Discovering Ratricharya: Nightly Practices for Better Health and Well-being
The most important goal of human life is to attain the state of perfect health. Health is not merely the absence of disease but a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and social well-being. To achieve this, one must practice a healthy regimen, including Dincharya (Daily regimen), Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen), and Ratricharya (Night regimen). In the 21st century, continuous day-night work schedules can have serious health implications. The concept of Ratricharya is essential for promoting health and longevity, allowing one to live a hundred years without illness.

Health is a vital component of human life, defined as a state of being sound in body, mind, and spirit. Ratricharya encompasses the regimen followed from evening hours to night for maintaining health and preventing diseases. Ayurvedic classics emphasize Dincharya, Ratricharya, and Ritucharya for achieving good health. They include Dincharya (daily regimen) Ratricharya (night regimen) Ritucharya (seasonal regimen).
Actions Contraindicated During Evening Time
एतानि पंचकर्माणि संध्यायम वर्जयेत बुधः। आहारं मैथुनं निद्रां सम्पाठं गतिम्धवनि।।
भोजनाजायते व्याधिमैथुनादभरवविकृतिः। निद्रया निःस्वता पाठादयूहार्निगारतेभ्याम ।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash Nighantu 5/261 – 262)
- Intake of food
- Sexual intercourse
- Sleep
- Reading and walking these five actions are contraindicated in the evening hours
- Intake of food produces disease
- sexual act leads to deformity in the foetus
- Sleep produces poverty
- Reading leads to loss of life span and long walks lead to fear.
Effect of Moonlight on the Body
ज्योत्स्ना शिता समरांनंदप्रदा तृत्पितदाहृत। ततो हिन् गुणः कुर्याद्वैश्यायोअनिलः कफम ।।
तमो भयावहं मोहदिमोहजनकं स्यात । पित्तहरित कफ हृत्कंवर्धनं कलंकृच तत।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash 5/262-269)
Moonlight has a cooling and soothing effect on the body, enhancing desires and pacifying thirst, pitta, and burning sensations. However, mist at night can aggravate vata and kapha, causing delusions and tiredness.
Activities After Meals (Bhojanottara Karma)
- Touch the eyes with moist fingertips.
- Clear the mouth by chewing betel leaves.
- Inhale smoke to remove kapha in the upper part.
- Later walk for about a hundred steps.
- Sleep on the left lateral position.
- After intake of more liquid food, sleep duration should be for less time.
Strengthening of Eyes
त्रिफलाम मधुसर्पिभ्यां निशिनेत्र बलाय च। स्वस्थ्यानुवृतिकृद्याच्च रोगछेदकाराम च यत।।
Ancient Reference – (Ashtanga samhita sutra 10/20)
Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica and Emblica officinalis, ie Triphala, mixed with honey and ghee should be used at night to strengthen the vision. All foods which are good for the body and help to maintain health and cure diseases should be used daily.
सौवीरमानजनम नित्यं हितमक्ष्णोःप्रयोजयेत। पंचरात्रिअष्टरात्रे वा स्त्रवणार्थे रसांजनाम ।।
Ancient Reference – (Chrak sutra 5/15)
Sauvira anjana should be used daily, as it is conducive for the eyes. But once in 5 or 8 days, Rasanjana should be applied to purify the dosas of the eyes.
One can practice smoking after intake of food at night to alleviate excess of kapha.
निद्रा ही नाम प्राणिनां प्रथममिदम शरीरधरनिमित्तम।।
Ancient Reference – (Chandra Kaushik)
Nidra is prime among the factors responsible for the sustenance of the body.
Sexual Intercourse (Maithun)
शरीरे जायते नित्यं देहिनः सुरतस्पृहा। अव्यावयंमेहमेदोवृद्धि शिथिलता तनो।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash Pratham 5/266)
Men will have the desire for sexual intercourse daily, on suppression of this urge, they may suffer from diabetes, obesity, and looseness of the body. The person having a desire for sex opines that a young girl (bala)is ideal during the rainy and spring seasons. Sexual intercourse with young girls daily increases strength, sex with Taruni daily reduces strength and sex with middle-aged ladies leads to the onset of old age.
Practice Of Sexual Intercourse According To Seasons
सेवेत क्रमतह कामः बलद्वाजीकृतौ हिमे। प्रकामं तू निषेवेत मैथुनं शिशिरागमे।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhav prakash 15/275)
The person should take drugs enhancing virility and practise sexual intercourse in Hemanta ritu, during Sisira ritu without using aphrodisiacs one can have sexual intercourse according to his will. During vasanta and Sarad ritu, it should be done once in 3 days, in Varsa and Grishma ritu it should be done once in 15 days. During Hemanta and Shishir ritu one should do according to his desire. According to the opinion of Susruta, one should practice sexual intercourse once in 3 days in all seasons except Grishma, When it will be once in 15 days
Time For Sexual Intercourse
शीते रात्रो दिवा ग्रीष्मे वसन्ते तू दिवा निशि। वर्षासु वारिद्ध्वाने शत्सु सरसः स्मरः।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash 5/278)
- During cold seasons at night
- In summer at the time
- In spring day or night
- In the rainy season when thunderbolts are heard
- One should practice sexual intercourse when there is a sexual urge
Time Not Suitable For Sexual Intercourse
उपयतपुरुषो नारी सन्ध्ययोर्न च पावरसु। गौसरगे चैधरात्रे च तथा मध्यदिनोअपि च।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash 5/279)
- One should not indulge in sexual intercourse in the evenings
- Full Moon and new moon days time when cows are released from the hut for grazing, midnight and mid-day
Male Unfit For Sexual Intercourse
- Those who have taken a large quantity of food
- Having a weak mind
- Suffering from hunger
- Bodyache
- Thirst
- Young boys or elderly
- Natural urges should not indulge in sexual intercourse
Lady Unfit For Sexual Intercourse
- A lady who is menstruating
- Not dear to mind
- Elder to man
- Suffering from disease
- Pregnant
- Who have gynaecological disorders
- Born in the same gotra
- Those who have accepted sainthood ie (Sanyasi) are not fit to have sex, If one indulges in sexual intercourse with such a lady it will lead to harmful effects.
Practices Beneficial After Sexual Intercourse
सननं सश्कर्म क्षीर भक्ष्यमाश्वसंस्कृतम। वातो मांसरस स्वपन सुरतांतो हिता अमी।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash 5/298)
One should take a bath and take milk with sugar, food preparations made of sugar cane juice, cool wind, meat soup and then go to sleep.
Combination For Inducing Good Sleep
यो लेढ़ी शयनसमये मधुमिश्राम बीजपुरदालचुरनाम । स तू लजाकरवत्त प्रसरनिषेचत सुखं स्वपति।।
Ancient Reference – (Bhavprakash 5/302)
One should lick the powder of the leaves of Bijapura with honey, by this the vata in the downward direction (Apana Vayu) is pacified and the person gets a good quiet sleep.
To achieve the better/positive health and prevent diseases one has to practice the principles mentioned in the swasthavritta, Like the concept of Ratricharya.One who doesn’t resort to dinadi dincharya (Daily regimen) including Sandhyacharya (Evening regimen)Ratricharya will fall prey to diseases. Thus it is inevitable to say that we have to practice the Dincharya(daily regimen) ratichraya to attain the highest state of well being.