Guggul or Gugglu or Commiphora mukul is an effective herbal weight loss supplement. Guggul is a gum resin obtained from the tree commiphora mukul and is purely a natural substance. It is rich in guggulosterones which help to regularize the fat metabolism it’s assimilation and deposition in fatty tisues. It helps to burn extra fats from the body and reduce weight naturally.

Guggul is a popular weight loss herbal supplement. It is not only useful in reducing overweight but also helps to maintain figure by reducing unwanted fat deposits or cellulite formation. It helps to dissolve stubbron fat bodies lodged in the adipose tissue, especially around lower abdomen, waist and thighs.

Guggul not only helps in weight loss but also provides stregth to the joints, nervous system and helps in fighting various degenerative and inflammatory and wear and tear conditions.

Guggul for Weight Loss

Guggul is an effective weigh loss supplement helps lowering down overweight without causing any side effects of discomfort. Guggul supplements are useful to remove stubborn fats deposited around waist, thighs and buttock, which is rather very much immobile and not moving by using any other methods. Planet Ayurveda Guggul is a 100 % pure and vegetarian natural supplement containing standardized extracts of Guggul giving accurate results. The Thinner You pack contains other herbal supplements for weight loss along with Guggul and thereby useful for reducing weight naturally. The combination of these various herbal supplements works in synergy with Guggul to give quicker results. This does not mean that Guggul alone is not effective but to get quick results within 10 days of using these packs, one can see things changing in his/her body. Guggul not only reduces fats from the stubborn body parts but also reduces high cholesterol from the arteries thereby cleaning them.

How Guggul is Effective in Reducing Body Fats?

Its very good results have also been seen in reducing fat levels within the body. Because of the ushan virya potency of guggul it comprises of a high capability to penetrate and its katu and tikhta rasa it very beneficial within the obesity related problems. Ayurvedic physicians have used it as anti obesity agent. Guggul works as rasayan i.e. used in promoting youthfulnesss and longitivity. For this reason is a constituent of the Chawanprash.

In various ancient classical medical texts guggul is prescribed for the treatment of medoroga, a disease that closely resembles in symptoms to high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries. Guggul gum lowers cholesterol levels and protects against the hardening of the arteries. In the Sushruta Samhita, guggul was also suggested for fat loss and the relief of arthritis.

High Cholesterol

About 14-27% of LDL cholesterol and 22-30% of triglycerides levels were reduced when guggul was given to men and women with high cholesterol for 12 weeks with no change in diet or exercise.

Weight Loss

Guggul works to enhance thyroid function. Since the thyroid gland produces hormones that are needed for the regulation of metabolism, it can help in weight loss. Guggul changes thyroid hormone metabolism, increase levels of circulating T3, or triiodothyroxine, a thyroxine metabolite known to raise overall metabolism, which in turn increases burning of fat.

To buy Guggul Capsules, please visit

Herbal Remedies for Weight Loss

Planet Ayurveda offers best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Thinner You Pack for natural treatment of obesity. These herbal remedies are very useful for weight loss. We provides only 100% pure and natural products which are safe to use. All the products are free from chemicals and side effects.


  1. Guggul Capsules: 1 capsule twice daily
  2. Stholyantak Churna: 1 tablespoonful twice daliy. Can be consumed by mixing in water
  3. Trim Support: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water
  4. Garcinia Capsules: 2 capsules twice daily