What is Uva Ursi?
Uva ursi (Latin name) is also called Bear berries, because Bears love eating this fruit. The berries are juicy, but are tasteless and unflavored. They are not used in creating remedies for various diseases. But this low growing evergreen herb, which has tiny, fluffy, leathery leaves, which are used to prepare lots of remedies in Ayurvedic world. It has many other names like hogberry, rockberry, kinnikinnik, manzanita and bearberry.
Extracts from the leaves have been used to make teas and many remedies, which help in healing many diseases, since centuries. This herb or plant is purging. It is used to heal urinary tract inflammations, cystitis and urethritis. Uva ursi is best anti-septic for urine canal related troubles and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines. The inflammation happening in the lower urinary tract are cured by its use. Uva ursi also has a slight diuretic activity and is used in healing allergic reactions, hyper sensitivity, arthritis, liver ailments, water retention and contact dermatitis.
In fact the most common use of Uva ursi is healing the urinary tract and bladder. The bacteria that keeps clinging to the bladder walls is killed with its use.
What are the Benefits of Uva Ursi?
- Vaginal infections, herpes and cold sores are treated with its ingredient called Allantoin.
- E. coli, hominis, Staphylococcus strains, Proteus vulgaris, Candida albicans and Mycoplasma homins infections are healed with Uva ursi.
- Back pain sprains are treated with Uva ursi.
- It is used as an astringent to heal cuts and wounds on your skin.
- It promotes the urine to flow easily, it also helps in water retention and reduces bloating, so also plays a vital role in losing the weight.
- Uva ursi brings relief from diarrhea.
- It enhances the muscles to relax and makes the inflamed and irritated tissues strong.
What are the Uses of Uva Ursi?
Kidney Troubles
From the last decade the kidney problems have reached epidemic levels. The need for a strong kidney cleaner has become a necessity these days. Food, which is becoming more adulterated, that we eat and drink is responsible for this catastrophe. Consumption of alcoholic content beverages is increasing. All these factors damage the kidney’s health. The good news is Uva ursi grows all-round the globe. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a pain, can get serious if you ignore them. People who have a high level of uric acids in their bodies can reap in the benefits of this miraculous shrub. It maintains the uric acid levels properly and saves your body from creating kidney stones. Just by any tonic in any form that contains the share of Uva ursi and keep the kidney stones at bay. Get a medicine for erasing this infection, like one from the Planet Ayurveda. They have many medicines containing Uva ursi. Consult their doctor at www.planetayurveda.com. He/she can guide you more properly.
Eliminates Arthritis Symptoms
Uva ursi is quite rich in having omega and calcium contents. It will bring relief to your paining joints. It not only kills the pain, but makes your joints stronger. If you are regular in consuming Uva ursi than don’t worry about the pain returning to your joints and enjoy the life in a healthier way. Get an Ayurvedic remedy, as it is trusted by millions since ages.
Skin Conditioner
If you are living in a cold country or in North India, when the winter sets in, you find your skin becoming dry. Don’t panic, Uva ursi can keep your skin moisturized if you consume it regularly. Local creams are also available, which erase the dryness from your skin, but why spend so much money on them, which carry harmful chemicals, when nature has bestowed a natural way to keep your skin supple.
Used as a Hair Tonic
In to-day’s world many reasons are present to deteriorate your hair’s health like pollution, dust, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet plans and tension, which is the major cause in today’s hectic world. Losing hair dilutes the self-confidence and esteem. You can lessen your hair fall by having a tonic that has Uva ursi as an ingredient. It strengthens the hair roots making them grow strong hair. The hair follicles absorb its nutrients and get stronger. Its nutrients also contain anti-oxidants, which help in eradicating the free radicals, which are responsible for making your hair gray before you grow old. Just get a concoction of Uva ursi, the graying of hair will be halted.
Melasma and Ochronosis Cure
If you are suffering from melasma or ochronosis, Uva ursi will help in driving away the dark spots from your skin. Ochronosis is a disease that forms bluish black patches on your skin. It will certainly find a way to make them vanish but you have to be regular in having Uva ursi. Mostly melasma occurs to females who are pregnant. It should not be taken during pregnancy, but can be taken after their delivery. It will make their skin more radiant than the original.
More Health Benefits of Uva Ursi
- It Works in relaxing the muscles.
- Combats with E. coli infection.
- Removes excessive fluids from the body
- It is a treatment for diarrhea.
It is available in many forms powder, crushed leaves, tea, capsule or tablets. Beware while having the dose of Uva ursi. It should not be fed to the pregnant or nursing ladies, small kids, don’t take it for a prolong periods, even people with severe liver damage or kidney infected people should also avoid it. Just be a little alert while having it and you can prevent the above mentioned health hazards.
If you need a tonic from our Ayurvedic pharmacy you just need to visit our web site, www.planetayurveda.com. We are just a click away. We offer many medicines that contains Uva ursi in them. It will be better if you consult our highly qualified doctor and have a discussion with him/her. Narrate the problem in detail and he/she can advise you in a better way. Then enjoy the life in a healthier and confident way.