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Jatamansi (Nordostachys Jatamansi) – Uses, Benefits and Dosage

Jatamansi (Nordostachys Jatamansi)


In today’s world humanity is falling short of time, practically for everything. Struggle for survival has pushed people to go beyond human limits to achieve materialistic gains or simply just for the sake of winning daily bread.

This growing rush in everybody’s life today has put man’s basic physical, mental and genetic makeup at stake, leading to the explosive rise in the number of what we call as Life style disorders. The root cause of these disorders is mental instability, stress, excessive workload leading to insomnia, psychosis and other kinds of mental illness.

In order to achieve a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, Ayurveda, the science of life offers many natural solutions which help in leading a healthy life.

Numerous herbs explained in Ayurvedic texts are of great value and are being widely researched nowadays for the level of benefits they can offer to the service of mankind. Here we will discuss about Jatamansi, a popular herb in Ayurveda.

Name: Nordostachys Jatamansi

Family: Valerianaceae


Sanskrit: Tapasvini, Vilomasa, Bhutajata, Jatamansi-(hairy entangled roots/ rhizome), Nalanda (aromatic)

Hindi – Jatamasi

Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu – Jatamansi

Tamil, Kannada, Malyalam – Jatamamsi

English: Indian Spikenard.

Common Name: Jatamanshi, Muskroot, Jatamashi, Balchar

Origin and Description

India (Himalayas), China, Nepal

It is a flowering plant of Indian origin and belongs to the valerianaceae family, found usually in the Eastern Himalaya at a height of 3000-5000 meters above sea level. It is a small plant that grows to a height of 1m with pink small elongated, bell shaped flowers. Currently it is grouped under critically endangered species in INDIA.

Modified stems of the plant / Rhizomes are a source of a thick, aromatic essential oil known as NARD OIL (obtained through distillation of crushed rhizomes).

Active Principles

Jatamansi extracts contain many active chemicals, the list of the major ones is given here:-

jatamanshic acid, virolin, actinidine, carotene, aristolens, calarence, carenal, elemol, droaristolene, b-eudesmol, jatamols a-b, jatamansic acid, jatamansone, nordostachonol, nordostachone, patchouli, angelivin, jatamansin, jatamansinol, oroselol

Part Used: Rhizomes, seeds, fruits

Dosage: Powder- 1-3 gm in divided doses


Rasa: Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (astringent), Madhura (sweet)

Guna: Laghu (easily diested), Snigdha, Tikshna (sharp action)

Virya: Sheet (cold)

Vipaka: Katu (pungent)

Prabhava (special action): Bhutaghna (anti- psychotic), Manasdoshahara (psychosomatic disorders), Tridoshanashaka (balances all the three doshas or body energies i.e. vata, pitta, kapha, while specifically vitiating pitta and kapha.

To buy Jatamansi Powder, please visit

Planet Ayurveda Products Containing Jatamansi

Sleep Naturals

Planet Ayurveda’s Sleep naturals capsules contain standardized extract of herbs like Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi), Vacha (Acorus Calamus), Tagar (Valeriana Wallichi), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Brahmi (Bacopa monieri), Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentine), etc. It is very effective in maintaining healthy sleep patterns.

Although, there are many other similar natural health supplements available worldwide but Planet Ayurveda products standout in that they maintain high standards in the quality of the herbs and have been consistent in maintaining a good name in the field of natural supplements.





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