Well, if you are among millions of people who are facing low blood sugar symptoms, then probably you must have been advised to eat frequently, small meals throughout the day. But Ayurveda (science of life) thinks differently. Ayurveda believes that impaired digestion is root cause for all the diseases. As you eat frequently, indigestion takes place and it again can give rise to some other problems.
Therefore it is always advised to see the doctor to find out the underlying condition of low blood sugar and manage accordingly.
Low blood sugar or also known as hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose) in the body. Glucose is main source of energy.
Low blood sugar is not a diseases but an indicator of health problem. Normal blood sugar ranges from 70 to 110 mg/dL. Blood sugar less than 70 mg/Dl indicates hypoglycemia.
It is usually associated with the treatment of diabetes but there can be other conditions resulting in low blood sugar.
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
With low blood sugar person feels the systems like:-
- Hunger
- Anger
- Confusion
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Shaking
- Nervousness
- Sweating
- Tremors
- Fatigue and weakness
- Restlessness
Severe Symptoms
- Muscles weakness
- Jerky movements
- Double vision
- Convulsions
- Unconsciousness
Complications of Hypoglycemia
- Seizures
- Unconsciousness
Causes of Hypoglycemia
When hypoglycemia does not occur due to diabetes, then there can be many causes by medical problems like:-
- Excessive use of antibiotics like Gatifloxacin or levofloxacin.
- Removal of some part of stomach – gastrointestinal surgery can interfere the normal relationships between digestion and insulin release.
- Over dose of aspirin.
- Over consumption of alcohol.
- Severe liver disorders
- Cancer, such as liver cancer.
- Defects of some enzymes like glucose -6 phosphatase, liver phosphorylase etc. which help to keep blood sugar normal.
- Use of insulin when there is no hyperglycemia.
Usually hypoglycemia occurs when one has not taken food but not always the same. It may occur after taking meal also and happen when there is stomach surgery. This type of hypoglycemia is known as reactive or postprandial hypoglycemia.
Diabetic Hypoglycemia
There are so many contributing factors which lead to low blood sugar in blood of diabetic. Like taking too much of insulin, medications over dose, not having meal at time.
Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia in diabetic people takes place when there is too much insulin and not enough glucose in the blood.
One should be very careful and consult doctor regarding symptoms so that situation can be handled in future.
Blood Sugar Regulation
After food is ingested, digestion takes place. During digestion, body breaks down carbohydrates from foods like vegetables, fruits, milk products, bread etc. in to numerous sugar molecules.
Glucose is one of the sugar molecule which is main source of energy for body. Glucose gets absorbed in the blood stream after one eat. But it cannot enter to the most of tissue of body without the help of insulin (a hormone secreted by pancreas).
When level of glucose increases in body, there goes a signal to beta cells of pancreas behind the stomach to release insulin, which in turn opens the cells so that glucose can enter and provide the fuel to cells to work properly.
Liver is the organ which stores extra glucose in the form of glycogen.
This process helps to keep glucose level in control. Once glucose level in blood stream lowers, and as blood sugar comes back to normal level, same thing happens with the insulin secretion from pancreas.
If one does not eat for a long time, blood sugar level falls down, then glucagon (another pancreatic hormone) send signal to liver to release stored glycogen and release glucose to the blood.
This helps to keep blood sugar within the range until you eat again.
Body has also has ability to manufacture glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis which occur mainly in liver and also in kidneys.
What Ayurveda Comments?
Ayurveda believes that our diet and life style habits make us healthy as well as sick. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are three doshas of body which decides health and disease. There equilibrium bring good health and vitiations leads to health ailments.
Therefore it is always advice to opt for a natural and healthy diet containing fruits, vegetables, and milk products etc., some daily exercises as per the body nature.
Are there Some Nutritional Supplements to maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels?
Yes, Dietary or nutritional supplements can be taken on regular basis to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
It is advised to consult an Ayurveda expert how to go ahead with these natural products!
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