8 Amazing Natural Tips to have Glowing Skin at Home

Hey Girls!! Having fun at home or Upset with the lockdown? Many of you might have the excitement that now the parlours will open and you will have a good time there to have glowing and bright skin. But what??? It extended for 15 more days. And the questions captured the mind, what will happen now? How could I get my monthly facial? What if I start to have dead skin? What about the pimple treatment? Menstrual are also coming, what if I won’t get face spa after it ends? There will be pimples all over my skin, blackheads, dead skin, etc.

Do you have the same questions? Are you worried about your natural look and beauty? So, girls, don’t worry, you have a treasure at your home, in your kitchen. You can take its benefits anytime without any extra efforts or spending much money and additional advantage is, you don’t have to find time from your busy schedule, you already have enough. What you need to do is to know the proper use of the ingredients and apply it on your skin for maintaining your natural glow. Believe it, these ingredients are more effective and provide you long-lasting glowing and natural skin which even the parlours can’t guarantee.

So, what to wait now, let’s have some interesting and wonderful tips to maintain or even improve your skin tone.

8 Amazing Natural Tips to have Glowing Skin at Home

Natural Tips to have Glowing Skin at Home

1. Aloe Vera Face Pack

Aloe Vera can be easily found in our surroundings or even in our homes. You just have to take 1 tsp of Aloe Vera gel (better to take directly from the plant), 1 tsp of honey, and a pinch of turmeric. Mix these all ingredients well to make a thick paste and apply on your skin. Wait for 20 minutes after applying well and then wash it thoroughly with lukewarm water. It will make your skin smoother and shinier.

2. Fuller’s Earth with Tomato Face Pack

Mix 2tsp tomato juice with 2 tsp of fuller’s earth and apply it on your skin for 10 minutes or until it dries in natural air. Rinse it off with plain water. It will provide you a spot-free skin and cooling freshness during this season.

3. Cucumber Juice

Grate half or 1 cucumber after removing its seeds. Then squeeze it to collect the juice, strain it in a bowl and apply this juice on your skin. Let it dry and then rinse it with normal water. It will be helpful in maintaining healthy skin and will also give you wrinkle-free young skin.

4. Lemon-Sugar Scrub

Take 2 tsp of lemon and sugar each. Mix it well so that sugar can be dissolved in Lemon. Scrub with this mixture on your skin in circular motion for a minimum of 5 min. Leave it for 10 min after scrubbing and then rinse off with plain water. It will exfoliate your skin and remove blackheads.

5. Papaya with Fuller’s Earth Face Mask

Take 1tsp pulp of Ripe Papaya with 1 tsp of fuller’s earth and honey each. Make a thick paste and apply it evenly on your skin. Keep it for 15-20 min and wash thoroughly with normal water. This Mask will help you to have glowing, smoother and softer skin.

6. Gram Flour Face Pack

You just have to add 4 tsp of gram flour powder, a pinch of turmeric powder and some drops of lemon juice. Mix it with required amount of water to make a thick paste and apply on your skin. Keep it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off as soon as it dries with normal water.

7. Baking Soda Face Mask

Take 1 tsp baking soda with 1 tsp of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp of honey in a bowl. Mix it well so that a thick paste can be made. Apply it gently on your skin and leave for 10 minutes or until it dries. Rinse with plain water to remove all the dead skin cells and manage to open pores.

8. Red Lentils Face Pack

Take 1 cup red lentils, 1/2 cup Raw Rice and 1/2 cup Oatmeal. Grind these all together to make fine powder. Add a required amount of rose water to this powder in order to make a thick paste. Apply this on your skin and let it dry. Rinse with normal water and get a brighter skin.


Hence, here in this article we have provided you with the easiest and safest way to get a healthier, shinier, brighter, younger and long-lasting glowing skin at home. Now, no more expenses on parlour facial, no more wait for appointments and no more worry for skin problems during lockdown.

Maintain your natural skin with natural ingredients, without ruining your natural beauty with chemicals and artificial ingredients. Let’s cheat our age with these amazing tips.

Stay connected with Planet Ayurveda for more easy to use, most convenient and natural tips to maintain and improve your natural beauty.