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Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) – Health Benefits, Usage and Dosage

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)


  • Latin Name – Rubia cordifolia
  • English Name – Indian Madder
  • Sanskrit / Indian Names – Manjishtha, Samanga
  • Tamil Name – Manjitti
  • Telgu Name – Tamravalli
  • Kannada Name – Raktamanjishte
  • Bengali Name – Manjistha
  • Malayalam Name – Manjetti
  • Arabia Name – Phuvva

In Ayurvedic medicine, Manjistha is considered to be the best alternative or blood-purifying herb. It cools and detoxifies the blood, dissolves obstructions in blood flow, and removes stagnant blood. Manjistha also has healing properties that protects gum from receding. It is believed to have antioxidant and astringent properties as well.

Medicinal Properties

  • Rasa – Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet)
  • Guna – Guru (Heavy), Rooksha (Dry)
  • Veerya – Ushna (Hot)
  • Vipaka – Katu (Pungent)
  • Effect on Tridosha – It balances Kapha and Pitta dosha.

Chemical Constituents

Its principal constituents are purpurin, munjistin, xanthopurpurin or purpuroxanthin and Pseudopurpurin.

Health Benefits

Today in Ayurvedic medicine, Manjistha is used as an immune regulator. Scientific studies have shown that it regulates blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, and helps to prohibit blood clot formation. Manjistha is used to treat raised uric acid, arthritis associated with gout, glandular swellings, reoccurring skin infections and other Skin Diseases such as pigmentation anomalies and leucoderma. It works in conjunction with other products in treating uterine and urinary infections, diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic fever. Manjistha can be used to treat irregular menstruation. This herb works very well both internally and externally to promote skin glow and lustre. It also remove pimples, freckles, other discolorations, and promotes the healing of skin tissues damaged by injury or infection.

So the important functions of Manjistha are:

  • Blood purifier – useful in skin diseases.
  • Blood cleanser – clears off toxins like uric acid, very useful in gout.
  • Tones up blood vessels and strengthens vascular system.


Powder : 3-6 grams of herb powder.

Decoction : 30 ml once daily.

To buy Manjistha Powder, please visit





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