What is Macular Degeneration and Its Ayurvedic Treatment with Herbal Remedies
Eyes, a beautiful organ yet a delicate one helps us see our beautiful surroundings. Eyes are complicated as some of the parts of the eyes are very small and avascular and others are densely vascular such as retin, a highly developed tissue of the eye. There is a yellow spot also known as Macula lutea, at the centre of it, Fovea foveola. The photoreceptor cells (cones) present here turn light signals into electrical signals. Macula helps in visual discrimination and provides high definition vision. Age and other pathologies damage the macula thus affecting the vision. In the text below we shall have a look into the condition of Macular Degeneration.

Macular Degeneration also known as Age Related Macular Degeneration or senile macular degeneration. As the name of the disease suggests, this is an age related disease that has worldwide prevalence. This may result in blurry or no vision at all in the centre of the visual field. However, it is not usually seen that there is no complete loss of vision, but at the centre that causes irritation as one finds it difficult to get a complete picture of the things in front. In Ayurveda, this disease can be considered as a type of timira (an eye disorder mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts). In the following texts let us have a look at the causes, symptoms and management in the modern medicinal system and ancient Indian ayurvedic medicinal system.
The condition is age related thus the chances to get affected with this condition increases with advancing age. However, the exact cause of the condition is unknown. However there are some risk factors that can lead to the occurrence of the disease:
- Age – Common above the people aged 50 or more
- Family History – Can run in families
- High Blood Pressure
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Low Antioxidants intake
- Low levels of Vitamin D
Signs and Symptoms
- Fuzzy or blurred vision
- Difficulty in seeing accurately and fairly
- Distorted vision
- Eye floaters
- Sensitivity to light
- Hallucinations
Non Exudative Or Atrophic Armd Or Dry Amd
Broad designation has all forms of AMD that are not wet or neovascular. This form occurs when the macula gets thinner with age and tiny clumps of protein (drusen) build up. This results in pigment abnormalities that can be seen as cell loss in the retina (geographical atrophy). Usually results in loss of central vision.
Exudative ARMD or Wet AMD
Vision loss that can be due to abnormal growth of the vessels (choroidal neovascularization) in the capillaries of choroid. It is seen after the dry AMD however not always. The proliferation of these abnormal blood vessels in the retina can rupture can lead to blood and protein leakage below the macula. This can result in irreversible damage to the cells in the macula which could result in sudden vision loss.
- Slit lamp biomicroscopy
- Optical coherence tomography
- Feudal fluorescein angiography
- Dietary supplements and antioxidants
- Argon green laser photocoagulation
- Photodynamic therapy
- Transpupilory thermotherapy
- Surgical management
- Pharmacologic modulation with antiangiogenic agents
Ayurvedic View And Management
In Ayurveda, the disease can be correlated with timira or a type of timira (vataja). However, timira is not at all Macular Degeneration. Timira, in ayurveda, is a slow and progressive disease of the eye. Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Vagbhata have mentioned different symptoms according to dosha and dushti in the patal (layers/coverings of the eye). However this can be said that in this condition the three dosha are vitiated along with the rakta and mamsa dhatu.
Causative factors in the eye disorders are immersing in cold water immediately after getting exposed to sun and heat, abnormal sleeping habits (untimely), continuous weeping, anger, grief, excessive indulgence in sexual activity, suppression of natural urgence, excessive exposure to smoke, watching minute objects for longer duration. Due to these doings, doshas vitiate with predominance of vata. This vitiated vata dosha goes up and takes sthanasamsaraya in the patala of the eye and causes vataja timira.
Vataja Timira has following symptoms:
Straight line of the object appears curved (vyavidhaiva darshana), object appears to be hazy, moving and of orange colour (avila, chala, arunabha darshana), non existing objects like hairs, cobwebs, flies and hair appear before him. Now there is some comparison can be made with these two condition according to their similar symptoms like blurring of vision (avila – hazy), distorted vision (vyavidha – straight line appears curved) and central scotoma (pashyathyasyamanasikam – person sees the face as noseless).
Management includes ghritapana, ghee can be administered orally, nostril instillation and tarpana (eye nourishment). Ghee used in this condition are dashmoola sidha ghrita, panchmoola sidha ghrit, triphala ghrita. Nasya can be given with jeevantyadi ghrta, sita eranda taila, trivritam taila. Anjana (application of the medicines on the grey line of the lower eyelid) with sukhavati varti, chandrodaya varti, chandanadya varti, vasadyanjana. Shirobasti can be used. Netratarpana can be administered with ghee medicated with kushta, dvaya kakoli, yashthi, sarala, devdaru, pippali and prapoundrika. Commonly used ghrita for tarpana are jeevantyadi ghrita, triphaladi ghrita, mahatriphaladi ghrita and patoladi ghrita. Lepa can be applied over the eyes with paste prepared from vidanga, maricha, madhuka and milk.
