Concept of Srotas in Ayurveda And Their Physiological Role In Body
In Ayurveda, “Srotas” refers to the channels or pathways through which various substances, such as nutrients, fluids, and energies, flow in the body. These channels are considered vital for maintaining the proper functioning and balance of body Both Acharya Charak and Acharya Sushrut are highly respected figures in Ayurveda, and they both provide detailed explanations about Srotas in their writings. In simple terms, they described how the body has various pathways or channels through which important substances like fluids, nutrients, and energies flow. Blockages, imbalances, or disruptions in the flow of substances through these Srotas can lead to disease, and thus, keeping these channels clear and functioning is a key part of ayurvedic healing.”

The word “Srotas” comes from the Sanskrit root “Srugatau,” which is made up of two parts: “Sru,” meaning to flow or leak, and “tasi,” which adds the idea of an action or process. So, “Srotas” refers to a channel or pathway through which something flows or moves, like a river carrying water. In the context of the human body, “Srotas” is used to describe the various channels or systems that carry fluids, like blood, lymph, or digestive juices, around the body. These pathways help keep everything in balance and are important for overall health. According to Charaka, the term Srotas refers to the channels or pathways in the body through which various substances, like fluids, nutrients, and energies, flow. The term “Sravanata Srotamsi” translates to “the pathways through which flow happens” (Charak samhita Sutrasathan 30/12). These tiny channels are where essential substances, like rasadi poshya dhatu (nutrients and vital fluids), circulate throughout the body. This circulation provides nourishment and maintains the body’s overall health and balance.
Nature Or Structure Of The Srotas
स्वधातुसमवर्णानि वृत्तस्थूलान्यणूनि च| स्रोतांसि दीर्घाण्याकृत्या प्रतानसदृशानि च||
Ancient Reference – Charak Samhita Viman sathan 5/25
Srotas (channels) have a color similar to the dhatu (tissues) they carry. These pathways are tubular, meaning they have a long, tube-like shape. They can vary in size, some being large and others small, and they often resemble long, flexible threads or cords, much like vines or tendrils. This unique structure helps them move substances smoothly through the body, adapting to different needs and functions.
Synonyms of Srotas
स्रोतांसि, सिराः, धमन्यः,रसायन्यः, रसवाहिन्यः, नाड्यः, पन्थानः,मार्गाः, शरीरच्छिद्राणि, संवृतासंवृतानि, स्थानानि, आशयाः, निकेताश्चेति शरीरधात्ववकाशानां लक्ष्यालक्ष्याणां नामानि भवन्ति|
Ancient Reference – Charak Samhita Viman sathan 5/9
The term Srotas has several synonyms that describe different types of channels or pathways in the body. These include:
- Sira (vein) – Channels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
- Dhamani (arteries) – Channels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body.
- Rasayani (lymphatics) – Channels involved in the transport of lymph, a fluid that supports the immune system.
- Rasavahini (capillaries) – The finest channels or tiny blood vessels that allow the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between the blood and tissues.
- Nadi (tubular conduits) – General term for any tubular passage in the body, similar to a channel or tube.
- Pantha (passages) – Pathways through which substances or energy flow.
- Sthana (sites) – Specific locations or places where certain activities or transformations occur.
- Ashayas (organs and viscera) – Storage sites for bodily substances or fluids.
- Niketa (resorts) – Places where things are stored or collected.
- Marga (pathways, tracts) – General term for pathways or routes within the body.
- Samvrita-Asamvrita (open or blind passages) – Refers to channels that may either be open or closed.
- Sharir Chidra (body orifices, openings) – Refers to the natural openings or orifices of the body (such as the nose, mouth, etc.).
