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What are the Therapeutic Uses and Health Benefits of Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia piscipula)?

piscidia erythrina

What is Jamaican Dogwood?

Jamaican dogwood is a potentially toxic plant. This plant has been traditionally used as a remedy for treating insomnia, anxiety, nerve pain, and migraine.

Its botanical name is Piscidia piscipula and it belongs to family Leguminosae.


It is a medium-sized plant that grows up to 40 feet in height. Flowers are white or pink in color with red stripes. It has compound leaves that are fairly long (about a foot) when fully grown and composed of approx. 7 to 9 leaflets and has winged seedpods. The bark is grayish brown or yellow in color on the outer surface and on the inner surface, it is white or lighter colored.


This plant is native to Florida, Texas, Central America, West Indie, Mexico and northern part of South America.

Parts used

Root Bark

What are the Medicinal Properties of Jamaican Dogwood?

  • Jamaican dogwood is used as a sedative which is helpful in treating the anxiety, migraine, neuralgia, insomnia, menstrual cramps or uterine and ovarian pains.
  • This herb is also used to treat pain and inflammation related to arthritis.
  • It is also useful in treating whooping cough or any other spasmodic respiratory conditions.

What are the Therapeutic Uses of Jamaican Dogwood?

Jamaican dogwood is used as anti-anxiety and anti-depressant that calms the brain and elevates moods. This herb is also used as a sedative that increases the quality and quantity of sleep. It has a cooling effect and also improves the concentration power. It is helpful in treating several disorders such as insomnia, migraine etc.

Uterus disorders

This herb regulates the menstrual cycle and also treats the symptoms such as menstrual bleeding, abdominal cramps etc. It also maintains the proper contraction and relaxation of the uterus. This herb also reduces the pelvic pressure and keeps the uterus healthy.


Jamaican dogwood acts as an anti-inflammatory as well as an analgesic that reduces the pain as well as inflammation. This herb reduces the friction between the joints and also prevents the tissues from permanent damage. It also decreases the uric acid level which is accumulated in the joints.

A Toothache

This herb acts as a pain killer which reduces the pain caused by swelling. It keeps the gums healthy and strong. It also acts as an antibiotic that prevents the tooth damage and also prevents tooth brittle.


Jamaican dogwood acts as an anticonvulsant that controls seizures. It also acts as a painkiller that reduces the pain and treats the symptoms related to it such as severe facial pain, muscle spasm, difficulty in chewing and, etc.

Preparations made by Jamaican dogwood


Doses of these Preparations

Ointment – Twice daily





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