Home Remedies for Healthy Vision
Maintaining a healthy vision has become a problem these days. This is particularly because of the increase in the number of hours that we spend in front of the computer screens. Thus, it has become absolutely important to improve the circulation of the eyes and to maintain them healthy.
There are a number of home remedies available to maintain a healthy vision.
Useful Home Remedies
1. Almonds, Figs, Raisins
These are extremely helpful to cope with the daily demands of the activities. Soak some of them in water overnight. Eat them in the morning in the empty stomach. These fruits have a lot of vitamins and fibers. This helps in maintaining good body metabolism and solving the vision related ailments.
2. Carrots
Carrots have abundant sources of Vitamin A. Consumption of this vitamin helps in enhancing the health of the eyes. It kills the ill impacts of stress, which affect the eyes and help to maintain a healthy vision.
3. Amla Juice
Having a cup of amla juice in the morning on an empty stomach is highly beneficial for maintaining healthy vision. This is because; amla has a lot of antioxidants. It contains retinols as well. These help to have a healthy vision.
4. Green Leafy Vegetables
To prevent macular degeneration and other vision related problems, green leafy vegetables have a lot of benefits. They prevent the gradual decline of vision. Spinach, kale, lettuce contain zeaxanthin and leutin. They are highly rich in anti-oxidating properties. These help to maintain a good vision eradicating the various eye related problems effectively.
5. Fatty Fishes
Fishes like salmons, tuna, mackerel and sardines are rich in Omega-3-fatty acids. These have a lot of health advantages; especially dry eye syndrome and macular degeneration. Thus, consuming the fatty fishes is extremely helpful in combating vision related problems.
6. Practice Some Eye Exercises
Stimulating the eye muscles is very important. These help in maintaining proper blood circulation. Also, massage the eyes gently to remove the fatigue and the tiredness of the over-stressed eyes. Also blink your eyes after every 5 to 6 seconds.
- Give some rest to the eyes
- Grab 8 hours of sleep
- Avoid non-vegetarian diet and foods containing preservatives.
- Practice yoga
These are some of the effective ways to get rid of the complications related to the over stressed eyes. These help to maintain a healthy vision and lead a healthy life.
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