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About Neem – By Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda)


Neem Products are used all around the world as a very effective herbal remedy for acne and other skin problems. The sales of Neem products is rising exponentially everyday because it is proving to be nature’s best product for clearing the skin. Neem cleans the skin, brings back the glow and cause no side effects. Regular use of Neem based products in capsule form give results within 4-5 days.

According to Ayurveda, neem is beneficial to alleviate disorders of Pitta, Kapha and Vata. We know the use of every part of neem for health since ages. Especially, neem balances pitta due to its extreme bitter taste as a result purifies the blood by eliminating toxins from the body. Neem is a well known blood purifier and one of the most powerful detoxifier. The bitter taste of neem counteracts sweetness in the blood therefore useful in diabetes.

Neem Capsules of Planet Ayurveda contains neem leaves, which are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. The leaves of neem consists ten amino acids. The active constituents of leaves are nimbin, nimbolide, nimbinene, nimbandial, quercentin and desacetylnimbinase.

Uses of Neem Capsules

  • It is a potent antioxidant, Boosts Immune system.
  • Helps the heart by maintaining blood pressure, reducing blood clots and raised cholesterol levels.
  • Prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Beneficial in metabolic disorders where reducing therapy is required.
  • Wonderful anti pyretic, Combats malaria.
  • When taken empty stomach in the morning it cures diabetes.
  • Nimbidin destroys ulcer causing bacteria thus prevent gastric ulcers.
  • Reduces risk of tumor/cancer.
  • Maintains free radical therefore beneficial in age related problems like – cataracts and macular degeneration, neuro-degeneration, cardiovascular disease.
  • In Vitiligo, Neem leaves capsules are beneficial if taken before each meal.
  • Potential to normalize IgG and IgM levels.
  • Relives anxiety and reduces gastric ulceration and immune suppression induced by stress.
  • On skin it has magical effect. It cures chronic skin ailments like dermatitis, acne, eczema, itching, psoriasis, cold sores, warts, skin rashes, wrinkles, dry skin, Scabies and boils.
  • Relives Urticaria, acts as anti-allergic agent as it neutralizes the effect of histamine which is released in allergic response.
  • Expels out parasitic worms/helminthes from the intestines.
  • Stimulates lymphatic system and enhances production of white blood cells.
  • Beneficial in various viral diseases like chickenpox, herpes, small pox.
  • Cures childhood ear infections.
  • Useful in typhoid by reducing growth of bacteria and eliminating toxins.
  • Fights bacteria staphylococcus aureus responsible for peritonitis and meningitis.
  • Regular usage of neem prevents from food poisoning.
  • Beneficial for eye disorders.
  • Reduces hair loss and dandruff.
  • Combats/control Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) like gonorrhea, herpes, Candidiasis.
  • Hepato-protective and stimulator, it protects the liver by stabilizing the level of serum marker.
  • In Tuberculosis checks the growth of bacteria.
  • Fights against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
  • Cures urinary tract infection.
  • Retards the growth of fungi cures ring worm infections.
  • Antiarthritic as it relieves pain and inflammation in joints.


1-2 Capsules twice/ thrice daily for 1 month, after meals, with plain water.

The results of Neem are evident within 5 days. 2 capsules three times a day is the recommended dosage. The Neem based products we are selling are of high quality and 100 % vegetarian. We assure you of guaranteed results.

To buy Neem Capsules, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/neem-capsules.

About Neem Herb

  • Latin name – Azadirachta Indica
  • English name – Margosa tre
  • Indian name – Neem, Nimba

Neem is an evergreen, native to South India, that grows up to 60 ft high. It is found in the tropical dry deciduous/evergreen and thorny forests and drier parts of India. It has been planted and naturalized throughout Africa and grows in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, Japan and tropical regions of Australia and America. Ancient Indian texts refer to Neem as “Sarva Roga Nivarini, “the curer of all ailments.” The medicinal properties of Neem have been described in ancient Indian medical texts (4000 B.C.) such as the Atharva Veda, Ghrhyasutras and the Sutragranthas. The sanskrit name, nimba, is a derivative of the term nimbati syasthyamdadati – meaning ‘to give good health’. Literally, every part of the tree has a use. The products of the Neem tree are known to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.

Plant Description

It is a native of India. It is an evergreen tree of moderate height of 30 to 40 feet having crescent shaped toothy leaves and a large growth of white flowers. Though this tree grows on almost all kind of soil throughout the India, it flourishes well on black cotton soil. The flowers of neem smell sweet especially at night. Neem tree is acknowledged to be an effective and environmentally friendly source as pest inhibitors.

Chemical Constituents

The major chemical constituents of Neem are Azadirachtin, Nimbin, Nimbidinin, Nimbolides etc.

Benefits of Neem


Bark extract of Neem (we use in our Capsules) relieves itching and pain, while reducing the scale and redness of lesions in Psoriasis.


Neem Capsules reduce blood sugar levels natrually and help in both insulin dependent as well as non-insulin dependent diabetes.


Neem is the best herbal remedy for acne as well as helps to clear acne scars as it is nature’s best blood purifier.


Neem extract prevents pyorrhea, periodontal diseases and tooth decay.


Neem gives protection from discomfort and speed healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is also effective herbal remedy for acid formation.

Under Eye Dark Circles

Neem helps a lot in under eye dark circles. The blemishes are sometimes due to stress, malnutrition, irregular sleep pattern or faulty diet. Neem helps in purifying blood, but keeping in mind other factors, specific treatment for cause is also recommended.

Other Benefits

  1. As per Ayurveda, Neem is one of the most powerful blood-purifiers and detoxifiers.
  2. Neem is used for manufacturing of many health and beauty care products. These products include bath powders, soaps, shampoos, cream and lotions.
  3. Neem is the most effective and environmentally friendly source to keep the pests away.
  4. Dried Neem leaves or powder can be used in libraries to keep off book-eating worms. They are placed in between the books in the shelves.
  5. Traditionally the twig of Neem is being used as the toothbrush as it is very useful herbal remedy for pyorrhea.
  6. Neem is a very useful antipyretic, anti-septic, anti-biotic and anti-diabetic natural medicine.

Classical Reference

The herb Neem is best Blood Purifier. It is very useful among various Herbs for acne. Regular use of neem is an effective natural Acne treatment. Although there are various herbs for skin problems but neem is one of the very few and unique which is top among them. Various herbal Products of Neem are available today but raw herb powder of neem is a very effective natural solution to various skin problems. Neem is most effective herb among various Herbal Remedies for Acne. It is being used as Acne Herbal Treatment since ages. So whenever you are searching for acne herbal treatments, your search and treatment is not complete without Neem.





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