Kamdudha Ras – Types, Ingredients, Health Benefits, Medicinal Properties, Dose & More


Popularity and demand for Ayurvedic herbal medicines are increasing day by day. This is all because of their no side effects, and their longer shelf life. Rasaushadhis plays a great role in Ayurvedic science. These have given Ayurveda a complete novel health care look in the present Era.  In Ayurveda, medicines are classified into three origins i.e. Herbal, Mineral, and herbo-mineral. So in today’s article, we are going to discuss one of the wonderful herbo-mineral formulations i.e. Kamdudha ras, and its use in treating various diseases.

Introduction On Kamdudha Ras

Kamdudha ras is a herbo-mineral classical formulation. This is commonly indicated in the management of Pitta disorders. It is also nomenclated as Mahaushadhi of Amlapitta (Hyperacidity). It does not have Parada (Mercury) and Gandhak (Sulphur) but is still called Rasaushadhi. This is a unique Kharliya rasayan. This is prepared by purifying and combining the goodness of natural ingredients. This Ras is very effective in long-lingering ailments. It has a very soothing and calming effect on the gut. It has cold potency and is helpful in balancing digestive fire. This is a good natural calcium supplement. It neutralizes gastric acid secretions. It reduces inflammation of gastric and esophageal mucosa.

Types Of Kamdudha Ras

This formulation is of two types:

  1. Kamdudha Ras (Plain)
  2. Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukta)

1. Kamdudha Ras (Plain)

This type of Kamdudha ras contains the following ingredients:

  • Giloy Satva (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Swarna Gairik (Gold red ochre)
  • Abhrak Bhasma (Mica calx)

2. Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukta)

This type contains the following ingredients:

  • Moti Pishti (Natural calcium compound)
  • Praval Pishti (Natural calcium compound)
  • Muktashukti Pishti (Natural calcium compound)
  • Kapardak Bhasma (Cowrie calx)
  • Shankh Bhasma (Conch shell calx)
  • Shuddha Sona (Purified Gold)
  • Shuddha Geru (Purified Red ochre)
  • Giloy Satva (Extracts of Tinospora cordifolia)

Description Of Each Ingredient

  • Giloy Satva – Giloy is also known as Amrita in Ayurveda due to its Tridosha shamka properties (pacifies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). It has tikta (bitter) and kshaya (astringent) taste. It is mainly helpful in preventing fever. It enhances the immunity of the body. It balances the pH level in the stomach thus helpful in hyperacidity.
  • Swarna Gairik – Gairik has a sweet, astringent, cooling effect on the body. It is a natural hematite mineral found in igneous and metamorphic rocks as an accessory mineral. This ingredient is used in diseases like skin diseases, piles, bleeding disorders, ulcers, boils, urticaria, hiccups, etc.     
  • Abhrak Bhasma – This is a wonderful remedy for acidity and other digestive issues. This ingredient is blessed with tridosha shamak properties. It has deepan (appetizer), pachan (digestive), jwara (fever), sangrahani (diarrhea), etc properties. Due to deepan and pachan properties, it is very helpful in all digestive disorders. 
  • Moti Pishti – This is known for its curative properties since time immemorial. It is a hard, shining object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk. It is helpful in psychoses, reducing body heat, and cooling effects in the gut. It provides immediate relief from acidity and heartburn and is also helpful in constipation.      
  • Praval Pishti – This is an incredible Ayurvedic formulation with numerous health benefits. This is imbued with anti-inflammatory, digestive, antimicrobial, antacid properties. It is helpful in diseases like gastritis, acidity, ulcerative colitis, bleeding disorders.           
  • Muktashukti Pishti – It is very helpful in managing conditions like hyperacidity, gastritis, bleeding problems, etc. It stabilizes the Kapha and Pitta dosha. It helps in increasing appetite and promotes better absorption of nutrients in the body.      
  • Kapardak Bhasma – This bhasma soothes the stomach and treats ulcers and boosts digestion. Kapardak bhasma is primarily used for the treatment of indigestion, diarrhea, digestive disorders, etc.  
  • Shankh Bhasma – This is one of the most important bhasma in the management of hyperacidity. This bhasma aid in digestion, flatulence, and abdominal pain. It may also help in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, gastritis, and burping.

Dose And Anupan (Adjuvants) Of Kamdudha Ras


1 or 2 tablets twice a day before meals.


  • In Leucorrhea – With cow’s milk or with rice water.
  • In Pitta Disorders – Cow’s ghee and brown sugar mixed with cow’s milk.
  • In Diabetes – With Pippali churna (Powder of Piper longum) and honey.
  • In Raktapitta – With Doorva swarasa (Extracts of Cynodon dactylon) and Rock candy.

Medicinal Properties Of This Kharliya Rasayan

This herbo-mineral medicine has the following medicinal properties:

  • Antacid
  • Antiemetic
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Coagulant
  • Analgesic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antiulcer
  • Antipyretic
  • Antivertigo
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidants

Benefits of Kamdudha Ras

Kamdudha Ras has the following health benefits:

  • Burning sensation
  • Hyperacidity
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Piles
  • Weakness
  • Giddiness
  • Fever
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Vertigo
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Hot flashes
  • Dyspepsia
  • Peptic ulcer


Kamdudha ras is widely used in Pitta disorders because of the ingredients like; Giloy satva, motishukti, praval pishti, shankh bhasma, etc. These ingredients have pitta pacifying properties. This rasayan also contains swarna gairik which has coagulant properties hence very useful in bleeding disorders. Thus it is very useful in Raktapitta (Bleeding problems) and Raktapradar (Leucorrhea). This formulation reduces Daha (Burning sensation) and kshobha (Inflammation) of the small and large intestines in pittaj and raktaj atisar.