to clear the debris from the system.
  • This herb cleanses the liver in every individual but if someone suffering from several liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis even then this is very helpful.
  • It also improves the immune function of the body and helps in preventing the infections.

4. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

  • Punar means “again” and Nava means “new” – Punarnava is the herb which is quiet useful in clearing toxins out from the kidneys.
  • It helps in overall rejuvenation of the body by making new cells and removing old cells. Thereby the ancient name of the herb is “Punar” “nava” i.e. “new again”.
  • It is popularly used in kidney failure also. The herb helps to reduce the urea, creatinine levels and reduces the levels of other toxins in the body.
  • Punarnava is widely used herb in Ayurvedic system of medicine for its role in detoxification of the body.

5. Taste makers in Detox tea – Also have medicinal values!

The taste makers like Dalchini, Choti Elaichi, Saunf & Badi Elaichi are all having medicinal virtues than only giving flavors to this tea. Cinnamon is known to possess cholesterol reducing properties. It helps to cleanse the blocked arteries and thereby preventing ageing. Fennel is rich in fiber content and helps to neutralize toxins generated in the digestive tract. Cardamom is rich in natural flavonoids which are nature’s best anti-oxidants. Oxidants are the ones which cause rusting of our arteries. Neutralization of these oxidants is very important for preventing signs of ageing. The anti-oxidants are those substances which neutralize the oxidants. All the herbs, vegetables, greens, fruits and salads especially colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in natural anti-oxidants.

This herbal tea is blend of various herbs useful in many heart conditions and provide strength to the muscles of heart. Since every herbs used in Detox Tea has different health benefits so can also be used for various other health ailments too. Exotic taste of the tea itself is calming and soothing to the mind. It is packed with natural antioxidants which helps body to fight against infections and diseases. Detox Tea is free from caffeine and useful for almost all the health ailments. This herbal tea is made following strict Ayurvedic principles.

Directions for Use

  • Put 1 cup of water and 1 cup of milk or 2 cup of water in a teapan.
  • Add 1 tablespoonful of Detox tea (approx. 5 gm) and stir the mixture.
  • Gently bring the tea to boil. Lower heat to a simmer and continue to cook until ½ of the liquid remains (approx. 1 cup).
  • Strain the tea through a common kitchen strainer and sweeten to taste (you can sweeten it with Stevia if you are diabetic or drink without sugar).
  • Enjoy the natural delicious cinnamon, cardamom and rose flavor of this herbal Detox tea.

This procedure is an ancient method to prepare the tea to get the maximum benefit out of the herbs. Today’s fast life has restricted and altered the methods of preparing the tea by dipping the tea bags in the boiled water. The results of dipping the tea in boiled water for few minutes do not give proper results. So it is better to take out some precious time for yourself in making this tea and get full benefits.

If you are too busy in your work then you can just take a teaspoonful of the powder and consume with water. This will save a lot of your precious time.

To buy Detox tea, please visit





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