The liver has been described as a chemical workshop of the human body. All the nutrients and other substances absorbed from the intestines pass through the liver before entering into the systemic circulation. Thus the liver is vulnerable to the damage caused by a host of infections and toxic agents. Several types of viruses and alcohol are by far the commonest of these agents. The impairment of the liver function usually manifests as jaundice. Persistent infection and continuing impairment of function may be followed by death unless these changes can be controlled.

The morphological changes in liver damage can manifest as fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and cancer of the liver.

What is Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver is accumulation of fat in the liver cells. It is also called steatosis. Possible explanations of fatty liver include the transfer of fat from other parts of the body or an increase in the extraction of fat presented to the liver from the intestine. Other explanations are that the liver reduces the rate it breaks down and removes fat. Eating fatty foods does not by itself produce a fatty liver. The sluggish liver is one of the reasons for accumulation of fats in the liver cells.


Although this is not a normal condition, fat in the liver usually causes no damage by itself. This condition is usually reversible when the underlying causes are treated or removed. However, on some occasions it can be a sign that other more harmful conditions are at work. The liver may harden and, over time, liver cells may be replaced by scar tissue. This is called  cirrhosis. The liver can’t work right and one may develop liver failure liver cancer. So the treatment of fatty liver becomes necessary.

Latest researches say that a well-planned dietary regimen is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of most hepatic disorders. It has been proved beyond doubt that some of the proteins derived from animals are responsible for producing persistent symptoms related to liver disease. Thus vegetarian diet has gained momentum in the treatment of hepatic disorders and many herbs are seen to benefit the liver function and improve the overall system of the patient suffering from liver disease.

Herbal Remedy for Fatty Liver

Yakrit Plihantak Churna

This ancient herbal formulation is a blend of rare herbs useful in fatty liver and other liver conditions like inflammation of the liver – hepatitis, liver malfunction, liver cirrhosis and similar conditions. Fatty liver responds really well to this herbal blend and the results are evident within few days.

This is a combination of rare herbs powder and these herbs are traditionally used for Fatty liver disease. The combination is very effective and people who are in initial stage of fatty liver disease can use only Yakrit Plihantak Churna to get rid of the problem. This is very effective combination of all liver care herbs. It is an effective herbal remedy for fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, and liver cirrhosis. Yakrit Plihantak churna is recommended to buy 2 or more bottles, though the effects are visible after using 1/2 bottle only, but the long term detoxification is required.

Yakrit pllihantak has one of the rarest combination of Ayurveda herbs, which are very useful herbs for liver detoxification. This is an ancient and effective herbal formula for liver detox and fatty liver disease. It removes excessive fat from the liver and helps in regeneration of the damaged liver cells. It helps in so many metabolic and hormonal imbalances as liver is the seat of metabolism in the body.

Herbs in Yakrit Plihantak Churna

S. No. Herb Used English Name Latin Name Quantity
1. Bhumi Amla Feather Foll Phyllanthus niruri 60 gm
2 Katuki Picrorhiza Picrorhiza kurroa 20 gm
3. Makoy Black Night Shade Solanum indicum 20 gm
4. Punarnava Hogweed Boerhavia diffusa 20 gm
5. Kalmegh King of Bitters Andrographis paniculata 20 gm
6. Kaasni Chicory Cichorium intybus 20 gm
7. Sharpunkha Purple Tephrosia Tephrosia purpurea 20 gm
8. Bhringraj Eclipta Eclipta alba 20 gm

1. Bhumi Amla – The powder form of Bhumi amla is most effective herbal remedy for fatty liver disease. Bhumiamla or Phyllanthus niruri is an extensively researched herb, found to be very effective natural treatment for Hepatitis B and other forms of Hepatitis. Phyllanthus niruri is grown in rainy areas, where humidity level is high. It is widely growing in tropical countries. Many age old herbal healers use Bhumi amla as a remedy for liver and kidney failure. It clears away the toxins from the body, detox the liver and brings down the SGOT and SGPT levels drastically within 3-4 days of regular use. The jaundice disappears within 4-5 days and the bilirubin levels in the blood also come down remarkably. It regenerates liver cells and cures liver failure. So In my opinion, Yakrit Plihantak Churna must be used in almost every liver problem, for preventive as well as therapeutic use.

2. Katuki – It is known as Picrorhiza kurroa and is the most effective of all herbs to correct metabolism going on within the liver. Katuki clears away the excessive fat deposited in liver, it increases the production and excretion of bile and is effective gall bladder cleanser. If regularly used, this can also clear away gall bladder stones. It aids in digestion, helps in fat metabolism. A very famous traditional medicine Arogyavardhni Vati also contains Kutki in it as its major ingredient. It is also present in Stholyantak Churna, which is highly effective natural solution to lose weight, especially central obesity.

3. Makoy – Popular as Solanum indicum is a plant of Solanaceae family. It is a small growing weed like herb. Makoy has amazing liver healing properties. It helps in bringing down alkaline phosphatase, useful in alcoholic liver damage, fatty liver and hepatitis of all types. This herb also aids in regeneration of liver cells quickly.

