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Tridosha – Three Basic Energies Described in Ayurveda

Tridosha - Three Basic Energies Described in Ayurveda


The five elements are present in various living and non-living things in various ratios and proportions. Living things have five elements and a soul whereas non-living have only 5 elements in their composition. These 5 elements represent themselves in the form of 3 energies in humans called ‘Dosha’ or Tri-Dosha. These dosha can also be called Tri-Energies.

The balance of these tri-energies is known as state of health and their imbalance is disease. Anything which restores this balance is good for health. So any diet, exercise, behavior or medicine can be recommended to restore this balance and provide health. The tri-energies are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Kapha (Earth + Water) – Nutrition & Support

Kapha: Kapha is compared with Potential energy within the body. It has Earth and Water as its elemental constituents. So the attributes are just like earth and water. It provides stability to our body and cells. It is responsible for the structures to stick together, like bones joining with ligaments and muscles with tendons. It provides stability to the body and also to the mind. It is responsible for lubrications within the joints. In general, the fluid and sold structures constitute “Kapha” within the body. It is nutritive and supportive to the body. The adipose tissue is also a form of “Kapha” within our bodies.

There are Five Types of Kapha in Our Body:-

  1. Bodhak – “Bodhan” means to let you know. This kapha is present in the salivary glands of the tongue and informs you about the taste of the food.
  2. Kledak – “Kledak Kapha” aids digestion and is located in stomach, can be correlated with digestive juices. It moistens and softens food.
  3. Tarpak – “Tarpan” means to provide nutrition and Support. It has nutritive functions. Cerebrospinal fluid can be correlated with “Tarpak kapha”. Sense organs are also getting nutrition and support from ‘Tarpak Kapha.
  4. Avlambak – Avlamban means to cover. It covers vital organs like heart, and lungs. It can be understood as shock absorbing fluid layers in and around vital organs.
  5. Shleshak – “Shleshak” means lubricant. It is present in between the joints. It can be correlated with synovial fluid present within the joints.

Location of Kapha in Our Body

According to Ayurveda, the location of Kapha in our body is Upper portion of our body. i.e. Lungs, Throat, Larynx, Nose, Brain, Eyes.

Functions of Kapha in Our Body

It is responsible for nutrition and support within our body. It keeps the structures bound to each other. It acts as a cohesion agent.

Emotions Controlled by Kapha

Patience, Mental Stability, Slowness, More retaining abilities.

Physical Attributes of Kapha

Kapha is cool, sticky, dull, oily and sweet.





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