There are effective herbal remedies for water retention which reduces the swelling and generalized edema described in Ayurveda – the ancient healthcare system of India. These herbal remedies not only help in getting rid of edema but also provide strength to the body unlike other diuretics. The herbal remedies work as natural diuretics. Out of various diuretics used for water retention, the Punarnava mandur tablets are the most effective also helpful in general weakness.

Punarnava is a plant known as “hogweed” or “Boerhavia diffusa” that literally means rejuvenating or making everything new again. It helps to clear out the toxins as well as giving a feeling of freshness and lightness in the body.

Punarnava Mandur – Water Retention Herbal Remedy

Punarnava mandur tablets are a perfect combination of various herbal remedies for water retention and to reduce swelling all over the body. It is a best herbal remedy to reduce swelling around joints, swelling in the feet, reduce fluid accumulation in the feet. This tablet is also a natural herbal remedy for ascites due to liver failure or kidney failure.

The details about the ingredients of Punarnava mandur are explained below:

Punarnava mandur tablets are classical ayurvedic tablets for many health conditions. It is an excellent herbal remedy to improve blood count, improve blood quality, removes toxins from the blood, help in decreasing urea/creatinine, cholesterol and other toxins. These are natural diuretic tablets and useful for water retention. Punarnava Mandur helps in ascites, renal failure, liver failure, fluid accumulation, swelling, puffy eyes, glaucoma, anemia, fatty liver and many other problems related with accumulation of fluid in the body tissues.

  1. Boerhavia Diffusa: It is a creeper plant known as hogweed and grows almost everywhere in plains. The roots of this plant are nature’s best diuretic and reduce swelling and accumulated fluid in the body. It is also natural anti-inflammatory and used as a traditional remedy for edema, jaundice, anemia, ascites, kidney failure, congestive heart failure, varicose veins, obesity and enlarged spleen etc. This is an effective herbal remedy for water retention due to any reasons. It is used successfully as natural treatment of water retention and generalized swelling in the body.
  2. Zingiber Officinale: Ginger is an excellent digestive stimulant and carminative. It is useful for dyspepsia, nausea and colic. Ginger is digestive and helps to digest the toxins in the body. According to Ayurveda, the accumulated toxins are known as “ama” or the retained fluid in the body is full of toxins known as ‘ama’. This herb helps to digest the Ama or endotoxins. Ginger also helps to reduce cholesterol and useful for heart problems. It acts as natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce joints pain and swelling around joints. Ginger also helps in getting rid of fluid accumulation and water retention due to any reasons.
  3. Piper Longum: Long pepper is a powerful rejuvenating herb described in ancient healthcare system of India. It is stimulant for both digestive and respiratory systems. Piper longum dispels gas from the intestines and also useful in many respiratory disorders like allergies, asthma, cough and bronchitis. It helps in reducing inflammation especially around the joints. This herb reduces swelling and fluid accumulation. It is also very useful herbal remedy for water retention.
  4. Piper Nigrum: Black pepper is digestive stimulant and carminative in nature. It aids in alleviating pain. This herb is a good herbal remedy that reduces swelling and inflammation. It acts as a natural diuretic and is useful herbal remedy for water retention.
  5. Embelia Ribes: This is a small herb like black pepper. It is also known as Vidang in ancient Sanskrit language. Traditionally, it is used for treating intestinal worms, skin problems, flatulence, cough, gas, colic pain, constipation, edema, fluid retention and general weakness.
  6. Plumbago Zeylanica: The root of this plant is used in traditional healing. It is used as an appetite stimulator and digestive for ama. The herb is used as a carminative and diaphoretic. It helps a lot in digestive disorders and also known as Chitrak in Ayurveda. Chitrak reduces inflammation, swelling and fluid accumulation. It is an effective natural way to get rid of water retention.
  7. Terminalia Chebula: The fruit of this tree are used and helps to increase appetite. Terminalia chebula is a good digestive stimulant, liver stimulant and stomachic having mild laxative properties. It is useful in treating Ascites (accumulated fluid in the body). This herb is useful in constipation and works as an effective natural remedy for water retention.
  8. Emblica Officinalis: Popularly known as “Amla”. The fruit of this herb has vitamin C content and is known in Ayurveda for its anti-aging properties. Amla is a strong immunity enhancer, anti-aging, useful in hyperacidity, jaundice and fluid accumulation. Regular use of Amla fruit prevents recurrent infections. This helps in water retention due to any reasons.
  9. Curcuma longa: This herb has anti-bacterial properties. It acts as a blood purifier and useful in diseases like common cold, leprosy, diseases of the liver, inflammation and useful for wound healing. Curcuma longa is also useful in treating cancer and jaundice. It helps to reduce swelling, pedal edema and to get rid of excessive fluid accumulation.
  10. Piper Chaba: Piper chaba is anti-microbial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anti –diarrheal. It is also useful as a digestive stimulant and carminative. This herb is a natural diuretic and helps to reduce swelling and generalized edema.
  11. Mandoor bhasma: It is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. Since it is purified and used in mild dosage as is mixed with other herbs. It acts as a powerful haematinic- useful in anemia, weakness, diuretic and useful in treating diseases like edema, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, intestinal worms, dyspepsia, chronic bowel movements, water retention, ascites and jaundice. This bhasma is useful in liver diseases, kidney diseases and enlargement of spleen. It not only removes toxins from the blood but also help to reduce edema, swelling around joints, fluid accumulation in the feet, heart and other parts of the body. Mandoor bhasma quickly helps to get rid of water retention due to any reasons.

