Understanding Tenosynovitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment
Tenosynovitis is the term that describes the inflammation and swelling of the tendons of the upper limbs. It mostly affects the wrists and hands. It is an upper-limb musculoskeletal disorder that is the most common source of pain and dysfunction in all age groups. This is also the result of overuse and injuries from many physical activities. This article enlightens the full topic with its causes, symptoms, and management.

The term used to describe the inflammation of tendons is tenosynovitis. A protective tendon sheath surrounds the tendons that receive a lot of use. Tenosynovitis is the medical term for an irritated tendon sheath. Let’s examine tendons in more detail. Tendons actually hold bones and muscles together. They give the body its movement and muscular strength, as well as stability. Bones are covered by tendons, which are shielded by tendon sheaths. Tendon sheaths are composed of connective tissues and contain lubricant fluid to allow for easy bone passage. The tendon sheaths now swell and inflame when they are abused. It’s possible to swallow even tendons. It is a painful disorder that limits movement in the affected body parts. Most commonly, the hands, arms, and feet are affected by tenosynovitis. When the affected portion is at rest, the pain is at first barely noticeable, but as soon as the affected part moves, the discomfort increases.
- The tendons and tendon sheaths that are affected by tenosynovitis are moved excessively or repeatedly.
- Other causes of tendon sheath inflammation in the feet or lower legs include running or walking long distances without any prior training or using inappropriate or new shoes.
- Patients with gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes are also susceptible to tenosynovitis.
- Women who are expecting or nursing are more likely to experience it.
- Some occupations or pastimes are linked to an increased risk of tenosynovitis.
- For instance, using a computer for extended periods of time or playing an instrument can strain the fingers, wrist, and forearm.
- Repeated actions like stretching the thumb out and other repetitive motions might lead to tenosynovitis in the wrist.
- Pain, particularly during movements.
- Swelling, and sensitive to pressure.
- Tendon sheath inflammation irritates the nearby nerves which leads to some abnormal sensations.
- Tenosynovitis is mostly managed conservatively. It involves resting of the affected part only.
- Avoid overusing the inflamed area.
- If tendon sheath inflammation occurs due to any work related activity, it is better to do changes in the workplace.
- Use of safe braces, plaster casts to keep the affected area of the body still.
- Regular exercises, massages are also helpful.
Ayurvedic View
Tenosynovitis is correlated with snayu gata vata in Ayurveda. It is basically a vata vyadhi. Vata is one of the three doshas in the body. Vata is the conductor and indicator of all physical activities. When a little pin is pricked in any part of the body, the information about it reaches the brain located in the nerves of the body by vata, and to release that pain, it transmits orders from the brain centre. All these activities are performed by vata in the body. The functions and activities of other doshas are dependent on vata. Imbalance in the vata dosha causes the body to experience many problems. It disturbs all the events in the body and causes many diseases.
Vata Vyadhi
- Vata is simply vata.
- Illness is vyadhi.
- The vitiation of the body’s vata results in a group of ailments known as vata vyadhi.
Any distinct, unusual sickness brought on by the vitiation of vata is referred to as a vata vyadhi.
Causes Of Vata Vyadhi
Charak Chikitsa 28/15, 16-17
- Dry, cold food
- Diet in small quantities; diet of low-quality substances
- Super awakening, extreme sex
- Using inappropriate panchakarma or doing inappropriate treatment
- Excessive discharge and excessive bleeding
- Jump, swim, walk more, and do more exercises
- To do any kind of hard work
- To worry, to mourn
- Sleeping on a painful bed
- Getting angry, sleeping during the day, getting scared, stopping the flow of urine, etc.
- To hurt, to fast, and many others.
Due to the causative factors mentioned above, vitiated vata fills the empty spaces of the body and causes many types of diseases, either all-around or isolated.
Poorvaroopa (Premonitory Symptoms)
Charak chikitsa 28/19
Premonitory symptoms of vatavyadhi are avyakt (unmanifested).
Charak Chikitsa 28/20, 21, 22, 23
- Stiffness in the joints of hands and feet causes bones to break.
- Fractures occur in joints.
