Hing (Ferula narthex) – Uses & Health Benefits
(Ref: Bhavaprakasa Nighantu)
Asafoetida is miraculous herb of Ayurveda that is used to treat various health issues from many years ago. It is also considered as main spice used in Indian kitchens. Roots of this herb is cut into small pieces and juice comes from these cuts solidified to make gum resins. It possesses very pungent, foul and very unpleasant smell. It’s anti-viral, carminative, anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, sedative, and anti-inflammatory and diuretic in nature helps to aid with various serious health related issues.
Major chemical compound present in this herb is ferulic acid and it also contains some volatile oil. Hot potency of this herb helps to reduce high cholesterol levels of blood and very beneficial for hypertension and other heart related disorders. Coumarin present in this herbs helps to regulate proper blood flow throughout body.
According to Ayurveda text this herb is categorized under deepaneya, shwashara, katukskandha and sanjnasthapana herbs. It is used to pacify both vata and kapha dosha but its hot potency and piercing nature raises pitta dosha in body.
Plant Description
Ferula narthex is perennial shrub that grows about 5-8 feet in height. Stem of plant is stout, hollow and succulent. Trip innate leaves are finely divided. Apicular leaves are small and at the bottom leaves are larger. Umbel shaped flowers are large and usually yellow in colour. Fruits are about 8mm long and about 1/2mm broad.
Basically this herb is distributed through Mediterranean regions to the whole of central Asia. Now this herb is grown in India, Tibet, Iran and Afghanistan for its culinary and medicinal uses. In India it is widely found in Kashmir and upper Himalayan regions. It is also found in Nepal and Sikkim.
- Latin Name – Ferula Narthex
- Hindi Name – Hing
- Telugu Name – Inguva
- Kannada Name – Hingu
- Bengali Name – Hing
- Marathi Name – Hing
- Gujarati Name – Badharani
- Tamil Name – Perungayam
- Farsi Name – Angoj
- Malayalam Name – Rungayam
- Arabic Name – Hilteel
- Spanish Name – Asafedita
- Chinese Name – Awei
- German Name – Teufelsdreck
According to Bhavprakash nighantu

According to above mentioned verse of bhavprakash nighantu Sahsarbedhi, jatuk, bahlik, hingu and ramath are the various synonyms of herb asafoetida. Hing is best used as appetizer, digestive stimulant, piercing and hot in potency. It is used to pacify vata and kapha dosha. It is used to treat stomach ache, abdominal tumours, stomach related disorders, abdominal distention and also very effective herb for worm infestation. Due its hot potency it aggravates pitta dosha in body.
The bhavprakash nighantu with elaborated Hindi commentary of Padamshri Prof Krishna chander chunnekar and edited by Dr. Gangasahay Pandey: edition 2010; page number – 39 and verse number – 100 and 101.
Uses of Hing (Ferula narthex)
- According to bhavprakash hing is herb beneficial for lungs. It is used to treat chronic inflammation of respiratory tract, asthma, both dry and congested cough and also used to treat pneumonia in children. In all these disorders hing is used along with water.
- Vati prepared by hing, ajwain and soap are used to treat abdominal distention, severe ache, constipation and used to treat inflammation of amashya (stomach) and intestine. In all these problems hingwastak churn and hingkarpoor vati is used.
- It is also used to treat malaria. In this disease hing is used along with food to treat this disorder.
- It is also used for epilepsy, delirium and other mind related disorders.
- It is also used to treat multiple abortions and after conception hing is also used for expecting ladies. According to bahvprakash nighantu initially 6 gm. of hing are used to prepare 60 tablets. Firstly used 1 tablet twice a day and after that increase its dose to 10 tablets per day. It is also used to clear impure menstrual blood.
- Suppository of hing is used to treat abdominal distention, constipation and intestinal worms.
- Its paste with coconut water is applied over scorpion and snake bite to reduce the effects of poisoning.
- Paste of hing is applied locally on stomach to relieve abdominal distention in babies and also used to treat cough in children.
- Small tablet of hing and opium is placed in tooth cavity to relieve severe pain.
- Oil prepared by garlic, hing and rock salt is used to treat ear related problems. 3-4 drops of lukewarm oil is used to treat ear pain and it is used as best antiseptic for ear related disorders.
Health Benefits of Hing (Ferula narthex)
- Deepan – This beneficial herb is used to stimulate low digestive fire and helps to stimulate metabolism.
- Pachan – It helps to stimulate process of digestion and also aid with various digestive system related problems.
- Kapha nisarak – It helps to pacify extra aggravated kapha dosha out from body. It helps to relieve congestion and excrete out extra phlegm.
- Vatanuloman – This beneficial herb is also good for treating abdominal distention, flatus and bloating.
- Garbhashaya sankochak – It is also good for uterine contraction. It is very effective herb of uterine related problems.
Medicinal Uses of Hing (Ferula narthex)
- Hing is bronchodilator in nature and it helps to relieve congestion and give relief in asthma and bronchitis. It is very beneficial for treating other respiratory disorders like dry cough, whooping cough and common colds. It is respiratory stimulant and used to excrete out extra phlegm.
- Hing is also very effective remedy for stomach related disorders. Its anti-oxidant and anti-spasmodic nature helps to relieve various abdominal problems like flatus, bloating, abdominal distention, indigestion and severe abdominal pain. It protects internal villi and also good to reduce underlying symptoms of food poisoning.
- Its anti-inflammatory nature give relief from severe inflammation of blood vessels that causes severe headache. It is also good for treating headache caused by migraine and common cold.
- This miraculous herb is also very effective for treating menstrual related problems. It boost the secretion of progesterone hormone and helps to relieve severe menstrual pain and maintain smooth and regular flow of menstrual blood.
- This beneficial herb is also used to relieve severe ear and toothaches. Its anti-biotic nature helps to fight against various micro-organisms that causes severe infections.
- It is also used to reduce severe pain and inflammation in sufferers of rheumatoid and other joint related problems.
- It also helps to fight against various parasites and microorganisms in gut in small children and very effective for digestive tract related issues in new born babies.