All About Hashimoto’s Disease and its Ayurvedic Treatment; Gigi Hadid also Struggled with it
Hashimoto’s disease is also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and lymphocytic thyroiditis. The condition is named after Dr. Hakuru Hashimoto, who identified it in 1912. It is an autoimmune disorder in which thyroid cells are destroyed through a cell- and antibody-mediated immune process. Although the exact etiology has not been fully evident, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is related to the interactions between genetic elements, environmental factors, and epigenetic effects. Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of thyroid in the United States. It is more common in women and those who have a family history of thyroid. It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. The most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide is inadequate dietary intake of iodine. Gigi Hadid is also suffering from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this article we will discuss signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, risk factors of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis according to modern and Ayurveda point of view.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder, in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy or normal cells of the thyroid. The pathogenesis of the disease involves the formation of anti-thyroid antibodies that attack thyroid tissue, leading to progressive fibrosis. Diagnosis is often challenging and the disease process may take a long time. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with Graves’ disease (GD) is considered as an autoimmune thyroid disorder (AITD), the frequency of which has increased significantly in recent years. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is currently the leading cause of hypothyroidism. In addition, patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are more likely to be affected by cardiovascular diseases and malignant Neoplasm. Women are more affected. The male to female ratio is at least 10:1. Although some sources cite diagnosis occurring in the fifth decade of life, most women are diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50.
Signs And Symptoms
Symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease may not occur or be mild at first and may take several years to develop.
The first sign of the disease is enlarged thyroid, also known as “Goitre”. This shouldn’t cause any pain, but it may cause a feeling of fullness in your lower neck. Due to this, the front part of your neck may appear swollen.
Other Symptoms Include
- Mild weight gain
- Joint stiffness and muscle pain
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Inability to get warm
- Slowed heart rate
- Hair loss
- Dry skin
- Depressed mood
- Memory problems or difficulty in concentration
- Female or male infertility
- Irregular periods
The exact cause of Hashimoto’s disease is unknown. But there are many factors that can cause it. They are:
- Environment: Factors like stress and anxiety play a major role in Hashimoto’s disease.
- Germs: A bacterial or viral infection that may cause the immune system to attack itself.
- Genes: If family members have Hashimoto’s, there might be a chance of developing Hashimoto’s.
There are several tests that are used to diagnose Hashimoto’s. They are:
- TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
- Thyroxine (T-4 Test)
- Antibody Test
Risk Factors
- Age: It can occur at any stage, but middle ages are more prone to it.
- Sex: Women are more affected than men.
- Family History: If family members have Hashimoto’s, there might be a high chance of developing Hashimoto’s.
- Excessive iodine intake: Too much iodine acts as a trigger among those people who are already at risk to get Hashimoto’s disease.
- Other autoimmune disease: Having another autoimmune disease increases the risk of Hashimoto’s disease.
Ayurveda View
In Ayurveda, there is no exact association of Hashimoto Thyroiditis but it can be understood on the basis of Nidana, dosha, dushya, srotas, sthana (location) and lakshanas (symptoms).
From the Ayurvedic perspective the initial causes are dietary and lifestyle factors that unbalance the jatharagni (digestive fire) and metabolism and disrupt the balance of the doshas (Vata/Pitta/Kapha). Stress and overwork also play a big role as it causes Agni to become imbalanced, aggravating the Doshas and directly leading to depletion of Ojas.
The disease process begins with an imbalanced digestive fire (Agni) and production of undigested food waste (Ama) in the intestine. This ama then moves from the intestine into the circulation along with imbalanced doshas (vata, pitta or kapha) and begins to compromise the function of the Dhatu agni (metabolic agnis) necessary for healthy tissue formation. It progresses from the plasma (rasa) level and continues the chain, preventing the formation of strong and healthy tissues until the ojas is affected.
Once the quality of Ojas is disturbed (in this case it is often due to the presence of Pitta Dosha in the form of heat) the immune system begins to function improperly, attacking the thyroid gland and causing Hashimoto’s disease.
There are various therapies that are beneficial in Hashimoto’s disease. They are:
- Pinda Sweda: This technique consist of massaging the body with warm oil of specific herbs is excellent for reducing ama (toxins) in the tissues and channels, providing immediate relief from inflammation, pain and stiffness.
- Shirodhara: It is a technique that involves slowly and steadily pouring medicated oil, Milk etc on the forehead. It is very effective in relieving stress and nervous system tension and balancing hormone production.
Journey of Gigi Hadid with Hashimoto’s Disease
She first showed symptoms when she was just 16. She had a virus after that she felt very tired and also had bad acne, irregular periods and muscle pain and these symptoms got worse until she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease at 21. She said “I loved my body when I was just diagnosed and I loved going through it and I love my body now” She is now living a healthy and happy and confident life.
Herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda for Hashimoto’s Disease
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified Ayurvedic company that makes herbal products using ancient techniques. Planet Ayurveda has various herbal formulations but for hashimoto’s disease it has a combination of 4 herbal products that works well in this condition. Theta are:
- Gotu Kola Capsules
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Gugulipid Capsules
- Hakam Churna
Products Description
1. Gotu Kola Capsules
Gotu Kola capsule is a single herbal formulation which contains the standardized extract of Gotu Kola herb (Centella asiatica). It helps in balancing the imbalanced hormones. It also helps in healthy circulation to the glands.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day after meals.
2. Chandraprabha Vati
It is a polyherbal formulation which consists of 37 herbs and in which there are two main ingredients that are Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabinum) and Guggul (Commiphora mukul). It helps in healthy functioning of thyroid glands. It helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the thyroid gland. It also helps in balancing the imbalance hormones of thyroid.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day after meals.
3. Gugulipid Capsules
Gugulipid capsules contain the standardized extract of Guggul (Commiphora mukul). It regulates the functioning of the thyroid and helps in managing this condition. It helps in increasing the fat metabolism that helps in burning fat, thus it also helps in maintaining a healthy weight.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals.
4. Hakam Churna
Hakam Churna is a polyherbal formulation which contains four herbs such as Kalonji (Nigella sativa), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Methi (Fenugreek) and Chandrashoor (Lepidium sativum). This will help the thyroid gland to function normally. This will help maintain thyroid levels within the normal range.
Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.
Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is gradually destroyed. Several genetic and environmental factors that can trigger an autoimmune response have been identified; the exact cause of Hashimoto’s disease is still unknown. Although no disease condition similar to Hashimoto Thyroiditis is described in Ayurveda, using Yukti it can be considered as a condition that causes Dhatvagni Mandhya, Rasa Pradoshaja Vikar, Pittavrit Vata. The condition can be managed using Ayurvedic treatment based on the symptoms. Pinda sweda, Shirodhara provided better results on both physical and mental ailments.