Why Magnesium Levels Decline with Age & What to Do About It?

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant element in the human body. It is a fundamental mineral that show involvement in almost 3000 enzymes reaction in human body. The balance of magnesium, is very important to maintain a healthy body. In this article, we will confer about Magnesium Levels, why they are important, reason of their declining, and how to maintain it.

magnesium element in the human body

What are the magnesium levels?

Magnesium is one of the important micronutrients in our body. The maintenance of normal level of magnesium is important to sustain respiratory and nervous system function. There can be two abnormalities in level of magnesium, one is Hypomagnesemia (Low level of Magnesium) and other is Hypermagnesemia (high level of magnesium).

  • Hypomagnesemia- It is referred as low level of magnesium in Human blood. It usually happen when the consumption of magnesium become less or their can be certain pathological reasons.
  • Hypermagnesaemia- It is indicated by high level of magnesium in Human blood. It is uncommon. It rarely happens when a person consume more magnesium than what is needed or pathological conditions affecting the level of serum magnesium. This condition leads to kidney Failure.

So in this article we will look forward to Hypomagnesemia (low level of Magnesium in blood).

How important they are?

The total magnesium content in the human body is about 25 grams. Magnesium takes part in energy and electrolyte metabolism, acts as a regulator of cell growth. It is necessary at all stages of the synthesis of protein molecules. The role of magnesium in the processes of membrane transport is especially important. Magnesium helps to relax muscle fibers (musculature of blood vessels and internal organs). The most important value of magnesium is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits excitation processes in the central nervous system and reduces the body’s sensitivity to external influences.

Magnesium has a normalizing effect on the state of the higher parts of the nervous system during emotional stress, depression, neurosis. Stress (physical, mental) increases the need for magnesium, which causes intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium normalizes the pulse, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and regulates the level of oxygen and blood sugar. The full formation of bones and teeth is impossible without magnesium. Magnesium also contributes to a favorable course of pregnancy.

In addition, without magnesium, the body will not fully assimilate the B vitamins, calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. It is believed that 25-30% of the population lacks magnesium from their diet. This may be due to modern processing technologies and the use of mineral fertilizers when growing vegetables, leading to a deficiency of magnesium in the soil.

What are the reason behind its decline?

Magnesium deficiency, which is often determined in the population, causes disturbances in cellular energy metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation, an increased risk of developing many chronic diseases, and early aging. Timely replenishment of magnesium and maintenance of the optimal balance of the ion in the body in old age is possible with the use of magnesium-containing preparations.

The reasons for the development of primary magnesium deficiency in healthy people with aging:-

  • Insufficient intake of magnesium in food and drinking water.
  • Decreased absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The main route of magnesium elimination from the body is the urinary system. Increased excretion of magnesium and decreased reabsorption due to age-related changes in the kidneys.
  • A decrease in the efficiency of absorption of magnesium (associated with a reduced level of vitamin D).
  • Due to severe stress and alcohol abuse.
  • Also, the absorption of magnesium is reduced with an excess of fat, calcium, certain metals, coffee, antibiotics in the diet.

The influence of natural physiological causes like diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular and digestive system, kidneys and endocrine glands leads to imbalance of magnesium level in body. The use of drugs that affect magnesium balance in the human body, leads to a lack of a macronutrient that accelerates aging and also initiates many diseases. So it become very important for one to maintain proper Magnesium Level.

How can we maintain proper magnesium level with natural Herbs?

The most obvious way to avoid a lack of magnesium in the body is to eat well. Of course, ideally, you do not need to stress and drink too much coffee, but we understand that in the modern pace of life it is difficult. Therefore, let’s focus on nutrition to eradicate the root cause of magnesium deficiency.

So which Herb contain magnesium?

The Key of Ayurvedic idea is “What heals, also prevent”. Natural herb which are effective in healing specific conditions can also cater as food. So Planet Ayurveda is here to provide information about some valuable Herbs that helps in maintaining the Magnesium Level-

  • Fenugreek- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is used to cure variety of health problems like controlling appetite, cholesterol level, inflammation and Heartburn. It contain 191Mg of magnesium and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Basil- Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is responsive to Magnesium deficiency. Basil provide essential nutrients for cardiovascular health. It is a good source of magnesium. It improves Blood flow and lower the risk of desultory heart rhythms.
  • Cumin- Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) have a capability to address variety of Health Problems. It is helpful in boosting Immune System and cumin contains 7.69Mg of Magnesium that is helpful in preserving Magnesium level.
  • Turmeric- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is Ayurveda’s true fortune. It also acts anti-Inflammatory agent that leads to reduce gastric complication. It is helpful for maintaining proper functioning of Heart and Brain.
  • Fennel- Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) contain 17Mg of Magnesium on per 100g. It improves the immunity for various infection.

Some food can also be taken in order to maintain proper magnesium level

Magnesium is also found in leafy vegetables, avocados, berries (raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries), bananas, lemons, grapefruit, apples, dried apricots, sesame seeds, and wheat germ. Also rich in magnesium are dairy products, nuts, sunflower seeds, gelatin, soy and buckwheat honey. Other sources of magnesium are fish such as sea bass, herring, cod, mackerel, carp, flounder and shrimp.

Adjust your diet by introducing the daily consumption of herbs and grains, dairy products, nuts, as well as green leafy vegetables.


From the above article we came to know that it is important to maintain the level of Magnesium in human body. Lack these micro nutrients causes the acceleration of aging and the initiation of many diseases. Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining immune system support and muscle-nerve transmission.

“Eat right, enrich your diet with foods containing magnesium”