Charak Samhita – Nidana Sthana – Chapter 5 (Kustha Roga)
Charak Samhita is an ancient treatise which deals with basic concepts, Symptoms, causes, Diagnosis and its management. The author of this samhita is Acharya Charak. There are a total of 120 chapters in charaka samhita and 8 Sthana which are named as Sutra sthana, Nidana sthana, Chikitsa sthana, vimana sthana, indriya sthana, kalp sthana, Siddhi Sthana, Sharira Sthana. In this article we will discuss the fifth chapter of nidana Sthana named Kusta roga.

Kusta Roga is basically a skin disease which manifests due to indulgence of vata, pitta, kapha, Twak, Mamsa, rakta and lasika. It arises due to Dushti to Dushti of these Dosha and Dushyas. In this chapter the seven types of Kushta Roga are explained with the symptoms according to their Dosha predominance. There is no Kushtha which is caused by the Aggravation of the One Dosha. However the types of Kushta having the same aetiological factor have differences in the color, pain, Symptoms, Effects, Name and Treatment according to the proportional variation, location and Association of the Dosha.
Kushta Dravya (Three Doshas And Seven Dushyas)
- Vata
- Pitta
- Kapha
- Twak (Skin)
- Mamsa (Muscle)
- Rakta (Blood)
- Lasika (Lymph)
It may be of Seven types, Eighteen Types and innumerable types. Due to various forms of permutation and combinations causes variety in these Diseases. All the varieties cannot be narrated here, So only the seven types of Kushta are explained in this chapter.
- Kapala kushta – Due to vitiation of Vata Dosha
- Udumbara Kushta – Due to vitiation of Pitta Dosha
- Mandala Kushta – Due to vitiation of Kaphaja Dosha
- Rushyajihva Kushta – Due to vitiation of Vata and pitta Dosha
- Pundarika Kushtha – Due to vitiation of Kapha and Pitta Dosha
- Sidhma kushta- Due to vitiation of Kapha and Vata Dosha
- Kakanaka Kushta- Due to vitiation of all the Doshas
Kushta Nidana
- The person who takes Cold and Hot things simultaneously in contradictory
- Takes the Saturating and the Desaturating food in contradictory way
- Excessive Intake of the Honey, Pendium, Fish, Radish and Kakamachi (Solanum Nigrum) constantly and during indigestion.
- Intake of Cilicima fish with milk
- Intake of Diet Mostly Consists of Cereals like Hayanaka (Oryza sativa), Yavaka (Type of Hordeum Vulgare Linn), Cinaka (Cucumis Utilissimus), Koradusa (Paspalam Scrobiculatum), Uddalaka (Paspalam Scrobiculatum) with Milk, curd, Butter, Kola (Zizyphus Radiatus), Atasi (Linumustitatissimum), Kusumbha and Unctuous substances.
After taking these, Indulgence in Physical Exercise, Sexual Intercourse, and intense heat excessively. Entries into the cold water suddenly after affliction with fear, Exertion and Intense heat. Intake of Such Food that would cause the burning sensation, without vomiting out the undigested foods. Suppresses the natural urge of Vomiting and One who applies too much unction.
Due to Nidana, The dushya’s and Doshas Vitiate Simultaneously and attain laxity. The vitiated doshas get accumulated in those Tissues and Vitiate the latter due to its looseness, thus giving Rise to Kushtha.
Premonitory Symptoms
- Loss of or Excessive Sweating
- Having Rough Edges
- Abnormal Colour
- Itching
- Piercing pain
- Numbness
- General burning Sensation
- Tingling Sensation
- Horripilations
- Coarseness
- Smearing in Body Orifices
- Excessive pain in suppuration
- Burnt, Bitten, Broken, Injured and Dislocated Parts, Suppuration and Non Healing of Small Wounds.
Sign And Symptoms
Kapala Kushta
According to the Pain, Colour, etc.