Types of Srotas
तद्यथा प्राणोदकान्नरसरुधिरमांसमेदोस्थिमज्जशुक्रमूत्रपुरीषस्वेदवहानीति वातपित्तश्लेष्मणां पुनः सर्वशरीरचराणां सर्वाणि स्रोतांस्ययनभूतानि,
तद्वदतीन्द्रियाणां पुनः सत्त्वादीनां केवलं चेतनावच्छरीरमयनभूतमधिष्ठानभूतं च|
तदेतत् स्रोतसां प्रकृतिभूतत्वान्न विकारैरुपसृज्यते शरीरम्||
Ancient Reference –Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/6-7
Both Acharya Charak and Acharya Sushrut, two of the most respected sages in ayurvedic medicine, have given detailed descriptions of Srotas in their texts. Acharya Charak describes 13 types of Srotas. Acharya Sushrut, in his work, describes 11 pairs of Srotas, therefore there are a total of 22 srotas.
Types of Srotas according to Acharya Charak:
- Pranavahasrotas (channel of breath or vital energy)
- Udakvahasrotas (channel carrying water or fluids)
- Annavahasrotas (channels for transportation of food)
- Rasavahasrotas (channels carrying plasma or fluid)
- Raktavahasrotas (channel carrying blood)
- Mamshavahasrotas (channels of muscle tissue circulation)
- Medovahasrotas (channels of fat tissue circulation and metabolism)
- Asthivahasrotas (channels of bone tissue circulation and metabolism)
- Majjavahasrotas (channel of bone marrow and nervous tissue circulation and metabolism)
- Shukravaashrotas (channel carrying semen tissue)
- Mutravahasrotas (urinary channels)
- Purishvahasrotas (channels responsible for excreting feces from the body)
- Swedavahasrotas (channels responsible for sweat circulation and elimination)
Types of srotas according to Acharya Sushrut:
- Pranavahasrotas (Channel of breath or vital energy)
- Udakvahasrotas (Channel carrying water or fluids)
- Annavahasrotas (Channels for transportation of food)
- Rasavahasrotas (Channels carrying plasma or fluid)
- Raktavahasrotas (Channel carrying blood)
- Mamshavahasrotas (Channels of muscle tissue circulation)
- Medovahasrotas (Channels of fat tissue circulation and metabolism)
- Shukravaashrotas (Channel carrying semen tissue)
- Mutravahasrotas (Urinary channels)
- Purishvahasrotas (Channels responsible for excreting feces from the body)
- Aartavvahasrotas (Channel carrying menstrual fluid)
Srotodushti (Vitation of Body Channels)
Srotodushti refers to the vitiation or disturbance of the srotas (channels) in the body. When there is an imbalance or vitiation in these channels, it disrupts the natural flow and functioning of the body, leading to disease or discomfort.
Causes of Srotodushti (Vitation of Body Channels)
आहारश्च विहारश्च यः स्याद्दोषगुणैः समः| धातुभिर्विगुणश्चापि स्रोतसां स प्रदूषकः||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/23
In Ayurveda, a diet and lifestyle suited to the dosha (vata, pitta and kapha) promotes balance and proper srotas (channels) function. However, foods or habits unsuitable for the dhatus (tissues) can disrupt the channels. This results in morbidity in the srotas (channels) and leads to disease.
Symptoms of Srotodushti (Vitation of Body Channels)
अतिप्रवृत्तिः सङ्गो वा सिराणां ग्रन्थयोऽपि वा| विमार्गगमनं चापि स्रोतसां दुष्टिलक्षणम्||२४||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/24
According to the Acharya Charak, the following factors indicate the vitiation or dysfunction of the srotas:
- Atipravrtti (Increased flow): This refers to an excess or abnormal increase in the flow of bodily fluids, which can disturb the balance of the srotas.
- Sang (Obstruction): Blockages or restrictions in the flow of vital substances through the channels lead to dysfunction and disease.
- Siraanam Granthi (Formation of nodules or knots in the channels): The formation of lumps or nodules in the srotas indicates an abnormal growth or blockage that can disrupt the natural flow.
- Vimargagamana (Flow in the wrong or opposite direction): If the bodily fluids or substances flow in the wrong direction (such as bile flowing upward or vitiated blood), it is a sign of srotas disturbance.
