What is Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)?
It is one of the most common and highly valued herb in Ayurvedic medicines, and is considered as queen of the herbs. The herb has the potency and properties to balances the tridoshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Giloy has been used since centuries for the treatment of various diseases.
‘Amrita’ – is the Sanskrit term for nectar and Giloy is called by this name. Giloy is a broad-leaved creeper, it’s a shrub that grows in tropical regions. The leaves of the herb are up to 15 cm long, roundish, pulvinate, both at the base and apex.
It is also called with different names:-
- Latin name – Tinospora cordifolia
- Hindi name – Giloy, Gurach, Guruchi
- Sanskrit name – Guduchi
- Bengali name – Giloy, Gulancha
- Punjabi name – Batindu, Gilogularich
- Tamil name – Amrida Valli, Silam
- Assamese name – Hoguni – lot
- Konkani name – Amritvel
- Mizo name – Theisawntlung
Classification of the Herb
- Kingdom – Plantae
- Sub-Kingdom – Viridiplantae
- Infra Kingdom – Streptophyta (land plants)
- Super division – Embryophyta
- Division – Tracheophyta (Vascular Plants)
- Sub division – Spermatophytina (spermatophytes or Seed Plants)
- Class – Magnoliopsida
- Order – Ranunculales
- Family – Menispermaceae
- Genus – Tinospora
- Species – T. Cordifolia
What are the Ayurvedic Properties of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)?
- Rasa – Taste – Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna – Qualities – Laghu – Light to digest, Snigdha – Oily, Unctuous.
- Vipaka – Madhur (sweet) Taste conversion after digestion
- Veerya – Potency – Ushna (Hot)
What are the Medicinal Properties of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)?
- Immunomodulator
- Rejuvenative
- Adaptogen
- Anti-inflammatory
- Mild Analgesic
- Antacid
- Febrifuge
- Anti-gout
- Anti-mutagenic
- Antioxidant
- Anticancer
- Anti-stress
- Antipruritic
- Helps in formation of red blood cells
- Detoxifier
How is Giloy helpful in Fever & Infections?
Giloy is helpful in all types of fever and infections – viral and bacterial. It reduces fever and infection. The antipyretic action of the herb improves when it is combined with Praval Pishti. Giloy also has the function of maintaining physical and mental health of the patient and prevents the cause of complications. Giloy Satva is much more beneficial for fever in comparison to Giloy powder and Giloy extract is also used. Giloy manages and controls the symptoms associated with fever or infection:-
- Burning sensation
- Heat sensation
- Fatigue
- Debility or weakness
- Excessive sweating
- Chills
How does Giloy help in Digestion and Boost the Immunity?
Giloy herb stops the formation of Ama and reduces it in the body by improving the digestion and absorption. Thus it increases the immunity which helps the body to fight against foreign bodies the microbes.
What are the Benefits of Giloy in Skin Diseases?
When Giloy is given with the combination of Neem oil is very useful in skin disorders. The herb is antioxidant by nature, purifies the blood, removes the radicals and increases the immunity. Due to these properties of Giloy it is used in skin diseases. It works on the symptoms like:-
- Burning sensation
- Itching
- Redness
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Acne vulgaris
- Pimples with pain
How is Giloy Beneficial in Gout and Increased level of Uric Acid?
Giloy reduces the formation of Uric acid by removing the Ama from the body. The herb also increases the elimination of uric acid through kidneys by improving renal functions. It is antioxidant by nature which stops the formation of Ama. Also increases the digestive fire (Agni) which helps in the digestion of Ama which will reduce and manage the level of uric acid and Gout.
How is Giloy Beneficial in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
The function of Giloy in RA is similar to Gout and uric acid. It is antioxidant by nature which stops the formation of Ama. Also increases the digestive fire (Agni) which helps in the digestion of Ama which will reduce and manage the RA factor. The use of Giloy reduces the accumulation of Ama in the joints which leads to stiffness and pain in the joints. It also eases the swelling of the joints due to its anti-inflammatory property.
What are the benefits of Giloy in Pancreatitis?
As Giloy is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic by action. In chronic pancreatitis Giloy reduces the inflammation and abdominal pain also reduces the Ama formation as it is Amapachaka (Detoxifier). The herb reduces the toxins and clears the oiliness and bad smell in the stools.
How is Giloy useful in Diabetes?
Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent due to which it is effective in diabetes. It lower down the levels of blood sugar and lipids. Giloy is a good remedy to boost immunity. It has antioxidants which fight damaging free radicals. Diabetic patients are vulnerable to immunological deficiency. The immunomodulator action of Giloy is beneficial as it controls glycaemia in the body.
How is Giloy useful in Cancer?
Giloy motivates the production of stem cells and increase in total white blood cells and bone-marrow cells. The herb also improves the antibody-producing cells and phagocytic activities.
How is Giloy useful in ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura)?
Giloy has the property of increasing and boosting the immunity.
What are the Uses of Giloy?
- Given in fevers, particularly the chronic fever.
- Giloy decoction with ghee on empty stomach helps to manage all types of skin diseases.
- Use of Giloy increases the time of ejaculation.
- It is given to lactating mothers to increase of milk.
- It is used as rejuvenator.
- Helpful and effective in gastro-intestinal disorders like dyspepsia, acid dyspepsia, gastritis, etc.
- Useful in hepatitis, splenomegaly and in the last stage of syphilis.
- The alcoholic people should take Giloy as it helps to encourage the liver tissues and safeguards the liver, kidney and heart.
- Helps to enhance the grasping power as well as memory.
- Giloy encourages the immunity and increases the antibody-producing cells and circulating antibody throughout the body.
- Giloy is very effectively for blood purifies, skin related problems and fever.
- It is the best rasayana to enhance immune system.
- The plant is beneficial in liver conditions such as jaundice, sepsis, and diabetes etc.
- It acts as an aphrodisiac.
- Tinospora capsules are useful for constipation. Take one capsule one time each day.
Indications of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)
- Hyperacidity
- Febrifuge
- Gout
- Cancer
- Depression
- Fever
- Urinary disorders
- Dyspepsia
- Liver
- Skin diseases
- Syphilis
- Rheumatism
- Constipation
- Tuberculosis
- Leprosy
- Jaundice
- Immune diseases
Parts used
Whole plant
- Powder – 3 to 6 gm
- Capsule – One capsule twice daily with plain water.
Powder, Capsule