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Ashwagandha for Weight Gain

Ashwagandha, Withania somniferaAshwagandha which is also known as Indian Ginseng, Poison Gooseberry and Winter cherry is an important herb. For more than 3,000 years this wonderful is in continuous use in Ayurvedic medicine system. The of Ashwagandha is an effective herb whose biological name is Withania somnifera and it is related to Solanaceae family. Solanaceae family is also known as Nightshade family.

Cultivation of Ashwagandha

India is one of the major producers of this wonderful herb aka Ashwagandha. The herbs of Ashwagandha is also cultivated on very large scale in Yemen, China, and Nepal.

Meaning of Ashwagandha

The Ashwagandha word originated from two completely different words, Ashwa and Gandha. The meaning of word Ashwa is Horse and the meaning of word Gandha is Smell in hindi language. This wonderful herb is named as Ashwagandha because roots of this plant smells like the smell of horses. This plant is prone to many diseases that are often caused by different types of pests but it is much more susceptible to a leaf spot disease. The major reason behind the disease of Ashwagandha herb is Alternaria alternata fungus. Decreased concentration of Secondary metabolites is observed in the plants of Ashwagandha who are suffering from leaf spot disease. Significant numbers of cases of this disease in Ashwagandha plants is observed in the areas of Haryana, Punjab as well as Himachal Pradesh.

Ashwagandha an Effective Herb

This plant has multifarious benefits on the human body, because it possesses many medicinal properties. This herb lowers the level of Cortisol and Sugar in the blood but this herb is mainly used as an Adaptogen because of its stress managing property. Moreover, this herb can also increase the concentration of testosterone in males who regularly consume it. This herbs also improve the functioning of the brain and its immune-boosting property also aids the body to fight against different types of tumors and inflammations. The major reason behind its anti-inflammatory as well as fighting property against tumor growth is high concentration of Withanolides in Ashwagandha plant. Because of all these wonderful and effective properties, Ashwagandha is also considered as King of Herbs. However, Scientists have found no evidence about its interactions with other natural supplements and it is also not clear whether it should be consumed regularly or not.

Parts Used

Ashwagandha leaves as well as roots are commonly used in powder form in Ayurvedic Medicine System.

Problem of Not Gaining Weight

These days it is often seen that people are complaining about not gaining weight even after eating a lot. There can be many reasons behind this problem. Few of them are as follows:

  • Imbalanced Hormones
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Weakening of Immunity
  • Weak Digestive System
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Lack of Blood
  • Not getting Enough Sleep
  • Not taking Enough Calories
  • Body not Getting Enough Nutrition
  • Not Exercising

Ashwagandha as a Weight Gain Supplement (1) (2)

Weight Gain Supplement, AshwagandhaSometimes, because of the above mentioned problems a person does not like to eat anything which latter arise the problem of not gaining weight. In such cases, many individuals use various kinds of Steroids as well as Weight Gain Medicines for weight gain. But these things produce unnecessary fat in the body and also for some time. These supplements spoil or disturb the normal functioning of the body and also produce different types of harmful side effects in the body. In such situations, Ayurvedic treatment can prove to be permanent as well as good alternative for weight gain. Therefore, in Ayurveda Ashwagandha is considered as a very important herb for weight gaining. Not only for weight gain, Ashwagandha herb is also used for weight loss. Individuals who are very weak can use Ashwagandha for weight gain and to remove weakness. Even people who like body building also started consuming Ashwagandha, because steroid medicines have very harmful adverse effects on body that last for a long time. Therefore, people turning are towards Ayurvedic (natural) supplements that have more benefits and less side effects on body.

Ashwagandha increase Stamina and Muscle building. Moreover, Ashwagandha balances the essential hormones in the body. It acts like an adaptogen and reduces cortisol which is also usually referred to as a stress hormone. Ashwagandha also elevates the production of Androgens as well Testosterone in the body. This wonderful herb also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland in the body. The proper functioning of this gland means that the metabolism of the body is working properly without any disturbance. People who are thinking about consuming of Ashwagandha for weight gain should consume it with Milk. Such individuals should also start eating more food and drink more juices. They should exercise on a regular basis then the Ashwagandha will help in increasing your weight. This herb not only increase Appetite but also keep hormones in balance. It also keeps right digestion and correct the metabolism with the help of which body convert food into energy. Reduction is Stress level also reduce Anxiety which in turn relieves the complaints of Insomnia. All these things will help in increasing weight.

How to Consume Ashwagandha Powder?

A person should take one spoon of Ashwagandha powder two times a day in the morning as well as evening with a glass of milk for calming the vata dosha of body and regulating wake and sleep cycles of a person. Apart from this, a person should also increase its daily calorie intake and also exercise. All these things will help a person to gain 1 to 2 kg every month. Weight gain with Ashwagandha is usually depends upon how a person takes it, how he or she lives, whether he or she is consuming enough calories or not.


1. Is it safe to consume Ashwagandha on a regular basis or not?

Yes, it is safe to consume Ashwagandha on a regular basis.

2. Ashwagandha is useful in Weight Gain or not?

Yes, it is very useful in gaining weight.

3. How Ashwagandha helps in weight gain?

It balances the essential hormones in the body and also increase stamina.

4. Can women take Ashwagandha?

Yes women of any age can take it.

5. Is Ashwagandha is helpful in managing thyroid problem?

Yes, it balances the hormones that are responsible for thyroid problems.

6. Can Ashwagandha helps to treat Insomnia?

Its Muscle Relaxing and Stress releasing properties are very effective in inducing sleep.

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