Pranavahasrotas (Channel of Breath or Vital Energy)
In Ayurveda, the Pranavahasrotas (channel of breath or vital energy) is the channel that carries the prana (vital energy) in the body, especially related to breathing.
- Moola (Roots)
तत्र प्राणवहानां स्रोतसां हृदयं मूलं महास्रोतश्च ||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Hridya (heart)
- Mahasrotas (gastrointestinal tract)
भवन्ति चात्र- क्षयात् सन्धारणाद्रौक्ष्याद्व्यायामात् क्षुधितस्य च| प्राणवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति स्रोतांस्यन्यैश्च दारुणैः||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/10
- Vegadharan (holding back natural urges)
- Kshay (decrease)
- Ruksha ahara (dry food)
- Atayadhik karya (over work)
- Kshudhitasya vyayam (exercising while hungry)
अतिसृष्टमतिबद्धं कुपितमल्पाल्पमभीक्ष्णं वा सशब्दशूलमुच्छ्वसन्तं दृष्ट्वा प्राणवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Dirgh shwas (prolonged respiration)
- Swas gati vridhi (increased respiration)
- Shabd yukt shwas (dyspnoes)
- Alap shwas (difficulty breathing)
Udakavaha Srotas (Channels Carrying Water or Fluids)
Udakavaha Srotas is responsible for the flow of fluids in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
उदकवहानां स्रोतसां तालुमूलं क्लोम च |
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Talu (palate)
- Kloma (throat region)
औष्ण्यादामाद्भयात् पानादतिशुष्कान्नसेवनात्| अम्बुवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति तृष्णायाश्चातिपीडनात्||११||
Ancient Reference –Charak samhita.Viman sathan. 5/11
- Ushan ahara (consuming hot foods)
- Madhya sevan (drinking alcohol)
- Sushka anna (eating dry foods)
- Trishna nigrah (experiencing excessive thirst)
जिह्वाताल्वोष्ठकण्ठक्लोमशोषं पिपासां चातिप्रवृद्धां दृष्ट्वोदकवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्|
Ancient Reference –Charak samhita.Viman sathan. 5/8
- Mukh sushakta (dryness in the mouth)
- Jiva, kanth, talu sushkta (palate, throat, and lips)
- Pippasa (excessive thirst)
Annavaha Srotas (Channels For Transportation Of Food)
Annavaha Srotas (channels for transportation of food) is the channel responsible for the digestion and transportation of food in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
अन्नवहानां स्रोतसामामाशयो मूलं वामं च पार्श्वं|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Amashaya (stomach)
- Vamparshva (flanks)
अतिमात्रस्य चाकाले चाहितस्य च भोजनात्| अन्नवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति वैगुण्यात् पावकस्य च||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/12
- Akaal bhojan (eating untimely)
- Atimatra bhojan (eating excessive amounts)
- Aahita bhojan (improperly prepared food)
- Vaigunyat paavak (weak digestive fire)
अनन्नाभिलषणमरोचकविपाकौ छर्दिं च दृष्ट्वाऽन्नवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Annanaabhilasha (loss of appetite)
- Arochak (nausea)
- Avipaak (indigestion)
- Chhardi (vomiting)
Rasavaha Srotas (Channels Carrying Plasma or Fluid)
Rasavaha Srotas (channels carrying plasma or fluid) is the channel responsible for the circulation of rasa dhatu (plasma or the fluid part of the blood) in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
रसवहानां स्रोतसां हृदयं मूलं दश च धमन्यः|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Hṛidaya (heart)
- Dasa dhamani (ten major arteries)
गुरुशीतमतिस्निग्धमतिमात्रं समश्नताम्| रसवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति चिन्त्यानां चातिचिन्तनात्||१३||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita.Viman sathan. 5/13
- Excessive intake of guru (heavy) and sheeta (cold) ahara (food)
- Atisnigdha bhojan (oily foods)
- Atimatra bhojan (excess)
- Exposure to cold places
- Atichinta (overthinking)
अश्रद्धा चारुचिश्चास्यवैरस्यमरसज्ञता| हृल्लासो गौरवं तन्द्रा साङ्गमर्दो ज्वरस्तमः |
पाण्डुत्वं स्रोतसां रोधः क्लैब्यं सादः कृशाङ्गता| नाशोऽग्नेरयथाकालं वलयः पलितानि च||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/9-10
- Ashraddha (lack of faith)
- Aruchi (loss of appetite)
- Aasyavairashya (digestive issues)
- Guarav (heaviness)
- Tandra (fatigue)
- Angmarda (joint pain)
- Jwar (fever)
- Tamah (confusion)
Raktavaha Srotas (Channels Carrying Blood)
Raktavaha Srotas (channel carrying blood) refers to the channels in the body responsible for carrying blood. These channels play a vital role in the circulation of Rakta Dhatu (blood), ensuring that oxygen, nutrients, and other essential substances are transported throughout the body.
