Vasa mean ‘perfume’ and are a common evergreen perennial shrub. Vasa an evergreen shrub is found all over the plains of India and in Himalaya mostly lower parts. Its leaves are very simple and mostly opposite. Flowers are of white color and it flowering time at the month of March. It is a powerful bronchodilator and also use in respiratory conditions with high kapha and pitta.
Botanical Description
Botanical Name: Adhatoda vasica Nees.
Family: Acanthaceae (Vasa Kula)
Hindi Name: Bansa, Adusa, Adosa, Arusha, Rus
English Name: Malabar Nut
Vasa, Vasaka, Vasika – Vasayati Acchadayati – the herb which is thick and spreads its branches which create shade area
Simhi, Simhasya – flower shape is resemble from mouth of lion
Vajidanta – white flower look like teeth of horse
Vrisha, Vrusha – Varshati Madhu – flowers attract bees
Atarusha, Atarooshaka
Bhishagatma – mother medicine
Classical Categorization
Charaka : Tikta Skandha – Bitter tasting group of herbs
Vagbhata : Durvadi Gana
Chemical Constituents
3- Sophoroside, Carotene, Vasicinol, Adhavasinone, Anisotine, Vasicolone, Vasicine (peganine), Vasicinine, Vaicinolone Vasakin, Vasicinol 1= q- Hydroxyvasicinine, Vasicinone, B- Sitosterol, Kaempferol, Vit – C, vasicol Luteolin, Tritriacontane, Adhatodic acid, Adhatodine, Vasicolinone etc.
Parts Used
Root, Leaf, Whole plant and Flower.
10-20 ML – Leaf Juice ; 40-80 ml- Root decoction; 10-20 ml- flower juice.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (astringent), Tikta (bitter),
- Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dryness), Laghu (light),
- Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
- Veerya – Sheeta – cold potency
Karma- Balances Kapha and Pitta
Therapeutic Uses
The flower
- It balances the Kapha and Pitta in body.
- It is bitter, coolant and pungent.
- Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections,
- Kasa – useful in cold and cough.
- It give relieve from burning sensation in urination.
The whole plant
- Asrajit – useful in bleeding disorders, remove toxins from blood.
- Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections.
- Kasa – useful in cough and cold.
- Chardi – useful in vomiting.
- Kushta -useful in skin disorders.
- Jwara – useful in fever.
- Trut, Trushna – useful in excessive thirst.
- Hrudya – acts as cardiac tonic.
- Svarya – good for throat.
- Shwasahara – useful in asthma, chronic bronchitits.
- Mehahara – Useful in urinary tract disorders, diabetes.
- Aruchi – useful in anorexia.
- Raktapitta – useful in bleeding disorders.
- Kaamala – useful in jaundice and liver disorders.
- Vasa leaf juice is useful vomiting and digestive disorder.
- Vasa leaf juice is useful lungs related disease especially acute bronchitis.
- Vasa leaf are seem to be very beneficial for the malaria disease as it helps in slow down the fever during malaria.
- Vasa leaves are used in arthritis and other types of inflammation.
- Various types of the skin diseases is being cured by the vasa herb.
- It have been recommended for local application.
- It is very useful in burning sensation in hands and feet during tuberculosis.
- It is one of the content of formulation any medicine which mentioned for piles.
- It help in vomiting sensation.
- Skin diseases and urinary tract infections are relieved by vasa.
- It helps in relieving cold and cough.
- It is useful in maintaining balance of pitta and kapha in the body.
- It improves voice quality of child.
- It also help to increase the contractile ability of the heart.
- It also help in lowering blood pressure.
- Antimicrobial activity against pathogens.
- Anti-ulcer activity.
- Hepato-protective activity.
- Anti-oxidant and anti-microbial activity.
Side Effects
- People with diabetes should use this medicine with care as it helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
- It is safe to use in children above 1 year of age.
- It should be avoided in pregnancy.
- It should not used in lactation period with proper care.
To buy Vasaka Powder, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/vasaka-capsules
Planet Ayurveda Products Containing Adhatoda Vasica
Vasaka Capsules
Planet Ayurveda is respectable company that manufactures 100% natural, pure and vegetarian ayurvedic products. We at Planet Ayurveda strive to provide our patients with best quality herbs and their formulations so as to be able to serve our patients with the best of our treatments under the guidance of our expert doctor’steam. The herbal product provided by Planet Ayurveda is seem to very beneficial for various disease such as liver disease, skin related disease, genital disease etc.
Vasaka capsules provided by Planet Ayurveda are just amazing to deal with all types of allergies mainly respiratory problems. These capsules are packed with standardized extracts of best quality herb – VASA. Regular use is highly recommended for better results!
Dose of Vasaka Capsules
1 to 2 capsule twice daily after meal.