Adhyayana Sampradayaniya – 3rd Chapter of Sushruta Samhita
Acharya Sushruta is the author of Sushruta Samhita. He is called “The Father of Surgery”. Sushruta Samhita is a classical Ayurvedic text on medicine and surgery. It is one among the Brihat trayees (three great treatises in Ayurveda). It is referred to as the best text for learning Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery). Sushruta Samhita contains 186 adhyaya (chapters) and has described 1,120 types of diseases. This Samhita is divided into two parts namely Purva tantra and Uttara tantra. The Purva tantra contains 5 Sthana. Sutra sthana, Nidana sthana, Sharira sthana, Chikitsa sthana and Kalpa sthana. The Purva Tantra is the oldest part of the Sushruta Samhita whereas Uttar Tantra was made later. In this article, we will discuss Vedotpati Adhayaya which is the first chapter of Sushruta Samhita (Sutra sthana).

Vedotpati is a Sanskrit word. It comprises two words Veda and Utapapti. Veda means knowledge and Utapati means Origin. Origin of knowledge (the science of life) as said by Lord Dhanvantri. In this chapter, Acharya Sushruta has mentioned the definition of Ayurveda, the various branches of Ayurveda, the purpose of Ayurveda, and the importance and features of Shalya tantra (Surgery). He has also described how Ayurveda was propagated, the importance of Purusha (human), vyadhi and its adhisthana (disease and its sites), vyadhi nigraha (ways to control diseases), ahara (diet), aushada (medicine) and sites of diseases caused by external causes.
Ayurvedotpatti (Origin of Ayurveda)
Adhyayana Sampradayaniya is the third chapter of Sushruta Samhita. All the chapters of Sushruta Samhita are mentioned in this chapter. As mentioned in the previous chapter Sushruta Samhita has 120 chapters and these chapters are mentioned in 5 Sthanas. The division of various chapters in these Sthanas is given below:
- Sutra Sthana – It contains 46 chapters.
- Nidana Sthana – It includes 16 chapters.
- Sharira Sthana – It contains 10 chapters.
- Chikitsa Sthana – It includes 40 chapters.
- Kalpa Sthana – It contains 8 chapters.
- Uttar Tantra – It contains 66 chapters.
Chapters Mentioned In Sutra Sthana
- Vedotapatti
- Shisyopanayaniya
- Adhyayanasmpradayaniya
- Prabhashaniya
- Agroapharaniya
- Ritucharya
- Yantravidhi
- Shastraavcharniya
- Yogyasutriya
- Vishikhanupraveshaniya
- Ksharapakvidhi
- Agnikarmavidhi
- Jalokavcharniya
- Shonitavaraniya
- Dosha dhatu mala kshaya vridhi vigyaniya
- Karna vyadhbandh vidhi
- Ampakveshaniya
- Vranaalepan bhandh vidhi
- Vranitopasniya
- Hithahitiya
- Vranaprashana
- Vranastrava vigyaniya
- Krityakritya vidhi
- Vyadhisamudeshiya
- Asthavidhshastra karamniya
- Pranashtashalaya vigyaniya
- Shalyapnayniya
- Viprita aviprita vrana vigyaniya
- Viprita aviprita duta shakunswapannidarshaniya
- Panchindriya artha vipratipati
- Chaya vipratipati
- Swabhava vipratipati
- Avaraniya
- Yuktaseniya
- Aturopkramniya
- Bhumipravibhaga vigyaniya
- Mishraka
- Dravyasangrahniya
- Sanshodhanshamaniya
- Dravyarasgunavirya vipaka vigyaniya
- Dravya vishesha vigyaniya
- Ras vishesha vigyaniya
- Vaman dravya vikalpa vigyaniya
- Virechan dravya vikalpa vigyaniya
- Dravdravya vidhi
- Anpan vidhi
Chapters Mentioned In Nidana Sthana
- Vata Vyadhi Nidana
- Arsha Nidana
- Ashmiri Nidana
- Bagandar Nidana
- Kushtha Nidana
- Prameha Nidana
- Udar Nidana
- Mudagarbha Nidana
- Vidradhi Nidana
- Visarpadi Nidana
- Granthyadi Nidana
- Vridhi Nidana
- Kshudra roga Nidana
- Shuka Dosha Nidana
- Bhagna Nidan
- Mukha Roga Nidana
Chapters Mentioned In Sharira Sthana
- Sarvabhuta Chinta Sharira
- Shukra Shonita Shudhi
- Garbha avakranti
- Garbha vyakaran
- Sharirsankhya vyakaran
- Pratyak marma nirdesha
- Siravarnan vibhakti
- Siravyadha vidhi
- Dhamni vyakaran
- Garbhini vyakaran
Chapters Mentioned In Chikitsa Sthana
- Dvivraniya Chikitsa
- Sadhovran Chikitsa
- Bhagana Chikitsa
- Vat vyadhi Chikitsa
- Maha vyadhi Chikitsa
- Arsha Chikitsa
- Ashmari Chikitsa
- Bagandar Chikitsa
- Kushtha Chikitsa