- Moola (Roots)
शोणितवहानां स्रोतसां यकृन्मूलं प्लीहा च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Yakrit (liver)
- Pliha (spleen)
विदाहीन्यन्नपानानि स्निग्धोष्णानि द्रवाणि च| रक्तवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति भजतां चातपानलौ||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/14
- Vidahi anna (spicy or acidic food)
- Snigdha bhojan (oily or greasy foods)
- Ushna (hot foods or drinks)
- Drava Aahar (liquid or watery foods)
- Aatap sevan (exposure to sun)
कुष्ठवीसर्पपिडका रक्तपित्तमसृग्दरः||११||
गुदमेढ्रास्यपाकश्च प्लीहा गुल्मोऽथ विद्रधिः| नीलिका कामला व्यङ्गः
दद्रुश्चर्मदलं श्वित्रं पामा कोठास्रमण्डलम्| रक्तप्रदोषाज्जायन्ते||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/11-13
- Kushta (skin diseases)
- Visarpa (erysipelas)
- Pidaka (pimples)
- Rakta Pitta (blood heat or bleeding disorders)
- Asrigdara (hemorrhage)
- Gulma (abdominal tumors or lumps)
- Raktamanda (dull complexion or poor skin color)
Mamsavaha Srotas (Channels of Muscle Tissue Circulation)
Mamsavaha Srotas (Channels of Muscle Tissue Circulation) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation of Mamsa Dhatu (muscle tissue) in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
मांसवहानां च स्रोतसां स्नायुर्मूलं त्वक् च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Twacha (skin)
- Snayu (ligament)
अभिष्यन्दीनि भोज्यानि स्थूलानि च गुरूणि च| मांसवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति भुक्त्वा च स्वपतां दिवा||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/15
- Abhishyandin Aahar (difficult to digest food)
- Sthul (heavy) and Guru (dense) Aahar (food)
- Sleeping after eating
अधिमांसार्बुदं कीलं गलशालूकशुण्डिके| पूतिमांसालजीगण्डगण्डमालोपजिह्विकाः||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/14
- Adhimamsa (muscle enlargement)
- Arbuda (tumors or lumps)
- Kila (growth or swelling)
- Galashaluka (neck or throat swelling)
- Galshundika (abnormal neck swelling)
Medovaha Srotas (Channels of Fat Tissue Circulation and Metabolism)
Medovaha Srotas (channels of fat tissue circulation and metabolism) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and metabolism of medo dhatu (fat tissue) in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
मेदोवहानां स्रोतसां वृक्कौ मूलं वपावहनं च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Twacha (skin)
- Vapavahan (omentum)
अव्यायामाद्दिवास्वप्नान्मेद्यानां चातिभक्षणात्| मेदोवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति वारुण्याश्चातिसेवनात्||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/16
- Avyayam (lack of exercise)
- Aavyayaam (overexertion)
- Diwaswapna (daytime sleep)
- Medovardhak Aahar (fat-increasing foods)
मेदःसंश्रयांस्तु प्रचक्ष्महे| निन्दितानि प्रमेहाणां पूर्वरूपाणि यानि च||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/14
- Atisthool Purusa (obesity)
- Prameha Purvaropa (early symptoms of diabetes)
Asthivaha Srotas (Channels of Bone Tissue Circulation and Metabolism)
Asthivaha Srotas (channels of bone tissue circulation and metabolism) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and metabolism of asthi dhatu (bone tissue) in the body. These channels help maintain the structure, strength, and integrity of the bones.
