A pure Ayurvedic product formed with resin extract of Guggul (Commiphora mukul) & Triphala (Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) & Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). These tablets are used from ancient time for various diseases as it balances vata, pitta & kapha doshas in body.

Triphala Guggul Uses and Benefits

  1. Maintains overall metabolism
  2. Anti-Aging
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels and improves heart health
  4. Heals anal fissure, anal fistula and pile mass
  5. Relieves renal stone pain
  6. Excellent blood cleanser and helps in acne as well ( works like natural anti-biotic)
  7. Helps in detoxification of body
  8. Treats chronic & acute constipation

Ingredients of Triphala Guggul

The Triphala Guggul is an ancient Ayurvedic formulation that has been used for detoxification of the body and improving metabolic functions. This formula is a combination of “Triphala” and “Guggul”. The product comes with the best qualities of each. As it gives you the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of Triphala. That also ensures you to get the deep penetrating and cleansing actions of Guggul. Triphala Guggul is an ayurvedic herbal product in tablet shape, formed from the purest extracts taken from the Triphala and Guggul herb. The best quality herbs are taken for its production. These herbs are collected from the cleanest environments and grown in the best soil. The processing and packaging of the tablet is done using the best technology. There is minimal human intervention so as to ensure that the purest product reaches the consumers. The regular usage of Ayurvedic Triphala Guggul Tablets reduces the chances of metabolic disorders.

Each Tablet is 500 mg

Main Ingredients:-

S. No. Latin Name Common Name
1 Terminalia chebula Haritaki
2 Terminalia bellerica Bibhitaki
3 Emblica officinalis Amalaki
4 Commiphora mukul Shuddh Guggulu

Ref. Ayurvedic Text – Sharangdhar / Chapter of Fistula

The herbs are pure and natural. This product is formulated in the tablet form. It helps to reduce pain of renal stones. There is no side effect of the tablet.

What are the Benefits of Triphala Guggul?

The benefits of Triphala Guggul have been used and tested by physicians since the ancient times. Some of the benefits offered by Triphala Guggul tablets are:-

  1. Triphala Guggul formula is considered as best Ayurvedic formula for healthy digestion.
  2. A major cause of obesity and overweight is indigestion. As per studies it is effective in lowering cholesterol and reducing fat.
  3. The tablets combine the best effects of both Triphala and Guggul. This means that it has a dual action of aiding digestion and lowering body weight.
  4. Its anti-oxidant properties make it’s a wonderful herb for removing free radicals from the body.
  5. These tablets help in discharge of waste products from the body through urine and feces.
  6. Triphala acts wonderfully in case of stomach disorders.
  7. Excellent for anal fistula, anal fissure, piles & severe constipation.
  8. Piles can be cured permanently after use of Triphala Guggul.
  9. Triphala is considered as best anti-aging substance on earth. Amla berries, which are one of the three fruits, is the richest source of natural vitamin C.
  10. It cleanses colon in a natural way and has detoxification action on the colon.
  11. The herbs used in Triphala have laxative action on the stomach that cures the stomach ailments and disorders.
  12. Its laxative effect is due to natural ingredients and causes no side-effects on the body.
  13. One of the commonest stomach problem in the modern world is constipation. Triphala helps to regularize the normal peristaltic movements, thereby aiding in the digestive process.
  14. Triphala Guggul therefore prevents constipation related diseases in the body like piles, fissures and abscesses.
  15. Indirectly, it sets the digestive system straight thereby build up a good appetite.
  16. It has curative action on the stomach and thereby is helpful to reduce the load from the liver.
  17. Triphala Guggul helps to lose weight in a natural way.
  18. This tablet promotes HDL in the body and decreases the LDL levels.
  19. It lowers the triglyceride levels.
  20. Triphala Guggul relieves menstrual cramps & pain.
  21. This Guggul stimulates thyroid activity.
  22. It works to maintain the optimum cholesterol levels in the blood.

To buy Triphala Guggul, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/triphala-guggul

How to Use?

How can I use Triphala Guggul daily?

Triphala Guggul Ayurvedic tablets are an easily available, convenient to use veggie tablet formulation that should be consumed as a whole with water.

Adults can take a daily dosage of 2-4 tablets twice with plain water after meals.

For children one-two tablet per day is the recommended dose.

Triphala Guggul regular usage for long periods is considered safe. The tablets can be used as per choice and there are no withdrawal or habit forming symptoms seen.

How long would Triphala Guggul Tablets Take to Show Results?

Triphala Guggul is a complete pure form of the best high-quality herbal product. For the reason that it is a 100% pure ayurvedic formula without any adulteration, it starts its natural actions as soon as you start taking the tablets. The visible outer effects may take about 4-6 weeks to appear. Therefore, it is recommended that the user be patient to experience the wonderful effects of the remedy.
In certain cases the results may also be delayed depending upon the medical condition of the individual, such like his mental health, physical illnesses and also the metabolic condition of the body. There have been cases where individuals show results within a week’s time also.

The effects of herbal preparations are natural and everlasting in contrast to the immediate yet short- termed results given by the pharmaceutical drugs. These natural drugs work on the individual’s immunity thereby curing the individual as a whole. This may take a certain longer period of time but the effects are there to stay!!

So as to ensure best outcome, it is recommended to consume the product regularly as per the recommended dosage. Regular intake of Triphala Guggul is highly recommended for overall healthy body.

How long will a Single Bottle of Triphala Guggul Tablets Last?

A single bottle of Triphala Guggul contains 120 herbal natural tablets. This bottle should last anywhere from 15 to 30 days depending upon the dosage and frequency of consumption. For best results regular intake of the tablet is highly recommended.


  1. The herb Guggul is a frequently used herb in the herbal medicines. Its multiple benefits and health results have drawn attention of researchers throughout the world. Many scientist and students have taken up the study of this powerful herb.
  2. As per some prolong treatment with Guggul resulted in lowering levels of total cholesterol and serum triglycerides in the vast number of research cases. Guggul is also believed to increase the levels of HDL in the body that are good for healthy body.
  3. The sterones found in Guggul known as “guggulsterones” stimulate the thyroid and therefore in people who have a thyroid under activity these may be positive influence.
  4. Research shows that taking Guggul supplement for 12 weeks continuously, with the usual lifestyle followed helps to reduce cholesterol in patients who suffer from high cholesterol.
  5. Owing to its multiple health benefits Triphala has attracted attention of many scientists and researchers across the globe. Its ingredients the three herbs (Haritaki, Amalaki, and Bhibhitaki) are all under various researches and studies as of now.
  6. They are being studied for their laxative and antioxidant properties.
  7. Research has proved that these three herbs work better when combined and used rather than single alone. Studies have proved the benefits of Triphala in chronic constipation. It has cured age old constipation cases.