Alternative Treatment For Duodenal Ulcers
Nowadays, the number of patients with gastric complaints are increasing at an accelerated rate. This has led to a fearful environment where everyone is scared and seems very pessimistic about the cure. One such feeling of despair of recovery is seen in the patients of duodenal ulcers as they have become tired of taking antacids and pain relievers for their condition. Today in this topic we will try to know about duodenal ulcers, it’s alternative treatment in Ayurveda.
Duodenal ulcers are the sores on the lining of our intestines (small), stomach, or oesophagus. Duodenum is the initial part of the small intestine in which the food enters after it takes an exit from the stomach. This is the very site where bile from gallbladder and enzymes from pancreas get mixed.

The main causative organism in duodenal ulcers is H.pylori infection. But there are some other causes also like:
- Regular use of painkillers especially belonging to class of NSAIDs (Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs)
- Stress
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Spicy food consumption
Following are the symptoms of duodenal ulcers:
- Pain in stomach which is relieved by eating or drinking milk
- Sensation of fullness, bloating
- Heartburn due to reflux of acid
- Nausea
When presenting with the above mentioned complaints, your doctor might be questioning you about the history of pain relievers abuse, if any. He may also advise some laboratory diagnostic tests such as:
- Blood work: For the presence of H.pylori. Same could be done with the help of a breath test.
- Endoscopy: It is another option to diagnose and take the sample for the purpose of histopathological examination.
- Barium swallow: In this technique, there is a liquid containing barium is to be swallowed that coats the digestive tract and hence the ulcers become more visible in X-ray.
Treatment in allopathy
The approach of treatment of peptic ulcers in the allopathy is very suppressive in nature rather than curative. They prescribe antibiotics and antacids to manage the production of acid in the stomach. This prolonged use of antibiotics causes double damage to the body. In some cases proton pump inhibitors are prescribed which inhibits the production of acid which is against natural phenomena.
Ayurvedic point of view
In Ayurvedic ancient texts the concept of disease and health is somewhat different from modern science. Modern science is more or less dependent on the physical plane of the body only, very little emphasis is given to the basic composition of life. In Ayurveda, life exists in the form of soul and body in a perfect balance. This balance is achieved by an energy which is responsible to carry on various life processes. For example it is not merely acid which is digesting the food, but there is an energy called Agni. Now, one must think what exactly is this energy formed of. To answer this, we have to understand the concept of five elements. According to Ayurveda, the body is composed of these five elements itself i.e Space, Air, Fire, Water and Soil. Two of these five elements come together in a fixed proportion to compose a dosha. There are three doshas like Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas co-exist in an equilibrium state in a healthy individual. Any person on this planet suffers from any disease only due to an imbalance of one of these dosha. In duodenal ulcers the dosha involved is Pitta dosha.
Planet Ayurveda is a leading firm which prepares natural herbs using authentic ways and has great results in curing Duodenal ulcers. All the herbs that are prepared here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours, yeast, binders and fillers. They are 100 percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with years of experience. It has a worldwide range of distributors and has a great response from various countries when it comes to cure diseases that are considered incurable by allopathic doctors.
Herbal Remedies at Planet Ayurveda for Duodenal Ulcers
- Mahashankh Vati – 1-2 pills with plain water twice or thrice daily after meals.
- Heartburn Capsules – 1 capsule once or twice daily.
- Amalaki Rasayan – 1-2 capsules once or twice daily.
- Acido Plan Syrup – 1-2 teaspoons twice daily or as per the instructions of Ayurvedic physician.
- Vara Churna – 1-2 teaspoons twice daily after meals with plain or lukewarm water.
- Arjuna Powder – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice daily with plain water after the meals.
Product Description
1. Mahashankh Vati
This ayurvedic polyherbal formulation is a blessing for the patients who are suffering from indigestion, gas, acidity and duodenal ulcers. It is well suited to the individuals who complain of loss of appetite, hyperacidity and sour belchings. It could be used as an effective CNS stimulant. Ingredients of the Mahashankh vati are Danti (Baliospermum montanum), Sarjikshar (Natural sodium carbonate), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Yavkashaar (Natural potassium carbonate) and other herbs.
2. Heartburn Capsules
One of the symptoms of duodenal ulcers is heartburn which is very annoying and painful. Therefore, to relieve this agony Planet Ayurveda formulated this wonderful product for the complaints of acidity and GERD. Within minutes it starts acting on the acid and neutralises it. It has natural cooling effects as it contains pearls and corals. Ingredients of the Heartburn capsules are Akik pishti (Agate Calcium) compound, Praval pishti (Coral calcium) compound, Jawar mohra pishti (Calcium compound), Kamdudha ras (Calcium compound), Giloy satva (Guduchi) (Tinospora cordifolia) and other herbs.
3. Amalaki Rasayan
This is one of the best formulations which could be used to cleanse the arteries that have been obstructed due to high cholesterol. Therefore very helpful in controlling blood pressure, diabetes, chronic cough and cold. For those who are looking for an anti ageing product, your search ends here as this has capability to prevent premature greying of hair and wrinkles. Ingredients of the Amalaki rasayana is Amalaki (Emblica officinalis).
4. Acido Plan Syrup
For the complaints of acidity, gas, and heartburn this product is the best choice. It enhances hunger and improves digestion. It is an inevitable remedy for the duodenal ulcers as it helps in pacification of pitta dosha. It strengthens the liver and heals the ulcers. Ingredients of the Acido plan syrup are Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Ghrit kumari (Aloe Barbadensis), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Kokum (Garcinia indica), Triphala (Three myrobalans) and other herbs.
5. Vara Churna
This formulation is a good combination of ayurvedic herbs that are used to treat the complaints which are due to blocked colon. It does not cause purgation and promotes good intestinal health. Improves liver functions by removing the toxins from the body. Best remedy for constipation and you do not develop its habit. Ingredients of the Vara churna are Dhatri (Emblica officinalis), Bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Pathya (Terminalia chebula) and other herbs.
6. Arjuna Powder
It is a well indicated remedy in the cases of low haemoglobin. It improves circulation and keeps the heart healthy. For the patients of duodenal ulcers who often have bleeding and low haemoglobin this remedy could be very useful. Ingredients of the Arjuna powder is Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna)
What happens when you have not applied sunscreen and get exposed to the sun? You get burns, right? This is what happens with our stomach and small intestines when the mucosa is damaged. It functions like sunscreen and the sun in this case is hydrochloric acid. Though the causative organism is H.pylori, there are some precipitating factors like spicy food, red meat over consumption, untimely eating, alcoholism etc. This bad lifestyle has to be modified in order to prevent the incidence of duodenal ulcers.