Tagar / Indian Valerian (Valeriana Wallichii)- Ayurvedic Properties, Effects On Doshas & Dosage
Ayurveda has originated and spread worldwide through India, it has its most natural way of managing health problems very naturally. It is a true life science that rejuvenates our body and revitalises the body and mind. Ayurveda provides herbal medicines or various other health supplements that fulfil the body’s basic needs to maintain its strength and promote overall immunity. Nowadays people all over the world are positively adopting the Ayurvedic treatment because it is considered a very pure and natural form of treatment that doesn’t give any side-effects or adverse effects on the patient. The treatment through the ayurvedic herbs is not just treating or giving a cure for the illness but maintaining the body standards in a particular state where no illness or any health ailment can disturb the harmony of a healthy body. In this article writing, we are going to discuss a herb that is named Tagar, its beneficial properties and use in various health conditions.

General Information
Tagara is used to manage various neurological, psychological, and digestive disorders. In very low dosages, it helps to calm the mind and nervous strengthening and also helps to prevent and stop convulsions or epileptic disorders. Tagara is called Indian Valerian and is commonly known by its botanical name Valeriana wallichii and belongs to a family of Valerianaceae. In Gujarati this is named tagarganthoda, in Kannada it’s Mushkabala, in Marathi tagaramool, in Punjabi its sugandha Bala ad in Tamil this herb is named tagarai, in Sanskrit it is named by various names like tagar, nat that means its bending in nature, vakra that means curved, and nahush. This herb is of two varieties one is tagar and one is pindtagar. Pind tagar is somewhat circular in shape and it is of less fragrance. This is found commonly in Kashmir to Bhutan up to an elevation of ten thousand feet from the sea level.
Special Note About This Plant
- This plant consists of Valerianic acid.
- Acharya Charak has mentioned this herb in sheetprashaman mahakashaya, and in tikta skandha.
- Acharya Sushrut have been mentioned this herb in Eladi gana.
- Description of this herb is also found in Kaiyyadev Nighantu who had said that this plant is very beneficial in managing mental disorders and various head disorders.
- Dhanwantri nighantu have mentioned this herb in Chandanadi varga.
- Kaiyyadev nighantu have mentioned this herb in Aushadi varga.
Ancient Verses
Shloka – 1
तगरं कटुकं तिक्तं कटुपाकरसं लघु।
स्निग्धोष्णम् तुवरं भूतमदापस्मारनाशनम्।
विषचक्षुः शिरोरोगरक्तदोषामयापहम्।।
Reference – Kaiyyadev Nighantu
Interpretation of Shloka – This herb is Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter) and gives katu ras after digestion, so is light, moist, hot, and is very helpful in mind-related diseases, epilepsies. It is helpful in poisoning cases, vision weakness, head-related diseases, bleeding diseases, and also detoxifies the body.
Shloka – 2
तगरं स्यात कषायोष्णम् स्निगधम स्निगधम दोषत्रयप्रणुत्।
दृक् शीर्षविषदोषघ्नं भूतापस्मारनाशनम्।।
Reference – Raj Nighantu / Satahvadi Varga
Interpretation of Shloka – Tagar is Kashaya (Astringent), hot in potency, moist in nature, and pacifies all the doshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It cures eye disorders, headaches, poisoning, evil spirits, and epileptic attacks.
Shloka – 3
तगरद्वयमुष्णम् स्यात्स्वादु स्निगधम् लघु स्मृतम्।
Reference – Bhavprakash Nighantu / Karpuradi Varga
Interpretation of Shloka – Both tagar are of hot potency, sweet in taste, moist, and of light quality. They are helpful in all types of poisoning, epilepsies, pain, and Netra roga, and are used for alleviating all three doshas.
Shloka – 4
तगरं शीतलं तिक्तं दृष्टिदोषविनाशनम्।
विषार्त्तिशमनम् पथ्यम् भूतोन्मादभयापहम्।।
Reference – Raj Nighantu / Karveeradi Varga
Interpretation of Shloka – Tagar is of cool potency, tikta (bitter) in taste, this is helpful in all types of poisoning, their complications and Netra roga (eye disorders), and are used for alleviating the fear of insanity caused by the evil spirits.
Systemic Classification
- Botanical Name – Valeriana wallichii
- Family – Valerianaceae
- Genus – Valeriana
- Species – V. wallichii
- Natam – The plant is short in height
- Kutila or varkra or nahush – twisted rhizome
- This herb lives for many years and its appearance is somewhat hairy.
- Its branches are very high and are of fifteen to forty-five cm in cluster form.
- It has two types of leaves one that is present with rhizomes and one is attached with branches on the top of this plant.
- Rhizome leaves are 2.5 to 7.5 cm wide in diameters, its shape is kind of heart and these are porous in appearance with teeth along with sharpness in the above part.
- Branch leaves are somewhat shorter than rhizomes leaves; these are not porous in appearance.
- Its flower buds are one to three inches wide and grow just above the branches.
- Its flowers are white or pink in colour that are developed on different plants.
- Fruit helps to provide strength to the body.
- The rhizome of this plant is around four to eight cm long. These are somewhat curved, rough and have circular prominent root scars, and consist of less number of leaves than the upper branches of the herb.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
- Guna (Quality) – Snigadh (Moist), Laghu (light)
- Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
- Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Katu (Pungent)
- Karma (Action) – Balances the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha
- Projyang (Part used) – Roots are used
Effects On Doshas
It balances all the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. But especially acting on Kapha and vata dosha and works on Visha.
Practical Uses
- Due to its Katu-Ushna taste, this herb helps to pacify Kapha dosha and is very helpful in managing respiratory disorders.
- In wound healing, tagar root paste plays a good role that helps to rapid healing.
- The cold infusion of the rhizome of tagar is beneficial in relieving the paint due to any infection or inflammation.
- This herb is a great Vata, Kapha pacifier, Soporific (Sleep inducing), Cholagogue (promotes the discharge of bile), Analgesic, Anti-convulsant, Cardiac stimulant, Aphrodisiac, Strengthens the body.
- It helps to improve the sleep intensity and helps to calm the body and mind effectively.
- It acts as a great appetiser that helps to relax the muscles and helps to combat abdominal discomforts and pain, it also helps to deal with dysmenorrhea.
- It helps to calm the overall nervous system.
- The paste of the roots helps to recover the patient from any poison that has been entered due to the insect bite and scorpion sting.
- This herb helps to reduce anxiety and stress in the body by acting on the GABA levels.
- It also helps to maintain blood pressure and many other neurological disorders.
- This plant supports the sedative property so it can be given n epileptic patients and can work as a relaxant.
- In the urinary system, it helps as a diuretic and as it is a stimulant in nature so tries to improve the infertility condition and in dysmenorrhea.
- This is also good for skin-related conditions and blood-related diseases like herpes, psoriasis, etc.
- When this herb is used in high-temperature patients it helps to camlm the body and helps by lowering down the temperature.
- Root powder can be given up to 1-3 gms.
- If it is used more than this dosage then it may cause vertigo, hiccups, and vomiting.