What is HMPV? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prevention
Viruses are like hijackers. They hijack your body cells and start growing, multiplying and causing infection in the body. Sometimes it could be acute but sometimes it can be a cause of the Pandemic. After a pandemic nowadays a new virus is coming to the picture named HMPV virus. The first outbreak of HMPV virus was seen in Northern China in December 2024 and is raising global concern for another emergency. So Let’s break all the myths and study about this virus in detail!

The HMPV virus named Human metapneumovirus is a part of Pneumoviridaefamily causes respiratory infections having symptoms similar to the cold and flu. It can infect anyone but people who are at higher risk are with weakened immune systems, elderly, respiratory illness and children. HMPV (Human metapneumovirus) is not a new virus; it was first identified in 2001 and existed for years but the main concern is the variant. In India, till now eight cases have been found of HMPV (Human metapneumovirus) virus some at Karnataka, Bangalore, Gujrat, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Nagpur. This is not new as per the survey because the cases of HMPV (Human metapneumovirus) were there in India in December 2024. So no need to get Panic just stay aware and keep yourself protected.
How Does it Spread?
HMPV virus spreads by droplet infection from coughing, sneezing, touching, handshaking and close contact with the contaminated surfaces. As per the research it mainly circulates during the winters or changing seasons similarly like flu and common cold.
What Are The Symptoms?
After the spread of HMPV (Human metapneumovirus) virus the symptoms includes are –
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Wheezing
- Dyspnoea
How to Diagnose?
Diagnosis of HMPV virus can be done in following ways:-
- Physical examination
- Swab test
- Complete Blood count
- Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
How to Prevent and Manage?
Prevention from HMPV virus can be done by following ways:-
- Wash your hands oftenly
- Wear mask in crowded places
- Stay at home when unwell
- Maintain hygiene
- Use hand sanitizers
- Avoid Packed and Processed foods
As per allopathy, this condition can be managed symptomatically with antivirals, NSAIDS, Bronchodilators etc. No specific treatment is available but we can take safety precautions to keep ourselves prevented as we have done during the pandemic.
Current Scenario About Hmpv (Human Metapneumovirus)!
Due to its Outbreak in China, this concern has been raised globally and so many people are writing about it. But one thing is clear that there is no need to panic in this situation, what we just have to do is to keep ourselves safe and follow the Precautionary measures. A professor from a Britain university of East Anglia says that Many people catch this virus several times during their lifespan similarly like other respiratory viruses.
What Ayurveda has to serve?
As per Ayurveda, we can correlate this HMPV Virus infection as an Agantuk vyadhi (Exogenous diseases) in which the vitiation of body humors happen after the occurrence of symptoms. This can only be seen in people with vitiated or disturbed body humors that means if you have disturbed body humors then this virus can come and cause infection in your body. So From here one thing is clear that to keep ourselves protected from these Agantuja vyadhi’s (Exogenous diseases) we should work on balancing our vata Pitta and kapha. For balancing our tridosha we have to eat a healthy diet and follow a good lifestyle.
Another concept which comes is Epidemiology in ayurveda. In Ayurveda it is clearly mentioned in Janpadudhwansa Adhaya of Charak samhita that epidemics have the potential to bring destruction to all despite having any difference. Air, water, season and Land are the prime factors for having a healthy living and disturbance in them will be attributed to transmission or spread of infectious diseases. As from past few years it has been observed that seasons are not coming and proper timing they are delayed or sometimes they come early. So that’s why the incidence of having infectious diseases has increased. If we go back to 2019 before the pandemic the seasonal variations were seen and they lead to faulty food, water, air, soil and herbs ultimately compromising the immunity and providing a favourable environment for these Viruses to grow and lead to pandemic.It is clearly mentioned in Janpadudhwansa Adhaya (Epidemiology in ayurveda) that we have to stay at a place where Air, water, season and Land are in good condition.
This HMPV virus is causing dushti of Pranavaha Srotas (Pathogenesis in Channels of respiratory system). Now what can we do to keep ourselves healthy and safe! We should take Immune boosting herbs to keep your immunity upgraded like Amla (Emblica officinalis), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Triphala (Three myrobalans), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).
Some classical ayurvedic formulations like Chyawanprash should be taken so that you get all the nourishment and your immunity should be high as it is enriched with goodness of more than 50 rejuvenative and immunity boosting herbs of ayurveda.
In the end, we can say Don’t panic and keep taking safety precautions. Along with this you can also use some ayurvedic herbs and formulations to keep your body’s immunity high so that if some infection comes to you then your body will fight and protect you. Because Ayurveda is not only about treatment it is science of life. It teaches us the way of living and also tells us what to take and what to avoid during a day and in particular season. So keep following Ayurveda and Stay safe and healthy!