- Moola (Roots)
अस्थिवहानां स्रोतसां मेदो मूलं जघनं च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Meda (fat)
- Jaghan (buttock)
व्यायामादतिसङ्क्षोभादस्थ्नामतिविघट्टनात्| अस्थिवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति वातलानां च सेवनात्||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/16
- Ativyayam (excessive exercise)
- Atikshobh (excessive agitation)
- Abhighata (trauma or injury)
- Asthigharshan (excessive use or strain of bones)
- Vata vardhak aahar and vihara (diet and lifestyle that increase Vata)
अध्यस्थिदन्तौ दन्तास्थिभेदशूलं विवर्णता| केशलोमनखश्मश्रुदोषाश्चास्थिप्रदोषजाः||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/16
- Dantabheda (tooth damage or breakage)
- Danta Vivarnta (tooth misalignment or abnormal positioning)
- Adhyasthi (overgrowth of bone)
- Aasthibheda (bone fractures or cracks)
- Asthisula (bone pain)
Majjavaha Srotas (Channels of Bone Marrow and Nervous Tissue Circulation and Metabolism)
Majjavaha Srotas (channel of bone marrow and nervous tissue circulation and metabolism) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and metabolism of majja dhatu (bone marrow and nervous tissue) in the body. These channels are vital for nourishing the bone marrow, which is responsible for producing blood cells, and supporting the nervous system.
- Moola (Roots)
मज्जवहानां स्रोतसामस्थीनि मूलं सन्धयश्च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Asthi (bones)
- Sandhi (joint)
उत्पेषादत्यभिष्यन्दादभिघातात् प्रपीडनात्| मज्जवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति विरुद्धानां च सेवनात्||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/17
- Abhighaat (trauma or injury)
- Utpeshad (excessive or irregular movement)
- Prapidnaat (accumulation of toxins)
- Abhisyandi bhojan (foods that increase moisture/sliminess)
- Viruddha Anna Sevan (incompatible food consumption)
रुक् पर्वणां भ्रमो मूर्च्छा दर्शनं तमसस्तथा| अरुषां स्थूलमूलानां पर्वजानां च दर्शनम्|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/17
- Tamah (Mental confusion)
- Murcha (Fainting)
- Ruk Parvana (Pain or stiffness in bones)
- Bhram (Dizziness)
- Arusham Sthool Molanam (Dryness and roughness in tissues)
Shukravaha Srotas (Channel Carrying Semen Tissue)
Shukravaha Srotas (channel carrying semen tissue) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and metabolism of Shukra Dhatu (reproductive tissue or semen) in the body. These channels play a vital role in the production, nourishment, and transportation of shukra dhatu (semen tissue), which is essential for reproduction and vitality.
