About Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)
Ardha means half and Bhujang means cobra and the meaning of asana is yoga pose. Bhujangasana is the stretching yoga or stretching exercise of the front torso as well as the spine. The final stage in which the cobra is ready to attack its prey by raising its hood is the Bhujangasana, hence also known by the name cobra pose. Ardha Bhujangasana is one of the very important back bending yoga exercise, which has several health benefits from head to feet. The cobra posture or ardha Bhujangasana and its variation are just like a miracle to those who have back problem or diseases.

As the final asana resembles with the egyptian sphinx that is the reason it is also called as sphinx pose. This asana is amazing for the people who are dealing with the problems of back. This asana is also an amazing asana for those people who want to make their body flexible.
How to do Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)?
One of the most beneficial aspect of ardha Bhujangasana can only be extracted if proper techniques are used to do it. The benefits of ardha Bhujangasana are listed below:
- Keep your legs together and lie down on the stomach. If somebody has backache, keep your legs 1-2 feet apart from each other.
- Besides your shoulder, place your palms and keep your head rested on the ground.
- Raise your head up to your naval region, while inhaling and always try to see the roof or towards the sky if you are doing it in the open ground.
- Keep your position just like this for at least 10-60 seconds while gradually inhaling as well as exhaling.
- With deep exhalation, come to your original position.
- Repeat and follow the same procedure, for at least 3-4 times.
What are the Benefits of Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)?
There are several benefits of half cobra pose which are described below:
- Relieves backache: This is the one of the most wonderful asana so as to increase the flexibility and which ultimately reduces the stiffness from the lower spine region. Bhujangasana is beneficial in loosening the spine. It helps in removing the impure blood from the back region and it also helps in toning the nerve. It facilitates effective coordination between the rest parts of the body and brain which ensure better health.
- Good for kidney: Cobra pose is beneficial in compressing the kidney which helps in removing the stagnant blood and ultimately helps in improving the kidneys efficiency.
- Stress buster: The half cobra pose provides good massage to the adrenal gland, and the adrenal gland produces adrenaline hormone. This hormone is very beneficial in easing the stress and lowers the tension of the body.
- Alleviates rheumatism: Adrenal gland is a gland which secretes a hormone, called as cortisone. Cortisone is considered as the main factor for rheumatism. The half cobra pose helps in regulating the secretion of this hormone (cortisone) and ultimately helps in alleviation of rheumatism.
- Good for Digestion: Ardha Bhujangasana is an amazing yoga exercise which provides a proper massage to the organs located in the abdominal region such as pancreas, stomach, liver and gallbladder. It is beneficial in the treatment of many conditions related to digestion such as constipation, indigestion, etc. It removes flatulence which occurs after meals.
- Gynaecological disorders: This asana is wonderful in the treatment of many gynaecological disorders by toning the uterus as well as ovaries. The cobra pose affects dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea and amenorrhea.
- Slipped disc: It is beneficial in the treatment of slipped disc or sciatica, only if it is being performed under the supervision of a yoga therapist.
- Remedy for thyroid gland: Ardha Bhujangasana helps in regulating the thyroid gland which ultimately helps in maintaining the good health.
- Improves lung capacity: The cobra pose or ardha Bhujangasana helps to expand the chest which is very beneficial for problems related to breathing.
- Activates Kundalini: By direct influencing the various nerves, plexuses and nerve cells, ardha Bhujangasana helps to stimulate the bio-energy potential or kundalini.
Who Should not do this Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)?
The cobra pose has some kind of contradictions as well as limitations. So the precautions must be taken so as to prevent the complications. The person who is suffering from hernia, peptic ulcers, intestinal tuberculosis, and hypothyroidism shouldn’t practice this asana. It is better to consult a Yoga therapist or expert before performing ardha bhujnagasana. If one has other serious problems or is suffering from serious diseases or if you are having serious abdominal injuries, then you should avoid doing this. The patients of slip-disc, sciatica and ulcerative colitis need to take extra precautions. It must not be performed, if one are pregnant.
Ayurvedic Point of View on Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra Pose)?
Both Ayurveda and yoga have their origin in the vedic tradition. Yoga is basically the part of Ayurveda and the ardha Bhujangasana is one of the yoga asana. Yoga helps in maintaining the balance in the vata, kapha and pitta dosha. Ardha Bhujangasana helps in keeping the balance in vata dosha.
As yoga is a part of Ayurveda and Ayurveda believes in the treatment of diseases with substances which are natural, effective and with no side effects. This asana helps to treat various diseases or we can say the major diseases. This asana is easy to do at home, safe, effective as well as natural. This asana helps to tone the abdomen. This asana helps to increase the flexibility. This asana helps to strengthen the shoulder as well as arms. This asana helps to improve menstrual irregularities. This asana helps to elevate the moods. This asana helps to tone the buttocks. This asana helps to relieve stress and anxiety. This asana helps in improving the circulation of blood in the body. This asana helps in strengthening the spine. This asana helps in improving the digestion. This asana helps to ease the symptoms of asthma.