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Planet Ayurveda Products Reseller in Race-Fram, Slovenia

Planet Ayurveda Products Reseller in Race-Fram, Slovenia

Ms. Marija Gorisek

She is a graduated nurse. She finished Undergraduate 1st degree study programme Nursing care at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences. She has worked at the general hospital for 12 years, 10 years at the department of cardiology and angiology at University Medical Center Maribor. During this time, she gained a lot of knowledge and experience in medicine. After a certain period of time, she began to notice that official medicine does not remove the causes of the illness.

At Chronic and autoimmune diseases were mostly implemented symptomatic treatment. So she started to explore alternative methods of treatment and found that natural therapy is much more effective. She decided to start with her mission, make people aware of natural treatment. She believes that every person is his own doctor. If we change the way of life, eating, thinking, emotion, we are on the right track to restore health balance. Ayurveda is the one who teaches us about that. If we follow the principles of Ayurveda, we can do it in a very short time with no side effects.

Contact Information


Strma ulica 55, 2313 Fram,

Race-Fram, Slovenia

Contact Details:-

Phone No.: (+386) 31-365-458

E-mail ID: info@fito-tm.si

Website: www.planetayurveda.si

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