- Mahakushtha Chikitsa
- Prameha Chikitsa
- Pramehapidika Chikitsa
- Madhumeha Chikitsa
- Udar Chikitsa
- Mudagarbha Chikitsa
- Vidradhi Chikitsa
- Visarpa Chikitsa
- Granthi Chikitsa
- Vridhi Chikitsa
- Kshudra roga Chikitsa
- Shuka roga Chikitsa
- Mukha roga Chikitsa
- Shofa Chikitsa
- Anagatbadhapratishedhaniya
- Mishraka Chikitsa
- Kshinabaliya vajikaran
- Sarvabadh shamniya rasayan
- Medhayushakamiya rasayan
- Swabhava vyadhi pratishedhaniya rasayan
- Nivritasantapiya rasayan
- Snehopyogika
- Svedavcharniya
- Vamanvirechan sadhyopdrava
- Vaman virechan vyapat
- Netra basti praman pratibhav
- Netra basti vyapada
- Anuvasan basti
- Niruhakrama
- Aturopadrava Chikitsa
- Dhuma nasyaadi vidhi Chikitsa
Chapters Mentioned In Kalpa Sthana
- Anapan raksha Vijyana
- Sthavar Visha Vigyana
- Jangama Visha Vigyana
- Sarpadashta Visha Vigyana
- Sarpadashta Visha Chikitsita
- Dundubhisavniya Kalpa
- Mushik Kalpa
- Kitta Kalpa
Chapters Mentioned In Uttara Tantra
Given below are the 26 chapters of Uttar Tantra which constitute Shalakya Tantra:
- Aupadravika Adhyaya
- Sandhigata roga Vigyana
- Vartamagata roga Vigyana
- Shuklagata roga Vigyana
- Krishnagata roga Vigyana
- Sarvagata roga Vigyana
- Drishtigata roga Vigyana
- Chikitsa Pravibhaga Vigyaniya
- Vatabhishyand Pratishedha
- Pittaabhishyanda Pratisheda
- Shleshmabhishayanda Pratisheda
- Raktaabhishyanda Pratisheda
- Lekhayay roga Pratisheda
- Bheda roga Pratisheda
- Cheda roga Pratisheda
- Paksham roga Pratisheda
- Drishtigata roga Pratisheda
- Kriya Kalpa
- Nayan abhighata Pratisheda
- Karangata roga Vigyaniya
- Karangata roga Pratisheda
- Nasagata roga Vigyaniya
- Nasagata roga Pratisheda
- Pratishayaya Pratisheda
- Shiroroga vigyaniya
- Shiroroga Pratisheda
Given below are 12 chapters of Uttar Tantra which along with Sharira Sthanaconstitiute Kumara Tantra:
- Navagrahakriti Vigyaniya
- Sakanda graha Pratisheda
- Skanda Apasmara Pratisheda
- Shakuni Pratisheda
- Revati Pratisheda
- Putna Pratisheda
- Andhaputna Pratisheda
- Shitaputna Pratisheda
- Mukhamandika Pratisheda
- Negmesha Pratisheda
- Grahotpatti
- Yonivyapad Pratisheda
Given below are the chapters which come under Kaya Chikitsa;
- Jvara Pratisheda
- Atisara Pratisheda
- Shosha Pratisheda
- Gulma Pratisheda
- Hridya roga Pratisheda
- Pandu Roga Pratisheda
- Paktapitta Pratisheda
- Murcha Pratisheda
- Panatya Pratisheda
- Trishna Pratisheda
- Chardi Pratisheda
- Hikka Pratisheda
- Shwasa Pratisheda
- Kasa Pratisheda
- Swarabheda Pratisheda
- Krimi roga Pratisheda
- Udavarta Pratisheda
- Visuchika Pratisheda
- Arochak Pratishoda
- Mutraghata Pratisheda
- Mutrakricha Pratisheda
Given below are three chapters that come under Bhuta Vidya:
- Amanushopsarga Pratisheda
- Apasmara Pratisheda
- Unmada Pratisheda
Given below are four chapters that come under Tantrabhushana:
- Rasabheda Vikalpa
- Swasthvritta
- Tantrayukti
- Doshabheda vikalpa
Various Acharyas have called Uttar Tantra the Great Tantra. This is because this tantra has mentioned the meaning of various other Tantra like Shalakyadi Tantra. Being the last Tantra it is called as Uttar Tantra.
Shalakya Tantra, Komara Tantra, Kaya Chikitsa and Bhuta Vidya are mentioned in Uttar Tantra. Vajikaran and Rasayan vidhi are mentioned in Chikitsa Sthana. Visha Tantra is mentioned in Kalpa Sthana and Shalya Shastra is mentioned in all the Sthanas.
Qualities Of A Good Physician
- The physician should have knowledge of Shastras.
- The physician should know Snehan, Sweden, Panchkarma, and Asthavidha Shastra karma.
Method To Study
The student should be clean, he/she should obey the teacher, work efficiently and avoid sleep and laziness.The student who is interested to go beyond studies should always have clarity in speech, good understanding and practice studying constantly.
In this way, we have a clear image of all the chapters which are written in various Sthanas in Sushruta Samhita and a good physician is one who not only has theoretical knowledge but should have practical knowledge too.