- Rough edges
- Reddishness
- Coarse
- Unevenly Spread
- Edges slightly Elevated at Periphery
- Extremely numbed
- Covered with Erect Hairs
- Excessive Piercing Pain
- Mild Itching
- Burning
- Pus
- Serous exudation
- Decay
- Infested with Organisms
- Resembles as Red Earthen Piece
Audumbara Kushta
- Coppery
- Covered with coppery and Coarse hairs
- Thick Pus, Blood and Lymph
- Itching
- Discharge
- Sloughing
- Heat and Suppuration
- Fast development
- Causation and decay
- High temperature
- Infested with organisms
- Resembles like an Udumbara fruits
Mandala Kushta
- Unctuous
- Heavy
- Elevated with smooth, Fixed and Yellow Margins
- Appears as white and Red
- White hairlines
- Discharge which is white, Thick and Slimy
- Infested With Germs
- Slow development
- Decay
- Is circular in shape
Rushyajihva Kushta
- Rough
- Reddish and blackish in Interior and Exterior
- Blue, Yellow, Coppery luster
- Less Itching
- Sticky Exudation
- Germs
- Intense Burning Sensation
- Tearing and Piercing pain
- Suppuration
- Pain inflicted with Bristles
- Elevated centers and Thin Peripheries
- Rough Pimples
- Having a Large Circumference and Resembles like the tongue of a deer.
Pundareeka Kushta
- Red and white in Luster
- Covered with red lines and veins
- Swelling
- Discharge of Thick pus, blood and Serum in Excess
- Itching
- Germs
- Heat and Suppuration
- Their causation, Ulceration and Manifestation are fast
- Resembles like petals of Lotus Flowers
Sidhma Kushta
- Roughness
- Reddish in color
- Smooth center
- Thin and Withered Periphery
- Unctuous Internally
- Numerous
- Less pain
- Itching
- Burning Sensation
- Pus
- Serous Discharge
- Sluggish
- Mild Germ infestation
- Resembles like a Flower of Alabu
Kakanaka Kushta
- Having color like that of Gunja seeds in the beginning but later the symptoms of all types of Kushta are manifested there.
- Consequently hanging Multiple Colors
- Kushta which belongs to this category is Incurable.
Sadhyata Asadhyata
The Six Types Of Kushta are curable except the Kakanaka Kustha.Due to unwholesome Regimen, The curable kustha may become Incurable even after manifestation of disease. Except Kakanaka, the others which are normally curable can turn into incurable in even Saturation of Vitiated Doshas and Unwholesome Regimens.
- Maggots in the Skin, Muscle, Blood, Lymph.
- Discharge
- Sweating
- Maggots eats up the skin
Doshas affecting Further Cause these Complications
Due to vata, It causes blackishness and Redness in skin.
- Coarseness
- Roughness
- Pain
- Wasting
- Piercing pain
- Tremors
- Horripilations
- Contraction
- Stiffness
- Numbness
- Excess Burning sensation
- Sweating
- Moistening
- Sloughing
- Discharge
- Suppuration
- Redness
- Coldness
- Whiteness
- Itching
- Immobility
- Heaviness
- Unctuousness
- Plastering
- Maggots eat up the Skin, Muscle, Ligaments and Cartilages.
- Profuse discharge
- Decay of Body Parts
- Thirst
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Burning Sensation
- Debility
- Anorexia
- Indigestion
Such types of Kushtha are Incurable
The one who neglects this condition in the early stage, considering it as curable, then it is regarded as dead after lapse of time. The one who does the remedy properly in the early stage or prior to disease, he/she enjoys and stays happy for a long period of time.
As the young tree is cut with a little effort but the same requires great effort when fully developed, Likewise, the newborn Disorder is managed very easily while the much advanced is managed with Difficulty or becomes incurable.
In this Chapter there are explanations of various types of kushta roga which arise on skin. It is of seven types which are Kapala, Audumbara, Mandala, Pundareeka, Sidhma, Kakana. It has its own signs and symptoms according to the dosha Predominance. All types of kushta are manageable with classical ayurvedic medicines which are explained in the chikitsa sthana of charak shamhita.