Other than this, some of the things that are good for consumption are old ghee, shatavari, patola, mudga, karira, karavella, shigru, barley and triphala. Things to be avoided are salty, sour food, black gram, horse gram, katutaila and dadhi.
Herbal Remedies for Macular Degeneration by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a famous and growing ayurvedic company and herbal manufacturing unit. Planet Ayurveda’s products are just pure and as per ancient ayurvedic texts. The herbs used in the formulations are of high potency and work so well in the management of various serious ailments. Planet Ayurveda has treated various serious conditions successfully. The products are chemical, additives, colors and preservative free. Planet Ayurveda has certifications from different drug controller agencies. Planet Ayurveda pleased to present some of the effective herbal formulations that are indeed a panacea for Macular Degeneration. The products list is as follows:
- Angel Eye Vitale
- Jasnoor Eye Drops
- Triphala Ghrit
- Amalaki Rasayan
- Jivantyadi Ghrit
Products Description
1. Angel Eye Vitale
Angel Eye Vitale is a product of Planet Ayurveda that is effective in managing the condition of Age related Macular Degeneration. The capsules contain the eye health properties of amla (Emblica officinalis), Gotukola (Centella asiatica) and bhringraj (Eclipta alba). All these are helpful in providing enough nutrition to the eye tissue (retina). With proper blood supply, nourishment and antioxidants helps stop the degeneration of the cells in the retina. Hence, this formulation is indeed helpful in this condition.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals.
2. Jasnoor Eye Drops
Jasnoor Eye Drops is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda. Jasnoor herbal eye drops are crafted with potent natural ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The eye drops contain the eye health enhancing properties of haritaki (Terminalia chebula), amla (Emblica officinalis), karpura (Camphora), punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shobhanjan (Moringa oleifera) and various other herbs. The eye drops are helpful in this condition as they relax the eye and its structures and maintain normal vision.
Dosage: Two drops to be instilled in the eyes two times a day.
3. Triphala Ghrit
Triphala Ghrit is a medicated ghrita made from three powerful herbs namely amla (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) and haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It enhances blood flow, reduces oxidative damage, and supports retinal function. Its consistent use helps slow down macular degeneration progression, promoting eye health and improving vision by nourishing and strengthening the tissues in the eyes.
Dosage: One tsp twice daily with warm water.
4. Amalaki Rasayan
Amlaaki Rasayan is a perfect solution for managing age related macular degeneration. It contains amla (Emblica officinalis). Amla has the richest source of vitamin C and antioxidants and also is a rejuvenator. Being a rejuvenator it helps in nourishing the retina and other eye parts that helps in normal functioning of the eye. It helps protect the retina from oxidative stress, which is a key factor in macular degeneration. Its anti-inflammatory properties also support eye health by improving blood circulation to the eyes, potentially slowing the progression of macular degeneration and maintaining vision clarity.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals.
5. Jivantyadi Ghrit
Jivantyadi Ghrit, a traditional herbal formulation, is known for its remarkable benefits in supporting eye health, particularly in addressing conditions like macular degeneration. This herbal remedy is packed with potent ingredients that possess strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which play a crucial role in protecting the retina from oxidative damage—a primary factor in the progression of macular degeneration. The ghee is medicated with a number of herbs. Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata), kakoli (Lilium polyphyllum), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), shatavari (Asparagus racemosa), yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), amalaki (Emblia officinalis) and other various herbs. The unique blend of herbs in Jivantyadi Ghrit helps improve blood circulation to the eyes, ensuring a steady supply of essential nutrients to the retina and other eye tissues. Enhanced circulation helps reduce inflammation, promote cellular repair, and slow the degeneration of retinal cells. This helps in managing visual disturbances associated with macular degeneration, preserving vision and improving overall eye function. By nourishing the eyes at a cellular level, Jivantyadi Ghrit contributes to long-term eye health, helping maintain clearer and healthier vision.
Dosage: One tsp twice daily with warm water, Nasya (Nostril instillation) – Two drops in each nostril once daily
To buy Herbal Remedies for Macular Degeneration, please visit store.planetayurveda.com
Macular Degeneration is an age related eye disorder that can happen due to toxins accumulations or in other words free radicals. The symptoms are disturbing as there is irritation due to improper vision and it can even result in anger and anxiety in old age. The management of the condition in the modern medicinal system is temporary and surgical intervention. In the Ayurvedic system, the management is safe with herbal formulations and without any adverse effects. The different types of medicinal administration in the ayurveda makes the condition get better faster and easier. In the end, it is advisable to look after the eye health more carefully and use herbal remedies as and when required.