All About Psoriasis and its Ayurvedic Treatment; Cara Delevingne, Kim Kardashian West also Struggled with it
Psoriasis is an autoimmune and non-communicable inflammatory disease of the skin. Psoriasis has a major genetic component with heritability; difficult to treat and high impact psoriasis sites include palms and soles, genitalia, scalp, face and nails. A skin cell usually grows over 3-5 days and is deposited on the skin as plaques instead of falling off. This causes inflammation that can lead to itchiness, uncomfortable, and sometimes painful lesions on the skin surface. About 7.5 million adults in the United States have some form of psoriasis. This condition is equally common in men and women. The two extreme age ranges for the onset of psoriasis are 15–25 and 50–60 years, but it can occur at any age, including childhood. Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne are suffering from psoriasis. Identification and management of comorbidities is a very essential part of care in the people who are suffering from psoriasis. In this article we’ll discuss the symptoms, types, causes, management of psoriasis according to Ayurveda and Modern aspects.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, in which the immune system becomes very active. It causes a skin rash that becomes very itchy, patches of skin become scaly, most often on the elbows, knees, scalp and trunk and it is the common type of psoriasis which affects 85-90% of the patient. This condition goes through cycles, increasing for a few weeks or months, then decreasing for a period of time. Stress is the most common etiological factor and patients with chronic disorders such as Crohn’s disease are more prone to psoriasis. Medications that have a strong causal association with psoriasis are beta-blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and tetracycline. It affects 0.5% to 2% of children and adolescents. The disease affects 4% of children under the age of 16 with all types of skin disorders. Currently, more than 125 are affected by psoriasis worldwide and the number of affected cases are increasing very rapidly. Psoriasis is a long-term health condition; it not only causes chronic physical discomfort to patients but also impairs social and psychological well being and reduces their quality of life.
Signs And Symptoms
- Cracked or dry skin
- Itchiness, burning
- Joints pain
- Patchy rashes over the skin
- Rashes that vary in color may be in shade of red, pink, purple, sometimes it becomes black and brown
The cause of psoriasis is not completely understood. It is thought to be an immune system problem where infection-fighting cells mistakenly attack healthy skin cells. Researchers believe that both environmental and genetic factors play a role. The condition is not contagious.
Risk Factors
- Family History: This condition runs in families. If one of the parents has psoriasis, the risk of getting this disease increases and having two parents with psoriasis increases your risk even higher.
- Smoking: Smoking will increase the risks of psoriasis and also increase the severity of disease.
Types of Psoriasis
There are many types of psoriasis; each of them varies in the signs and symptoms.
- Plaque Psoriasis: This is the most common type of psoriasis, it causes itchy, raised and dry skin patches; they are covered with the scales. They develop in symmetrical patterns that usually appear on knees, elbows, lower back and scalp.
- Guttate Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis mainly affects young adults and children. The lesions usually appear quickly and are also triggered by bacterial infection such as streptococcal infection. The lesions are usually small and round spots, and usually seen on arms, legs and trunk region.
- Inverse Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis mainly affects skin folds of buttocks, groin and breasts. They are usually smooth, inflamed patches and become painful and itchy and also triggered by fungal infections.
- Pustular Psoriasis: They are very rare and usually red pus filled blisters; burst around 24-48 hours after they form. They occur on small areas of the palms and soles.
- Nail Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis affects toenails and fingernails. They are usually abnormal nail growth, yellow, white and brown discoloration.
- Scalp Psoriasis: They usually occur on the back of the scalp but can also develop on any other part of the scalp. The area usually becomes white and itchy and also may look like dandruff.
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis: This can be a life threatening and least common type of psoriasis. They can cover the entire body.
- Psoriatic Arthritis: This is a type of arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints. Similar to psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune condition that causes your immune system to function abnormally.
Diagnosis is done based on the questions asked by physicians and sometimes with Skin Biopsy.
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- High Blood Pressure
- Obesity
- Eye disorders like Blepharitis, etc
- Cardiovascular Disease
Ayurveda View
In Ayurveda all skin diseases are under kushtha roga. Psoriasis is correlated with Ekkushtha in Ayurveda. Acharya Charak has explained about Ekkushtha in Charak samhita Chikitsa sthana 7th chapter:
“अस्वेदनं महावास्तु यन्मत्स्यशकलोपमम्।”तदेककुष्ठं-
Referene – Charak samhita Chikitsa sthana 7/21
Above Shloka states that The Kushtha in which there is no sweat, which spreads over a large area and which looks like a fish skin, is called Ek-Kushtha. There is predominance of Vata-kapha Dosha.
According to Acharya Sushrut
“कृष्णारुणं येन भवेच्छरीरं तदेककुष्ठं।”
Reference – Sushrut Samhita Nidana Sthana 5/10
Above Shloka states that Due to which the color of the body becomes black and red, it is called Mahakushtha.
Causative factors of Eka Kushtha
- Excessive intake of alcohol and green leafy vegetables with milk
- Suppression of vomiting, urinary urge.
- Repeated excessive food intake irrespective of hunger
- Due to continuous consumption of meat of aquatic animals with milk.
- People who consume mostly curd, fish, salt and most of the Amal (Sour)
- Those who consume more radish, milk and sesame
- Intake of Muli (Radish) with guda (Jaggery)
- Intake of sour and salty taste together
Origin of the Disease
Due to the above mentioned factors the three doshas mainly Vata and Kapha doshas get vitiated and they further vitiate the Tavacha (skin), Rakta (blood), mamsa (flesh) and Lasika (serum). Thus they cause the manifestation of skin lesions on various parts of the body.
