Home Remedies for Skin Care

Skin Care

Skin is the largest organ of a human body. And it is of utmost importance to take proper care of the skin to look beautiful and appealing. However, it is one of the most sensitive organs of the body. Therefore, it requires tremendous care and tenderness to treat this part of the body effectively. There are various cosmetics available in the market, which help to treat various situations. But, treating the skin with the home remedies naturally is the most effective one.

Here we shall discuss some of the wonderful skin care home remedies to treat the various complications like scars, pimples, acne, oily skin condition and many more effectively.

Home Remedies for Skin Care

1. Wash Face With Clean Water

  • This is the primary skin care tip to be followed by every individual to have a glowing skin.
  • However, water should be clean and devoid of any chemicals and toxic materials.
  • This helps to remove all the dirt and dust particles, which get accumulated on the skin over a period of time.
  • This is one of the best solutions to treat the condition of oily skin and prevents the formation of acne, scars and pimples as well.

2. Honey And Cinnamon Paste

  • A paste is made using honey and cinnamon.
  • Water should not be added since it kills the action of the honey.
  • This is an effective home remedy to treat pimples and acnes away.

3. Sandal Wood

  • Rub the sandalwood on wooden base mixed with a little amount of rose water.
  • This gives rise to a paste like substance.
  • This, when applied on the acne scars for about a week can bring effective results.
  • Also, sandalwood soaked in water for a few hours and then applying the water on the scars is also a wonderful remedy to remove the acne scars.
  • Sandalwood has soothing and cooling effect on the skin to a huge extent.

4. Extracts of Fenugreek

  • Fenugreek seeds applied in water and the water is boiled for a few minutes.
  • Mash the seeds well and make a paste.
  • Then applied to the acne scars help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the appearance of the scars on the facial surface.

5. Egg, Sugar and Cornflour Mixture

  • The white part of the egg mixed with a tbsp of sugar and half tbsp of corn flour mixed to form a paste is applied on the parts of the face with unwanted hair.
  • The mixture forms a mask on the face.
  • Once the mixture is dried, it needs to be pulled off firmly, which will remove the facial hairs off from the face.
  • This is a highly effective home remedy for skin care.

6. Consume Green Leafy Vegetables

  • Consumption of green vegetables, steamed, blended or juiced helps in better metabolism of the food particles.
  • This helps to maintain a clean complexion of the skin and remove the under eye dark circles properly.

7. Drink Detox Tea Daily

  • Detox tea contains anti-oxidants, Consumption of which regularly enhances the various metabolic activities properly.
  • Detox tea helps to kills the bacteria and make the skin look glowing and healthy.

8. Lemon Juice

  • Lemon contains ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which have antibiotic and anti-oxidating properties.
  • These anti-oxidants help in restricting the free radical generation, which makes it a wonderful remedy to treat pimples and other skin lesions and lighten the stretch marks on the skin.
  • The Vitamin C or ascorbic acid also helps to lighten the color of the skin, thereby removing the dark spots and tan effectively.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Vinegar has antiseptic properties and also scraps off the dry cells from the skin surface.
  • These properties of apple cider vinegar are highly useful home remedies to treat acne scars.

10. Sugar

  • A tbsp of sugar added to a tsp of honey and a few drops of lemon juice heated in low flame to produce a smooth paste.
  • Then, it needs to be applied on those facial parts, from where the hairs need to be removed.
  • The sugar in the molten state imparts the sticky nature and honey and lemon provide soothing action to the skin and act as bleach as well.

11. Milk

  • The lactic acid in milk helps to get rid of darkened skin and tan effectively.
  • Raw milk applied on the spots and left for overnight, then, washed in the morning with a little warm water is a wonderful home remedy.


  • It is extremely important to keep away the basic reasons, which lead to the various skin related complications.
  • Stress, over exhaustion, unbalanced food habit, overloaded lifestyle and insomnia, if controlled or prevented can provide a healthy, glowing and beautiful skin devoid of any unnecessary complications.