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Planet Ayurveda Products Reseller in Romania

Planet Ayurveda Products Reseller in Romania

Romania is a dynamic country rich in arts, history and scenic beauty. It is located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It borders Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, Maldova to the east and Black Sea to the southeast.

Romania has a well-preserved history. Its culture, iconic landmarks and beautiful landscapes make it a wonderful travel destination.

Due to the increasing interest in alternative system of medicine, the herbal or dietary supplements are becoming popular. So, there is a need of authentic Ayurvedic products in Romania. To cater the needs of people of Romania, India is taking steps to spread awareness about Ayurveda in Romania.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of Medicine. Ayurveda means the “science of life”. The modern medicine tends to focus on the management of diseases but Ayurveda bestows the knowledge of how to prevent the diseases and how to eliminate its root cause if it does occur. The purpose of Ayurvedic system of medicine is to safeguard health of the individuals while enhancing the longevity of life.

Planet Ayurveda in Bucharest, Romania

Ayurveda is not just a healing system but it is much more than that. It is a vast ocean of wisdom which is designed to help people to stay healthy while realizing the full human potential.

Charak Samhita (Ancient Ayurvedic text) beautifully explains the purpose of Ayurveda: “The purpose of Ayurveda is to protect the health of a healthy individual and to alleviate the disorders of the diseased.”

To create awareness about the traditional Indian system of medicine and to encourage practice of Ayurveda, India has set up an AYUSH Information Cell at its embassy premises in Romania. The cell organizes lectures, conduct seminars, consultations and training courses among the public in Romania.

Planet Ayurveda is a firm believer of Ayurveda and manufactures all the herbal remedies according to Ayurvedic principles to maintain optimum health.

  • All herbal supplements of Planet Ayurveda are prepared using natural herbs.
  • Planet Ayurveda offers wide range of herbal products such as Herbal Capsules, Herbal Powders, Herbal Tablets, Herbal Teas, Herbal Oils etc.
  • All herbal products have certifications of authenticity and all the products have standardized herbal formulas.
  • Each product of Planet Ayurveda is made from purest herbs.
  • Planet Ayurveda offers the best range of herbal supplements, which are excellent to maintain overall health.

Planet Ayurveda is providing best treatment and herbal remedies to its patients all over the world.

Planet Ayurveda has tied up with Ms. Dumitru Mihaela Elena for the availability of its herbal products in Romania and surrounding areas. She is an enthusiastic and passionate acquaintance of Ayurvedic herbs, herbal remedies, therapies – a passion she has developed for 20 years.

Ms. Dumitru Mihaela Elena

Ms. Dumitru Mihaela Elena is licensed in Biochemistry and Technology Depollution. She and her husband have a business that deals with European projects and the implantation of large industrial production sites for customers from several countries. She is also a trainer in European project management. She has a very strong connection with nature and every year she studies and collects the herbal plants from her country, Romania. She prepares the herbal blends, creams, massage oils and extracts by herself, which she then offers to those around her who need them. In 2014, she suffered from a health problem and after reading about Planet Ayurveda, she wrote to Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan, who recommended her herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda and Mihaela restored her health.

She has a passion for Ayurveda and she also translated Dr. Vikram Chauhan’s book for the Romania Public, which popularizes the wonderful qualities of this ancient wisdom, which is Ayurveda. Click here to read/download this book online.

For enhancing her knowledge of Ayurveda, she also attended the 2nd Ayurvedic Workshop of Planet Ayurveda Company, held in Rishikesh, India.

She has a special interest in Ayurveda and she wants to contribute to the society by spreading knowledge about Ayurveda. We have tied with her to provide our herbal products to the people of Romania and she is grateful for the opportunity to contribute in spreading this knowledge.

She made the products available in Romania and is an authorized Reseller of Planet Ayurveda in Romania. Patients can coordinate with Ms. Dumitru for the purchase of Planet Ayurveda products in Romania and the surrounding areas such as Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara etc.

We have a sole goal that people of Romania should also get the benefits of Ayurveda and enjoy the health benefits of this ancient science.

People of Romania should include various Ayurvedic herbs and herbal remedies for maintaining overall health such as Triphala Powder, Ashwagandha Capsules, Curcumin Capsules, Amalaki Rasayan etc. to prevent illnesses and to prevent complicated disorders.

Contact Details of Ms. Dumitru Mihaela Elena


Str. Garlei nr. 23, Pitesti,

judetul Arges ;Str. O. Iosif nr. 23,

Busteni, judetul Prahova

Contact Details:-

Phone No.: (+40) 739.855.077, (+40) 727.816.700

E-mail ID:






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