The treatment of psoriasis is done with three ways:
- Vamana (emesis) / Virechana (purgation)
- Nidana Parivarjan (Dietary Changes)
- Shaman Chiktsa (Medicine Treatment)
“वातोत्तरेषु सर्पिर्वमनं श्लेष्मोत्तरेषु कुष्ठेषु।
पित्तोत्तरेषु मोक्षो रक्तस्य विरेचनं चाग्रे।।”
Reference – Charak Chikitsa Sthana 7/39
Ghee (Medicated Ghee) should be consumed in which Vata dosha predominates. In Kapha predominant, Vamana (emesis) should be done first and in those where Pitta predominates, Virechana (purgation) should be done first.
Journey of Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne with Psoriasis
Kim Kardashian Journey
She has had psoriasis from 13 years; she had her first psoriasis flare up when she was 25 years old. Her mom also had psoriasis in scalp. When her first psoriasis flares up, she gets a shot of cortisone and then psoriasis goes away for 5 years. But in the thirties it came back again and this type is more painful. She was also diagnosed with psoriasis arthritis. She tried every possible treatment from a dermatologist and even tried herbal tea, cerely juice for eight weeks and then celery juice mixed with tea, and she also changed her diet to plant- based and living a healthy life.
Cara Delevingne
She had psoriasis in 2013, symptoms starting from the stomach, and spread to the whole body, her symptoms flared up during stressful times, when she worked a lot.
Herbal Remedies from Planet Ayurveda for Psoriasis
Planet Ayurveda is a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified company that offers a wide range of herbal supplements and products that are formulated using traditional Ayurvedic techniques and powerful herbs. Planet Ayurveda has wonderful herbal formulations that acts very well in psoriasis that is Psora Care Pack. Psora care pack contains 8 herbal formulations. These herbal remedies are prepared by following the proper technique and principles of Ayurveda. They are:
- Navkarshik Churna
- Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula
- Neem Capsules
- Pitta Balance
- Manjishtha Capsules
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Jatyadi Tailam
- Recumin Gel
Products Description
1. Navkarshik Churna
Navkarshik churna contains various herbs like Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Neem (Azadirachta indica) etc. The first step is detoxification as it contains triphala which helps to remove the toxins from the body and strengthen the Immune system. Whereas neem purifies the blood and other herbs work well on the immune system.
Dosage: 1 teaspoonful twice a day with warm water after meals.
2. Gleaming Skin Hair Nail formula
Radiant skin hair nail formula capsules contain various herbs like Manjishtha (Rubia cardifolia), Ghritkumari (Aloe-Vera) etc. Manjishtha has a rejuvenative property in skin disorder and Ghritkumari helps to supply the oxygen to the skin cells and it will also help to increase the strength and synthesis of the skin tissues and also improves the blood flow. And its moisturizing property helps to soften the scaly patches and helps in wound healing.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day with warm water after meal.
3. Neem Capsules
Neem Capsules contain the standardized extract of Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica). It is very effective for skin disorders, acts as a blood purifier and it also boosten up the immune system and the immune system is impaired with psoriasis. It helps in reducing the redness and swelling in psoriasis due to its healing (Ropan) and Astringent (Kshaya) properties.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day with warm water after a meal.
4. Manjishtha Capsule
Manijshtha capsule contains extract of manjistha (Rubia cordifolia). It is a very effective herb to treat skin disorders due to its blood purifier (Raktashodhak)and pitta balancing properties. It helps in pacifying pitta dosha and also helps in purifying the blood which is the main cause of psoriasis. It also controls the over activation of the immune system.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day with warm water after a meal.
5. Pitta Balance
Pitta balance capsules are prepared using Akik pishti (Agate), praval pishti (Coral), kamdudha rasa etc. In psoriasis there is an increase of pitta in rasa dhatu, so pitta balance capsules help to pacify pitta dosha which is the main cause of psoriasis. It also helps in reducing the symptoms like redness, burning sensation and itching because these symptoms are mainly caused due to aggravated pitta dosha.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day with warm water after a meal.
6. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak rasayan tablet is a classical formulation especially used for skin rejuvenation. It helps in maintaining the skin healthy and also helps in elimination of harmful toxins under the skin. It is a polyherbal drug which helps purification of blood due to its Rakta shodhak properties, Relieves itching due to its kandu ghana property, which is the main symptom of Psoriasis.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day with warm water after a meal.
7. Jatyadi Tailam
Jatyadi tailam is a classical formulation which consists of Haridra (Curcuma longa), Jati (Jasminum indicum) etc. It restores the color and reduced sensation of the affected area, and it also heals wounds and non- healing wounds. The herbs present in the Jatyadi tail have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and blood purifier properties that help in psoriasis.
Dosage: For external use only.
8. Recumin Gel
Recumin gel consists of the natural ingredients like neem leaves, barks, fruits (Azadirachta indica), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Guggul (Commiphora mukul) that are very beneficial for the skin. It has Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Haridra (Curcuma longa), which acts as a blood purifier and also helps in quick wound healing due to their Ropan (Healing) property.
Dosage: For external use only.
Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by well-defined erythematous plaques with a long-term fluctuating course affecting both sexes of different age groups. Ekakustha has been described as one of the chronic diseases in Ayurvedic literature. Under Kustha, Ayurveda has described a wide range of skin disorders including its classification, etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, prevention and management. Although complete eradication of psoriasis is not possible, Ayurvedic treatments and medicines can provide excellent relief to patients from the bothersome symptoms of psoriasis. Repeated interventions are required to prevent disease recurrence and improve quality of life.