- Moola (Roots)
शुक्रवहानां स्रोतसां वृषणौ मूलं शेफश्च|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Vrisana (testicles)
- Sepha (omentum)
अकालयोनिगमनान्निग्रहादतिमैथुनात्| शुक्रवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति शस्त्रक्षाराग्निभिस्तथा||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/19
- Akaal Maithun (Untimely sexual intercourse)
- Ayonigaman (Sexual activity outside of a proper or healthy relationship)
- Nigraha (Suppression of sexual urges)
- Atimaithun (Excessive sexual intercourse)
- Application of Kshara (Use of caustic substances)
- Agni (Excessive heat or inflammation)
शुक्रस्य दोषात् क्लैब्यमहर्षणम्| रोगि वा क्लीबमल्पायुर्विरूपं वा प्रजायते||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Sutra sathan 28/18
- Klaivya (Infertility or impotence)
- Aharshanam (Loss of sexual vitality)
- Rogi Progeny (Weak or diseased offspring)
- Kleev (Loss of masculinity)
- Alpaayu (Short life span of offspring)
- Viroopam (Deformed offspring)
- Inability to conceive (Difficulty conceiving and risk of miscarriage)
Mutravaha Srotas (Urinary Channels)
Mutravaha Srotas (urinary channels) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and elimination of mutra dhatu (urine) in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
मूत्रवहानां स्रोतसां बस्तिर्मूलं वङ्क्षणौ च
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Vasti (kidney)
- Vankshan (urinary bladder)
मूत्रितोदकभक्ष्यस्त्रीसेवनान्मूत्रनिग्रहात्| मूत्रवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति क्षीणस्याभिक्षतस्य च||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/20
- Intake of Udaka (Excessive intake of water)
- Bhakshya (Improper or inappropriate food)
- Stri Sevan (Sexual intercourse while having the urge to urinate)
- Ksheena Kshata (Weakness or injury)
अतिसृष्टमतिबद्धं प्रकुपितमल्पाल्पमभीक्ष्णं वा बहलं सशूलं मूत्रयन्तं दृष्ट्वा मूत्रवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Anbaddha Bastita (Urinary bladder obstruction)
- Mutranirodha (Urine retention)
- Stabdha Medhrata (Stiffness in urinary passage)
Purishvaha Srotas (Channels Responsible for Excreting Feces from the Body)
Purishvaha Srotas (channels responsible for excreting feces from the body) refers to the channels responsible for the circulation and elimination of purisha dhatu (feces) in the body.
- Moola (Roots)
पुरीषवहानां स्रोतसां पक्वाशयो मूलं स्थूलगुदं च
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Pakwashya (colon)
- Guda (anorectal region)
सन्धारणादत्यशनादजीर्णाध्यशनात्तथा| वर्चोवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति दुर्बलाग्नेः कृशस्य च||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/21
- Sandharan (Obstruction or retention)
- Aatyashan (Excessive eating)
- Aajeerna (Indigestion)
- Krisha (Emaciation or weakness)
- Durbalagni (Weak digestive fire)
कृच्छ्रेणाल्पाल्पं सशब्दशूलमतिद्रवमतिग्रथितमतिबहु चोपविशन्तं दृष्ट्वा पुरीषवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्|
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Sakrisht mala (painful defecation)
- Malabadhta (constipation)
- Atimatra (Excessive stool)
- Atidrava (Watery stool)
- Atigrathit (Foul-smelling stool)
- Shasabd (Gurgling or rumbling sounds)
- Shoolam (Abdominal pain or cramps)
Swedavaha Srotas (Channels Responsible for Sweat Circulation and Elimination)
- Moola (Roots)
स्वेदवहानां स्रोतसां मेदो मूलं लोमकूपाश्च
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Meda (fat)
- Lomkumpa (hair follicle)
व्यायामादतिसन्तापाच्छीतोष्णाक्रमसेवनात् | स्वेदवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति क्रोधशोकभयैस्तथा||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/22
- Ativyayaam (Excessive exercise)
- Santaap (Overheating or excessive body heat)
- Indulgence in Sheet or Ushna things (Consuming cold or hot substances without proper balance)
- Krodha (Anger)
- Shok (Grief)
- Bhaya (Fear)
अस्वेदनमतिस्वेदनं पारुष्यमतिश्लक्ष्णतामङ्गस्य परिदाहं लोमहर्षं च दृष्ट्वा स्वेदवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात्||
Ancient Reference – Charak samhita Viman sathan 5/8
- Aaswedan (Lack of sweating or insufficient perspiration)
- Atiswedan (Excessive sweating)
- Parushyta (Dryness of the skin)
- Atishalanshan (Excessive salivation or fluid discharge)
- Paridaha (Burning sensation)
- Lomharsha (Goosebumps or skin tingling)
Artavavaha Srotas (Channel Carrying Menstrual Fluid)
Artavavaha Srotas (channel carrying menstrual fluid) are the channels responsible for the production and flow of menstrual fluid.
