
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough of thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland uses iodine to produce thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine. Deficiency in Iodine is the main common cause of hypothyroidism. It may result from a lack of a thyroid gland and can also be associated with increased stress. As per a recent global survey, about 10% of women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 65 suffer from an under-active thyroid.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include tiredness, weakness, weight loss or difficulty losing weight, constipation, depression, thinning or brittleness of the hair, cold intolerance, sleepiness, memory less, decreased libido, muscle aches and pains. More advanced cases of hypothyroidism may show dryness or thickening of the skin, slow speech, abnormal menstrual cycles, puffiness of the face and decreased capacity for taste and smell.

The basic aim of the treatment is increasing the level of thyroid hormone. Chemotherapeutic drug ‘Levothyroxine’ is preferred treatment; but in secondary hypothyroidism, other hormonal glands disorder like adrenal insufficiency is also to be treated. Excessive amounts of the hormone may lead to side-effects such as increased appetite, insomnia and heart palpitations.

Lack of iodine is one of the main causes of hypothyroidism and extreme cases can even result in ‘goiter’. If hypothyroidism is left untreated, it may result in increased cholesterol levels in the blood. It further causes choking of the arteries leading to fatal results.

Herbal treatment is extremely helpful in the treatment of hypothyroidism. There are a number of herbs beneficial for the treatment of this disease and some can even help to get relief from other related complications. It is also necessary to have a controlled diet which is rich in proteins like seafood and organic vegetables. Foods like spinach, mussels and cauliflower should be avoided as they can cause complications in the treatment. It is obvious that natural herbs are free from chemicals and any side-effects. Another important aspect is to keep the body fit by exercising to control hypothyroidism.

Our natural remedies for hypothyroidism are very effective. The herbs which are used for the treatment of hypothyroidism maintain the healthy functioning of the thyroid. The thyroid problem can be treated with natural herbs. Some of our herbal remedies effective in hypothyroidism include Shilajeet (Asphaltum) and Kachnaar.

Herbal Remedies for Hypothyroidism

We offer an effective Hypothyroid Care Pack, which is best combination of effective herbal remedies, and it is very helpful in the treatment of hypothyroidism naturally.


  1. Gotukola Capsules – 2 cap twice daily with warm water after meal.
  2. Chandraprabha Vati – 2 tab twice daily with warm water after meal.
  3. Guggulipid Capsules – 2 cap twice daily with warm water after meal.
  4. Hakam Churna – 1 tsp. twice daily with warm water after meal