Punarnava Mandur contains all the above described ingredients and are processed together to make a combination of herbal remedies for water retention, general weakness, liver and kidney problems, accumulation of toxins, ascites, digestive disorders and obesity.


2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

To buy Punarnava Mandur, please visit

Contraindications, Cautions, Safety

Punarnava Mandur tablets can be taken without harm for long term as they do not have any side effects. These tablets can be taken with any other medicines which are already being taken. The dosage can be reduced of the diuretics as and when required basis as this also helps to reduce fluid accumulation. The doctor can also reduce the dosage depending upon the condition. They are also good for anemia.

More Information about Water Retention

What is Water Retention?

When the body is not able to excrete or get rid of enough water, it is called water retention. The fluid retention in the body can cause swelling on ankles, face, hands and shortness of breath. There can be several causes of water retention.

There are many reasons for water retention but few major reasons are described below:

  • Too much salt consumption: Sodium has a tendency to retain water in the body. This leads to fluid retention. Over consumption of salt are the commonest reasons for fluid retention. The water retention problem goes away if the salt intake is decreased. A good diet should be followed and salt intake should be lowered to clear the edema.
  • Gravity: Sitting or standing for long periods in one posture especially for people who are overweight leads to pooling of the fluid in the lower parts of the body i.e. legs. The feet are swollen and the pooling leads to edema. This edema goes away if the posture is changed or the person lies down.
  • Water retention due to Burns or Sunburn: Severe skin injury or superficial burns can cause water retention. When burn injuries occur, the skin reacts by retaining fluid and this causes localized swelling.
  • Fluid retention due to PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome Edema: Women are prone to water retention due to fluctuation of hormone levels. Low levels of progesterone just a week before menstruation can lead to fluid retention. Even abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar levels can also lead to edema and water retention. When your blood breaks down progesterone in the run-up to menstruation, the kidneys are told to retain water and sodium. As well as this, a water-retaining compound (an anti-diuretic hormone) may be secreted, which causes more water to be retained. Therefore diuretic treatment alone is not good for edema caused by PMS.
  • Edema due to contraceptives: Birth control pills which contain estrogen can lead to fluid retention in some cases. These pills are also responsible for abnormal weight gain in females.
  • Water retention during pregnancy: The hormonal fluctuation during pregnancy encourages the body to retain excess fluid. Pregnant women also have a tendency to retain significant amount of sodium and water because some of it is needed by the fetus and placenta. The symptoms of water retention are swelling in face, hands, lower legs and feet.
  • Menopause and Water retention: Water retention can be very discomforting during early menopause or post menopause. The water retention can also cause bloating and edema all over the body. Hormone fluctuations and estrogen replacement therapy are the two major reasons for water retention.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Low or inadequate intake of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is another reason for fluid retention. Vitamins B6 and B5 also assist fluid dispersal. Low levels of protein (albumin) in the bloodstream may also cause edema.
  • Edema due to Medication Side Effect: Water retention and edema can also be caused by some drugs for blood pressure and steroids or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Prolonged Medical Conditions and Water Retention

There can be many underlying medical reasons for water retention.