- Moola (Roots)
आर्तवहे द्वे, तयोर्मूलं गर्भाशय आर्तववाहिन्यश्च धमन्यः ||
Ancient Reference – Sushrut samhita Sharir sathan 9/12
- Garbhashaya(uterus)
- Artavahi dhamniya (menstrual blood carrying arteries)
मिथ्याचारेण ताः स्त्रीणां प्रदुष्टेनार्तवेन च |
जायन्ते बीजदोषाच्च दैवाच्च शृणु ताः पृथक् ||
Ancient Reference – Charak Samhita Chikitsa sathan 30/8
- Mithyaacharan (Improper Lifestyle)
- Guru ahara (Heavy Food)
- Abhishyandi ahara (Difficult to Digest Food)
- Ushan ahara (Hot Foods)
- Ati maithun (Excessive sexual activity)
तत्र विद्धाया वन्ध्यात्वं मैथुनासहिष्णुत्वमार्तवनाशश्च ||
Ancient Reference – Sushrut samhita Sharir sathan 9/12
- Bandhytva (Infertility)
- Maithun Asahishunta (Inability to Tolerate Sexual Activity)
- Aartavanasha (Loss of Menstrual Flow)
Clinical Significance
In Ayurveda, Srotas (body channels) are vital channels responsible for the transportation of essential substances like prana (vital energy), food, fluids, and waste throughout the body. Their clinical significance lies in the understanding that when these channels are obstructed or imbalanced (Srotodushti), it can lead to various diseases.
- Pranavahasrotas (breathing channels) – Issues can cause respiratory disorders like asthma.
- Annavaha Srotas (digestive channels) – Imbalances can lead to digestive problems such as indigestion or loss of appetite.
- Raktavaha Srotas (blood circulation channels) – Can contribute to skin diseases, bleeding disorders, or anemia.
- Mamsavaha Srotas (muscle tissue channels) – Issues can lead to muscle swelling, pain, or abnormal growth, affecting movement and muscle function.
- Medovaha Srotas (fat metabolism channels) – Imbalances may result in obesity or symptoms related to diabetes, affecting metabolic health and weight management.
- Asthivaha Srotas (bone tissue channels) – Imbalances can cause bone pain, fractures, or osteoporosis, compromising skeletal integrity.
- Majjavaha Srotas (bone marrow and nerve tissue channels) – Disorders can lead to mental confusion, dizziness, or neurological issues, impacting cognitive function and coordination.
- Shukravaha Srotas (reproductive tissue channels) – Blockages can result in infertility or sexual health issues, disrupting reproductive function.
- Mutravaha Srotas (urinary flow channels) – Imbalances may cause urinary retention, difficulty passing urine, or incontinence, affecting the urinary system.
- Purishvaha Srotas (fecal excretion channels) – Disorders can lead to constipation, diarrhea, or painful defecation, impacting digestion and waste elimination.
- Swedavaha Srotas (sweat regulation channels) – Imbalances can cause excessive sweating or lack of perspiration, affecting body temperature regulation and detoxification.
- Artavavaha Srotas (menstrual fluid channels) – Issues may result in infertility, menstrual irregularities, or heavy bleeding, affecting female reproductive health.
In this article, I have concluded about srotas (body channels). The concept of srotas (body channels) in ayurveda plays a fundamental role in maintaining the body’s health and balance. These channels are responsible for the circulation of essential substances such as fluids, nutrients, and energies throughout the body. We discussed its nature and structure, synonyms, types, srotodushti (vitation of body channels), causes of srotodushti (vitation of body channels) and details of each srotas (body channels). In Ayurveda, ensuring the balance of these srotas (channels) is critical for maintaining overall health. Imbalances in any of these pathways can lead to specific symptoms. Ayurvedic treatments aim to address these imbalances through natural therapies, diet, and lifestyle adjustments.