4. Punarnava – Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is a natural diuretic and detox herb. It removes excess of fat, water from within the body. This herb rejuvenates kidneys and liver, that’s why the name is Punarnava (Puna- means again, nava means new). It makes the body new again. Punarnava removes excessive fluid from the body, which is a feature of ascites due to liver or kidney failure. It also helps in regeneration of liver cells and natural remedy to balance albumin/globulin ration in the blood. Punarnava herb is also effective in urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, nephrosis, kidney failure. It is also present in Mutrakrichantak Churna which is useful in kidney and urinary problems. Punarnava is very effective in fatty liver disease.  

5. Kalmegh – Andrographis paniculata is another herbal remedy for liver problems, fatty liver, hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease. People in India, use decoction of this herb as an effective herbal treatment for liver failure and fatty liver. It removes accumulated toxins from within the liver and contains alkaloids which help in immediate regeneration of damaged liver cells. This herb can be taken in routine without any side effects. A lot of farmers are now growing Kalmegh instead of wheat in India, as there is increased demand of this herb worldwide. No liver formula is consider complete without Kalmegh as its ingredient.

6. Kaasni – Cichorium intybus or Chicory bears unique divine healing power to care the worst liver and kidney failure as well. It can prevent going through dialysis and purifies the blood. Chicory is popular worldwide for its healing effect on kidney and liver. This herb is not only useful in kidney but also in fatty liver disease.

7. Sharpunkha – It is most effective herbal remedy for enlarged liver and spleen due to any reason. Sharpunkha is a natural alkaliser, decreases acidity and gas due to liver problem. It regenerates the capacity of the spleen to hold blood. It helps in regeneration of liver cells.

8. Bhringraj – Eclipta alba is generally used for hair problems as an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss. Bhringraj oil is very famous for local application on hair to prevent hair loss. It has also been recommended in Ayurveda to use powder of this herb for liver diseases in many ancient texts. Latest research on Bhringraj indicates that it has amazing power to regenerate liver cells. It is helpful in alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver, liver damage due to any other reason or excessive toxins. This herb is also nature’s best medicine for fatty liver.

To buy Yakrit Plihantak Churna, please visit

Action of these herbs on liver function

All the above mentioned herbs are very effective in setting right the SGOT and SGPT levels. They remove excess fat from the liver and improve the liver function. They are also helpful in losing weight and water retention problems.

Planet Ayurveda doctors have also seen its effect in not only improving liver function but also side benefits like balancing triglycerides levels and reducing the fat around belly. This is called central obesity in medical terminology and Yakrit plihantak churna is one of the most effective combination to help in central obesity.

Herbal Remedies for Fatty Liver

As per Ayurvedic point of view fatty liver is considered as yakritvridhi. Planet Ayurveda offers best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Fatty Liver Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of Fatty Liver. These herbal remedies are prepared from using best quality herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda.


  1. Yakrit Plihantak Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice a day before meals with warm water or decoction method.
  2. Livoplan Syrup – 2 tsp twice a day after meals.
  3. Liver Detox Formula – 1 capsule twice a day after meals with warm water.

To buy Fatty Liver Care Pack, please visit

More Information on Fatty Liver Disease

Very Common Foods Which Harm the Liver Function

Mostly alcohol consumption is the cause of fatty liver. The liver takes alcohol as a toxins and is not able to process it faster if the inflow is regular and in larger quantities. Try to quit alcohol altogether if you come to know that you have fatty liver. If you can’t then decrease the dosage drastically. Do not consume artificial foods and packaged foods.

Also avoid sweeteners like:

  • Aspartame
  • Neotame
  • Acesulfame-K (Sunette, Sweet & Safe, Sweet One)
  • Cyclamates
  • Saccharin

Reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates from sugar, bread, pastry, pasta, noodles, cakes, biscuits and desserts. Try to eat natural sweet fruits if you want to take something sweet. Melons, Grapes, Apples, Pears, Papaya and Sugarcane are all good for liver.

  • Avoid deep fried, fatty and processed food items.
  • Avoid dairy foods including milk, processed cheese, cream and butter. Also try to avoid yogurt, cheese such as ricotta, parmesan or cottage. Soy products should also be taken in a limited quantity.
  • Avoid sugary processed foods and drinks.
  • Avoid chicken and turkey as this also contains artificial growth hormones, antibiotics and steroids that increase the liver’s workload.
  • Drink 1.5- 2 liters of water each day, if there is severe liver failure or cirrhosis of liver then the fluid intake must be under supervision of a medical practitioner.

Fried Potatoes – Very Harmful for Liver

French fries and potato chips contain a toxin called acrylamide, a chemical used to produce plastics and dyes. Acrylamide causes DNA damage, which can result in reproductive damage and cancer. When starchy foods are heated to high temperatures, they spontaneously form acrylamide, even though none was present in the raw ingredients. Both American and European scientists agree that the foods with the highest levels of acrylamide includes french-fries and potato chips. Additionally, deep fried foods are high in liver-toxic lipid peroxides (rancid fats, which are immuno-suppressive and damage liver cell membranes) and trans-fatty acids (which suppress the production of PGE1, an important liver-protecting prostaglandin).