Some common reasons for water retention are:

  1. Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Weak valves in veins of lower legs fail to return blood to heart if they are insufficient to do it. The pooling of the blood can lead to varicose veins. This can also lead to deep vein thrombosis because of accumulation or fluid retention in lower extremities for long period of time. The swelling can be in one leg or both the legs.
  2. Kidney failure and water retention: End stage renal disease or kidney failure due to any reasons can cause swelling in the legs and puffiness around eyes. This leads to increased pressure in the blood vessels caused by kidney failure. The kidneys then are unable to excrete excess sodium from the body leading to further water retention and edema.
  3. Water Retention due to Heart Failure (Congestive Heart Failure): Weak ventricular contraction or congestive heart failure (Pump Failure) is caused by prolonged and chronic blood pressure. Congestive heart failure is also one of the major reasons for water retention. If the heart muscle is not able to pump effectively, the body compensates by retaining fluid and increasing the volume of blood. This causes congestion of the veins, enlargement of the liver, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (Ascites), in subcutaneous tissues causing swelling in the legs.
  4. Water Retention due to Liver Disease – Cirrhosis: Liver Cirrhosis causes liver congestion leading to increased pressure in liver’s blood vessels, which causes water retention and ascites. The other symptoms of water retention are swelling in the abdomen, and in the feet or if the patient is lying down most of the day edema may occur in the lower back.
  5. Malignant Lymphedema: Malignant lymphedema occurs if the cancerous tumors block the lymphatic system causing water retention and edema.
  6. Hypothyroidism and edema: Sluggish thyroid gland is also one of the top reasons for water retention and body edema. The hypothyroidism is usually treated with thyroxine.
  7. Arthritis edema: The edema due to swelling in the joints causes fluid retention and localized edema.
  8. Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions may also cause localized edema or general edema to people who are susceptible to allergic reactions to particular allergens. Sometimes the reaction is so severe that it needs immediate medical care (in anaphylaxis). Though this type of edema may be short lived but it can be life threatening.

Water Retention Due to Kidney Failure

Herbs for Kidney Failure

Mutra-Krich-Antak Churna

Mutrakrichantak Churna is a safe and effective combination of kidney supporting herbs used in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C. for painful urinary conditions. It is useful in kidney stones, urinary tract infections, high uric acid and blood urea levels. These herbs act together in a synergistic manner and are effective in urinary tract infections, ureteric stones and painful micturition. The powder can be safely used in chronic kidney failure and in dialysis patients. It acts as a diuretic while providing natural anti-oxidants and nutrition to the body. Varun and Apamarg are wonderful herbs for treatment of prostate enlargement Tribulus terrestris is famous herb used for its nutritive function. Shirish is considered in Ayurveda as best anti-allergic. Boerhavia diffusa acts as diuretic with 5 Grassroots.

Herbs in Mutra-Krich-Antak Churna

Mutrakrichantak is purely an herbal formulation without any chemicals added into it. The ingredients are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of medicine since 5,000 B.C without any side effects.

Dosage: 3 to 6 gm herbs powder (1 teaspoonful twice daily)

To buy Mutra-Krich-Antak Churna, please visit

Uses of Our Herbal Remedies for Kidney Failure:-

  1. Kidney failure
  2. Kidney Stones
  3. Nephrotic Syndrome
  4. Nephritis
  5. Dialysis
  6. Diabetic Nephropathy
  7. Urethral Strictures
  8. Urinary Tract Infections
  9. Acute or Chronic Renal Failure
  10. Increased Urea and Creatinine

Herbal Remedies for Kidney Failure by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda offers a very effective pack known as Revive kidneys pack for kidney failure patients. This pack contains herbal remedies like Varunadi vati, Mutrakrichantak churna, Rencure formula and Punarnava mandur. These remedies contain various herbs that helps in water retention due to kidney failure.

Recommended Dosage:-

  1. Varunadi Vati – 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.
  2. Mutrakrichantak Churna – 1 Teaspoonful twice daily warm with water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.
  3. Rencure Formula – 2 Capsules, twice daily with warm water after meals.
  4. Punarnava Mandur – 2 Tablets, thrice daily with warm water after meals.
  5. Chandanadi Vati – 2 Tablets, twice daily with warm water after meals.

All the products can be taken together along with the ongoing dialysis and other medications.

To buy Revive Kidneys Pack, please visit