- Goosebumps
- The patient begins to babble.
- Stiffness in the hands, feet, and head.
- The patient stumbles while walking, or he becomes completely paralyzed or hunched over; bleeding stops; he cannot sleep.
- The poet starts trembling; there is numbness in the limbs; there is a piercing pain in the limbs; there are convulsions in the limbs, etc.
Management Of Vayu
Charak Chikitsa 28/104, 105
- Use of all four oleation substances (ghee, Taila, Vasa, and Majja).
- Purification of the body with decoctions of gaseous liquids during massage.
- Use of basti (medicated enema).
- Consumption of mansarasa (soup) in diet.
- Intake of milk, consumption of madhur (sweet), amla (sour), lavanyukt (salty), and aahar.
Herbal Remedies For Tenosynovitis By Planet Ayurveda
An herbal pharmaceutical company called Planet Ayurveda produces a wide range of herbal treatments for various ailments. The business exports pharmaceuticals to other nations and has a GMP certification. Pure herbal products that have been thoroughly examined by doctors are created by Planet Ayurveda. For the creation of its medications, the business only employs pure botanicals. As long as the quality of the herbs is correctly assessed before producing any form of product, medicines have astonishing results. Additionally, there are no impurities or adulterants of any type in the items. Here are some product lists from Planet Ayurveda for treating tenosynovitis
- Boswellia curcumin
- Joint aid plus
- Yograj guggul
- Lakshadi guggul
- Aamvatantak churna
- Maharasnadi kwatha
1. Boswellia Curcumin
This is the formulation of Planet Ayurveda having ingredients Shallaki (Boswellia curcumin), and Haridra (Curcuma longa). This formulation benefits in swelling of the joints. It also prevents breakdown of cartilage as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meal with plain water.
2. Joint Aid Plus
Ingredients like Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), and others are present in this Planet Ayurveda formulation. Guggul is acclaimed for its ability to reduce inflammation and act as an antioxidant. It relieves inflammation and pain in the joints. By lowering discomfort and swelling, these capsules enable movement in the afflicted area. The impact of this product on joint pain and inflammation is excellent.
Dosage – 1 capsule, twice daily, with a glass of water.
3. Yograj Guggul
The product of Planet Ayurveda, which contains constituents like Yavani (Trachyspermum ammi), Pippali Mool, and Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), among others, is Yograj Guggul. It mostly has an impact on the vata dosha. Yograj Guggul encourages and balances the vitiated vata dosha by reducing pain and inflammation in the area of the body that is affected. It has an incredible effect on the body.
Dosage – To be taken twice a day with lukewarm water, take 2 pills.
4. Lakshadi Guggul
Lakshadi Guggul is the classical preparation of Planet Ayurveda. It includes various ingredients like Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Asthisamharaka (Cissus quadrangularis), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), and some others. It is helpful for bone illnesses like low bone density and joint pain. Also maintains the vata dosha of the body. It has an effective impression on the pain.
Dosage – 2 tablets with lukewarm water after a meal.
5. Aamvatantak Churna
It is an excellent formulation of Planet Ayurveda that includes some ingredients like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum), and some others. This is an amazing formulation with some specific properties for reducing pain, tenderness, swelling, and inflammation in the joints. This churna has a great impact on joints as it balances the vitiated vata in the body. It supports the body to balance the three doshas in the body.
Dosage – 1 tsp twice daily after meals with plain water.
6. Maharasnadi kwatha
This is an amazing preparation of Planet Ayurveda with ingredients like Bala (Sida cordifolia), Errand (Ricinus communis), Devdaru (Cedrus deodara), and many more. Maharasnadi kwath acts on vata dosha, which is responsible for pain and swelling of the joints. This kwath has an impressive effect on the pain, tenderness, and swelling of the joints. This formulation also helps to ease stiffness in the joints.
Dosage – 2 tablespoons twice daily after food.
Tenosynovitis has a lot of causes, which include overuse of the affected area or any other trauma. If symptoms are visible, one should not ignore them. This article provides all the important points regarding tenosynovitis in both modern and ayurvedic aspects. Planet Ayurveda is the platform that provides all the possible medicines for the disease.